My Super Estate

Chapter 1300 Cultivation Formation

Chapter 1234 Training Practice

Wang Yang's plan was very successful.

The people present are all great supernaturalists. Basically, they have already stepped onto the stage of the world of heaven, and everyone is eager to go further.

Going a step further, it represents fame, status, and power, as well as strength and longevity.

Mind grass is a passport to go further.

"I need the sun spar, or the sun is really gold.

If you have the sun god crystal, then of course it is the most important."

Chaos Shenhuo, transformed into a seed, is important to germinate in the true fire of the sun.

The cultivation of the true fire of the sun cannot be delayed, otherwise, once the income is not enough, it is very likely that the true fire of the sun will be extinguished directly, or it will collapse completely.

The true fire of the sun is the mortal fire, representing all foundations.

Once the real fire goes out, for Wang Yang, it is an absolute disaster.


Wang Yang's request is too great.

Even if everyone has a strong background, I heard Wang Yang's request one by one, all of them were afraid.

"How many sun spars do you want?"

In contrast, the level of the sun spar is too much. If it can, it is naturally exchanged with the sun spar, which is the most appropriate.

"What if we don't have these gods?

Is it possible to use other conditions?"

The big guy cares about value, and the tadpoles pay attention to whether there is.

Look at the demon in front of you.

This is also a demon god, that is, the existence of a broken path, in the world of the heavens, truly standing at the pinnacle of existence.

However, the realm represents Shou Yuan and the level of life, but it definitely does not represent absolute strength.

Therefore, this Dao Demon is only the third step's supernatural power.

Even, he must obey the supreme king, King Shura.

There are so many of them.

Even, in the field, in addition to the Dragon Bodhisattva, King Shura, there are three eyes of the generals, plus a Niu Batian.

Everything else is a demon.

They have already proved it, even broken it, and the level of life has reached the limit.

Limit means that there is no escape route, it means that there is no possibility to enter again.

The Thunder Realm, Chuang Tian Men, and Zhan Tian Jiang are their only longevity.


Generally speaking, the sun spar is one thousand spiritual crystals.

The true fire of the sun is a crystal of one hundred thousand beliefs.

If you don't have the true fire of the sun, a thousand sun spars is also possible.

If you don’t even have a sun spar, then one million believe in spiritual crystals are also possible."

One million beliefs and spiritual crystals are also very useful for Wang Yang.

It can be said that a million spiritual spirit crystals, even if they are kings, are a huge asset.

Even, even the creator, it is easy and difficult to give up.

The stone tablet is here, all the conditions have been revealed, just because you are waiting for others, the information is not equal, even if you have to pay such a huge price, no one will be reconciled.


On the scene, let alone, there were also a hundred people.

If it is an individual unit, then such a huge amount of wealth, everyone will be crazy.

After hearing that, looking at Wang Yang's eyes, everyone is different.

"Huh, could it be that you all are geniuses?

All of them have such a talent for planting?"

After hearing that, everyone stayed.

Yeah, personal talent is different.

Some people are good at planting, some people are good at refining, and some people are good at refining alchemy.

"Okay, this is a thousand sun spars."

The Dragon Bodhisattva is the most direct. He set an example on the spot. First, he took out a thousand sun spar.

"Amitabha, how do you choose, you are the master."

Wen Yan, many bald heads, one by one, all thought deeply.

Do you have such a talent?

One after another, someone came to pay the fee.

These gods and spirits, of course, cannot have such a large sum, even if they are very large.

However, when they make a commitment to plant successfully, they can share the soul grass, everything is simple.

In this way, only the Buddhist temple, a thousand solar crystals, and five million spiritual crystals of faith, this is the way to Wang Yang.

This is a huge sum of money. It was placed before. Someone has already shot Wang Yang's strength.

But now, all people are blind, and everyone has become a saint.

"Hey, the previous decision was right.

These guys wouldn't be so honest unless they showed some skill.

Obediently, this kind of wealth is delivered to me."

With the Buddha's example, the three eyes will direct a real sun fire.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!!!"

Wang Yang's mouth smiled and crooked.

A sun is really hot.

If this is refined, but it is too much help for myself.


Looking at Wang Yang's face, some people scolded secretly.

Well, insults go back to insults, Jin Xuan Jianshen still comes forward.

Regardless of success or failure, this is a way of knowing, perhaps, you can find such a disciple, and then, when you hope for further, but there is much more.

"Oh, Jin Xuan Jianshen, you are too polite, it's really polite."

This is what was said in the mouth, but Wang Yang's hands and feet were very quick, and he directly took away the sun.

Yes, Jin Xuan Sword God, there will be such a real sun fire on his body.


Looking at the cheap face in front of him, Jin Xuan Jian Shen wanted to punch him in the face.


"Okay, now, all these babies have been given to you, now you can say it!!"

The devil is in great array.

What use is this formation?

This is something that everyone must understand.

"This is a formation."

Wang Yang said seriously.


Everyone had blue muscles on their foreheads.

"Hurry up, we are not blind."

"Heavens are in great array.

Don’t you find that through such an array, we can artificially create a large number of demons?"

The heavens and the demons are in great array, and the man-made demons?

Just one sentence, everyone, all shocked.

Is it that simple?

Even if it is a bodhisattva, the descending dragon has an impulse to regret at this time.

Such a simple truth, why don't you know?

Mind grass is also the heart demon grass.

Naturally, the heart-warming demon feeds.

In this way, such things, even those of you and others do not even know, but also give your own baby, this speed to others?

Many paying users, one by one, are all bad. Looking at Wang Yang, his eyes are very unfriendly.

Of course, those who do not pay are also confused.

Because, no matter what they think, they don’t know, this scene is the rule.

Regardless of these guys, Wang Yang has learned the formation.

The formation method is also a kind of supernatural power. It is very good. It is very difficult to understand.

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