My Super Estate

Chapter 1344

Chapter 1258 turns out to be like this

Sitting on the stone mansion, Wang Yang clearly felt that from the stone seat, suddenly, there was a force.

This is a clear stream.

This clear stream, without any turning point, ignoring all obstacles, rushed to the brain and quickly integrated into the brain.

Suddenly, before, there was still a mess of formations, as if there was a pattern.

"It turns out so!!"

On the third go to the altar, there are also tens of thousands of mysterious runes, which contains the mysteries of the third layer of the ten thousand demon array, as long as the cultivation is successful, then it means that you have the third step of peerlessness Supernatural power.

But, before, countless people have tried it, and there has always been no way.

It seems that the secrets of all these are originally here.

"Within heaven and earth, the grand master's heritage is not obvious.

Even if there is peerless power, if you want to pass down your peerless supernatural powers, it is difficult.

Now it seems that the peerless power behind the Ten Thousand Demon Array, he also encountered this problem!!"

Wang Yang has a say in peerless supernatural powers. After all, he has the peerless supernatural powers-dragon claw hands.

Peerless magical power is also divided into layers.

However, great supernatural powers of the same level, peerless supernatural powers, absolutely crush everything.

In addition, peerless magical powers, as long as certain conditions are met, only a preliminary step into martial arts can also be successfully practiced.

This is where the absolute supernatural powers turn against the sky. Similarly, it is also highly sought after by everyone.

There is no threshold, as long as there are special resources, your first step supernatural powers can also be cultivated into a peerless supernatural power that only the emperor can have. Just ask, who doesn't like such a supernatural power?

It has always been thought that Wang Yang thought that the magical power behind the heavens and demons, and the earth-shattering power behind it, can change the phenomenon that the magical power of the peerless is difficult to popularize. Now, it seems that all of this has not violated this law.

"Skynet is restored, sparse but not leaking."

Wang Yang once again felt that the greatness of heaven and earth, the so-called anti-sky?Why not Suncheon?

On the ring, the battle continues, however, there are still only two people on the stone seat.

Black Demon God, sitting on the stone seat, even if Wang Yang successfully stepped on the second stone seat, he didn't open his eyes.

It was not until Wang Yang sat on the stone seat that he understood.

It turned out that all of these reasons are here.

With the help of the power, Wang Yang's formations operate rapidly according to certain rules.

The true elements in Wang Yang's body are quickly consumed.

It was only at this moment that Wang Yang was surprised to find that it turned out that to cultivate this peerless supernatural power, the Devil Ten Thousand Array, not only required an understanding of the formation method, but also required the support of extremely huge energy.

The formation is still 30,000 formations, but when it starts to operate according to certain rules, the entire formation begins to absorb energy very quickly.

If the energy cannot be supported, perhaps the formation of the formation means it is over.

"Just, in this case, what about the fourth floor?"

Wang Yangxiang came to one of the most critical issues. Here, only the third floor of the altar is in good condition. It needs such a huge amount of energy to support it. So, when he successfully enters the fourth floor of the altar?

What should I do then?

Because, he has already felt that even if he has a second elemental spirit, the true element is twice that of others. At this time, he has already felt that he is struggling.

Here is only the third floor, so how terrible is the fourth floor of the altar?

Regardless of whether Wang Yang is willing or not, since practicing this great magical power, Wang Yang clearly feels that many things are beyond his control.

For example, to enter this magic mirror heaven domain is to save the Peng Demon King, and even, to save him, he did not hesitate to enter the terrible heaven demons chaotic domain.

In the end, in order to escape, he was forced to enter a magical mountain, and finally, he entered a place where it is very likely to be a inheritance of a peerless power.

Here, it's a real big murder.

In this world, although it didn’t take long to enter the world of martial arts, Wang Yang knew that there is no free lunch in the world, and there will be no pies in the sky, and eating is also a trap.

In this world, there is no inheritance above the Grand Master.

Peerless power, such a huge effort, and such a terrible rear hand, will inevitably have a picture.

That is to say, since entering this place, basically, it has already entered into a calculation of peerless power.

"I don't know, what is this altar, the fourth floor?"

According to the current trend, only the third floor has already stumped a large piece, tens of thousands of people, and died ninety-nine percent. In the end, only two people successfully met the conditions of the third floor altar.

In other words, tens of thousands of people, at present, are only two qualified.

Two in tens of thousands is simply terror.

"Hope, take care of Dragon Bodhisattva!"

At this time, Wang Yang can only pray in his heart.

Finally, a month passed.

Within a month, the outside world has already caused a huge wave.

"Have you heard? In the world of the heavens, there are already peerless supernatural powers, and hundreds of thousands of supernatural powers have poured into it."

This is the most prominent title on the Skynet Forum.

Under it, it attracted the vast majority of eyes.

"What? Peerless magical power?"

Is it really peerless?"

At this time, great magicians, one step at a time, the will of the mind, physical combat, magical means, and mana cultivation, the four elements are indispensable.

Instead, it is the realm, which only determines the level of life and the length of Shou Yuan.

Of course, if we say that peerless supernatural powers have caused an exclamation, then the last news is really crazy.

"In the legend, this peerless supernatural power is a magical array of heavens and demons. It is a supernatural power of formation. In the legend, it can plant mind grass."

It's hard to believe that behind this, what kind of big hand is there, and it's so magical, even the true look of the peerless magical power is already known.

Plant mind grass.

Only this one has already caused a wolf.

Absolutely great magical power, you can plant mind grass.

There are four main elements for the promotion of great magic power: physical combat, magical means, spiritual will, and cultivation for mana.

There is only one inheritance, and there are two major elements that are directly resolved.

I would like to ask, who can't be crazy in these heavenly worlds?

However, at this time, Wang Yang was dumbfounded.

He could hardly believe that this so-called fourth floor turned out to be the case.

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