My Super Estate

1298 The Necessary Requirements for Planting Soul Grass

Chapter 1232 Necessary Requirements for Planting Soul Grass

"Planting psychic grass must have a corresponding decision.

I believe that if you look for it, you will probably find it. Since this mysterious power has opened up such a secret realm, obviously, his request is to let us plant mind grass."

Being stared at by everyone, even though Wang Yang's gallbladder has always been very big, but at this time, it is also a bit hairy.

All the people present were all great supernatural powers, and they were also the third supernatural power supernatural powers. Among them, they were not geniuses among geniuses.

For example, the Bodhisattva Dragon, King Shura, the three-eyed god, and the tauren.

"Yes, hurry up, there will be clues!!"

Wang Yang also feels undocumented. Since it is a test, why haven't he taken out all the cultivation methods?

Well, Wang Yang doesn't want to be in his early days.

Rumors are rumours after all, you can plant all kinds of congenital god fruit, but the soul grass, but can not be too presumptuous.

In fact, this magic medicine is really too evil.

I would like to ask, how many invincible existences exist between heaven and earth, just because the mind will not be able to break through, and it will be stuck. Once, I reveal the news that I can plant mind grass, then how many people will jump out?

"If there is really a grassroots cultivation method here, maybe this is also an opportunity."

It's not that Wang Yang was too careful.

In fact, the soul grass is too evil.

The ten-year-old mind grass is useful for all great supernaturalists before the sixth step. The difference is only the number.

The centuries-old soul grass is useful for a character of the king level.

According to rumors, there was a creator who was difficult to break through, and seeing that Shou Yuan was near, and finally, a singular encounter, a thousand-year-old soul grass, a breakthrough in one fell swoop, breaking the ground into a sanctity, and the heavens were shaking.

So, what about Wannian Mind Grass?

Okay, bolder, 100,000 years of mind grass?


Wang Yang took a deep breath in his heart and quickly stopped his thoughts.

This idea is really terrible.

"Look, is there any problem with this stone tablet?"

Realizing that he had encountered big problems, Wang Yang had to do his best.

Other innate magic medicines may be fascinating, but they will never cause the heavens to be crazy.

Even if you are crazy, there is always a solution. However, the whole world is crazy, then it means that you have been abandoned by the world.

Public opinion is God's will.

There is a saying in ancient times.

"what did you say?"

Everyone is looking for it. Even, the whole place has basically been turned over.

However, it is still harvested.

At this time, Wang Yang's visit reminded us that everyone was shocked.

"Boy, what do you mean?"


Wang Yang chuckled and said: "You think that a test dedicated to erecting a stone tablet will only tell us a little information,

Or, do you think that the person who arranged such a big situation and specially attracted everyone to come together and arranged such a big situation would only tease us?"

Everyone, no one is a fool. Wang Yang awakened with such a reminder.

Otherwise, the power and purpose behind it must be to hope to wait for others to plant the soul grass.

As for why the mind grass is planted, no one knows why.

However, there is definitely nothing wrong with planting mind grass.

So, the law of planting mind grass must be owned.

Even, many people, looking at Wang Yang's gaze, have changed somewhat.

"This kid has won the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang. I heard that being able to plant a kind of inborn magic fruit tree can make the magic energy between heaven and earth disappear.

I haven't even heard of any means.

Could it be that the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang is the same?Only by studying the elixir between heaven and earth very deeply, can we successfully plant so many elixir?"

For a time, many people's eyes gradually turned away from Wang Yang.

The rules of this world have determined all this.

The inheritance above the Grand Master, the world does not show up, everything depends on itself.

The result of this is that before the Grand Master, the stronger the martial arts practiced, the more powerful the natural strength.

A strong teacher inheritance determines the level of strength.

However, after the Grand Master, there is no inheritance between heaven and earth at all, no law will show up, and all the future will have to rely on their own skills. Naturally, at this time, many people suddenly broke out. The reputation is not obvious, it is possible that in a short period of time, the rocket generally improves. Finally, the cultivation is like water, and the strength soars quickly. In a short period of time, it has become a strong player in the sky.

Especially those with great magical powers, as long as they meet four conditions: cultivation, magical power, will, physical combat.

In the eyes of martial arts people, the so-called realm represents Shou Yuan.

Even if Ziyang Emperor used to be the No. 1 on the gods list, Wang Yang won the inheritance, but no one ever jumped out.

However, if Wang Yang has the ability to grow spiritual grass, and it is still a unique kind of skill, then the problem is overwhelming.

"Hey, these guys finally turned their attention away from me."

Feeling many eyes away, Wang Yang's mouth slightly provoked.

"Hurry up, what is the mystery of this stele?"

"You said, will this stone monument need to be refined, or it needs blood or something?"

Heard everyone, no one sees anything.

No one is a fool, and in the face of things, everyone will have their own ideas.

Who is behind the scenes?

Obviously, he can directly tell the people the law and order, but why did he try to make it mysterious?

Among them, is there a conspiracy?

Could it be that someone is counting on his own?

"You said, if we get the decision, can we really plant mind grass?"

Finally, someone couldn't help but temptation and spoke.

Is it really possible to plant mind grass?

This is a real problem.

If there is no mind grass, many gods and demons, it is simply impossible to make a breakthrough.

Cultivation as a breakthrough in the realm not only represents an increase in strength, but also represents an increase in Shouyuan.

Faced with such a problem, no one spoke.

This is a real issue, and it is also the issue that everyone is most concerned about.

Wang Yang smiled slightly and said, "The people behind the scenes, with so many means, will not have no purpose.

The most important thing is, if we do not follow the requirements, can we still go back?"

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked.

This is a realm of demon chaos. Even if it is a sage, it is not easy to enter and want to leave.

With that said, Wang Yang had dripped a drop of blood into the stone tablet.

Sure enough, among the steles, a very mysterious light burst out.

Wang Yang stepped back quickly, the light dispersed, and above the stele, there was already a mysterious rule, manifesting it.

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