My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1299

Chapter 1233 Conditions of Ten Thousand Demons

"Heavens and Devils?"

Among the steles, the first is such a formation.

It is just such a formation.

"What do you mean?"

Some people are puzzled.

-"Boy, plant together, you have the right to speak, now, you tell us, what does this formation mean?"

King Shura turned his head and looked at Wang Yang, and suddenly said so.

Wang Yang looked at the corner of his mouth and glanced contemptuously, saying, "What do you mean, do you think I need to explain to you?

Here is the test, perhaps, the biggest secret of planting mind grass.

Do you think, why should I tell you?"


It is said that King Shura was originally an ugly face, completely twisted.

"Why, do you want to bully?"

Wang Yang sneered and said, "I don't look down on you. Do you dare to take action in this place?"

"Amitabha! King Shura, you need to be calm. In this place, it's not your place."

The so-called god-like teammate, Dragon Bodhisattva, has clearly realized its essence.

"Human, you say, what do you need?"

King Shura was so angry that he suppressed his anger in his face, so the three eyes of the earth, cold and cold, came up and looked at Wang Yang, saying so.

"What do you think I need?"

What conditions are required?

This is a good question.

As for the improvement of cultivation, as long as there are a large number of spiritual crystals of faith, there will be no major problems in its essence.

However, for great supernaturalists, cultivation is only one aspect.

Physical combat, spiritual will, and supernatural powers are all indispensable.

Coupled with strong cultivation, it is the foundation of a great supernaturalist.

"I have a supernatural power that refines the flesh and the body.

As long as you use all your strength, you can help me refine the flesh. How about, my flesh warfare is very close to the limit of the third step.

How about you guys helping me break through this boundary?"

Wang Yang smiled coldly and said.

It is said that all people's faces changed.

Looking at Wang Yang's eyes, he was extremely distraught.

There is even such a magical power, with the help of the power of others, to temper his own physical body.

So, isn't it getting stronger?

Most importantly, what did he just say?

Go all out to help him refine his physical body?

Is it right? This sentence can be understood in this way. Even if we try our best, it will only help him to refine his body?

For a time, everyone looked at Wang Yang, and his eyes were uncertain.

Everyone's state is different, some are the supreme king, and some are the supreme demon, but everyone is a great supernatural power, and, still, the third supernatural power.

Such strength can also exist sideways in the world of heaven.

What do you mean, even if we do our best, we will not only hurt you, but also help you refine your physical body?

"Hey, the test here is to plant soul grass.

At that time, I can take advantage of this opportunity to get the soul grass, perhaps, it can make my soul will break through.

If, at that time, this group of guys suddenly shot, it is not beautiful. In that case, it is not as good as it is. It grabs people first, reveals some of my cards and shocks them."

Appropriate exposure can also serve as a deterrent.

Great supernaturalists are great supernatural powers, who have great demands on the soul grass, so many people, if, can he win first, maybe, then, it will be more convenient.

"Huh, is this the case? Try it, I don't know."

King Shura was the most decisive. Since Wang Yang had already expressed his position and even demanded that he do his best, then he couldn’t be the god!!


With three heads and six arms, King Shura held a six-handle short axe and a six-handle axe. Under the power of King Shura, like a six-wheel windmill, he shot towards Wang Yang.

Bang Bang Bang...

Even the vast majority of people haven't had time to regain their spirits. The huge axe has already been split on Wang Yang.

However, Wang Yang has been covered by a big bell.

Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang...

The continuous bells sounded, turned into a terrible shock wave, and attacked towards Wang Yang.

Ordinary people, shocked by such shock waves, will die, but for Wang Yang, this is his favorite.

"Haha, thanks a lot..."

In the laughter of Wang Yang, he guided with strong spiritual power to turn this shock wave into a forward.

Strike towards the weak points in your body with all your strength.

This is also the unique feature of this method of refining. Although it is overbearing, it can be regulated, and even, the limit beyond its own limit can even be directly guided and resolved.

It can be said that as long as one's own background is strong enough, it can be improved indefinitely, as long as this vibration is strong enough.

Okay, off topic.

King Shura went all out, and as a result, Wang Yang stood there with nothing.

No, it should not be said that there is nothing at all.

With a big bell, Wang Yang was subjected to shock waves once and again, and the real elements in Wang Yang's body were quickly consumed and transformed into a mysterious pattern quickly integrated into the flesh, and a little bit to enhance his own physical warfare .

Even, in the end, Wang Yang's body actually burned with blazing belief in the fire of God.

It turned out that Wang Yang directly grasped the spiritual crystal of faith, visualizing a round of purple sun, and quickly running the magical power of Ziyang.

"This, flesh, is rapidly ascending!!!"

All of them were well-informed, and their strength was extremely strong, and their eyesight was naturally very strong.

Wang Yang felt that his body was slowly ascending.However, in the eyes of outsiders, this speed can already be a plane.

"Three eyes, what do you think?"

"His words are not false.

His magical power can indeed greatly improve the physical combat."

The eyes of the three eyes are full of shock.

It is really terrible, and the physical combat body can be improved so quickly, it is really incredible.

"Why don't you attack?"

Withdrawing the Admiralty and feeling a little improvement in the flesh, Wang Yang felt quite sorry.


King Shura snorted coldly, his face not very good.

Wang Yang chuckled and said, "Okay, my request is that if you want to know, you must go all out."

It now appears that you are not fully committed."

"Speak, what are your conditions?"

Looking at Wang Yang, King Shura took a deep breath and said so.

Can't really break the defense, can't easily shoot.

This is a consensus.

Wang Yang chuckled in his heart: This time, it really succeeded.

"Of course I need resources.

As you know, I am a good luck, which means that I lack all kinds of resources."

"You guys are doing it. If there is anything good, let's watch it!"

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