My Super Estate

Question 1345

Chapter 1259 Choice

On the third-tier altar, Wang Yang successfully cultivated into the third-tier array magic power with the help of the power on the stone pedestal.

One month later, the Black Demon Sword God has successfully cultivated.

With a flash of light, Wang Yang disappeared from the stone base.

Opening his eyes again, Wang Yang entered the fourth floor altar.

There is not much difference between this third-level altar and that third-level altar.

But here, there are two doors.

Although the Black Demon God first entered the fourth altar first, he did not enter the two portals directly.

"Why don't you plan to leave?"

Two portals, one is the door of the test, after entering, it means to accept the test on the fourth floor altar.

However, on the fourth floor of the altar, there is also a portal. Above the portal, there are only two words-'return'.

This portal turned out to be a portal for people to return.

Facing Wang Yang's question, the Dark Demon God didn't answer, but stared closely at the two portals.

"The most difficult thing in life is choice.

One step to heaven, one step to hell, probably what this means.

In fact, choice is not that difficult."

Finally, the black magic sword god, who had no expression, turned around and looked at Wang Yang.

"How to choose?"

Obviously, although he is at the level of life, he is already the supreme demon of the Dao Realm. It can be said that his life has reached the limit that the world can withstand in the immortality.

Even, his strength is also the level of the great supernaturalist who has already reached the third step, and even, it is still the strongest and most powerful level in the existence of the third step.

However, in the face of this life problem, he also has no way.

"Actually, there are just a few options.

Benefits, what do you need to pay after failure?does it worth?

What do you gain after success?How much do I have to pay for this?

All in all, to sum up one sentence, is to be self-knowledge."

Wang Yang talked.


The black magic knife murmured to himself.

He did not refute Wang Yang's remarks.

Life problems, choices.

As long as you know, can you really solve it?

"Of course, I know.

For example, I entered this place completely accidentally.

Although the temptation of Peerless Great Wonder is very big, I also want it very much, but I know very well that everything is an accident, and I am fortunate and lost my life.

I entered this magic mirror heaven to save people, even if the peerless supernatural power is in front of me, I can't turn upside down. Saving people is always my main goal.

Now, with the opportunity to leave, I should stop hesitating and move forward."

With that said, Wang Yang didn't really look at the Black Demon Sword God more, and stepped into the return portal.


Such a chic??

The Black Demon God is actually stunned.

"Yes, I am lucky in life, I know.

Mine is a sword. My whole life is to be born for a sword, even if it is a supernatural power."

The black magic knife god, who had always been cold, smiled.

With a smile, it seemed that he had a more thorough view of the future. Although Xiu Wei did not break through, he saw his own way forward.

So he smiled happily.

A big step, directly entered the door to return.

That's it. Tens of thousands of great supernaturalists, for more than a month, only two of them entered the existence of the fourth-tier altar.

Entering the six households, Wang Yang was startled.

He accidentally discovered that here, actually, there is a token.

"What do you mean?"

The Dark Demon God walked in, and looked at the scene before him, which was also puzzled.

A corner of his mouth said, "If you ask me, I still want to ask you"

"Aren't you a good patient?"

Take a glance up and down at the Dark Demon God.

"I said, are you called the Dark Lord Sword God!

In the past, looking at it, you are as good as that, how come, but now it is so frustrating?"

The black magic knife god's face was black.

What makes me frustrated?

"You also said that I am just eloquent, then you still ask me, is this not forcing me?"

With that said, Wang Yang has come before the token.

After some careful examination.

This token, even after passing through the supernatural powers, merged into the void, and could not be removed at all.

"Could it be that this is still a mark?"

With that said, Wang Yang dripped a drop of blood directly onto the token.

Very magical, the token that has been integrated into the void actually absorbed its own blood.


Wang Yang was suddenly shocked and quickly backed away.

It turned out that after absorbing his own blood, the token suddenly burst into a very strong light.

All the lights gathered together, and finally, in front of the token, a figure appeared.

"You, who are you?"

Looking cautiously at the person in front of him, Wang Yang looked at it, but there was lightning in his heart.

"Don't worry, I am the ancestor of the demon."

"Father of the Devil?"

Wang Yang's eyes jumped.

His biggest enemy is the demons.The damn thing, even daring to start towards his parents, is simply a death torment.

Could it be that the suffering of the heart is related to the ancestor of the heart demon?

Or is this magical altar because of that damn heart demon?

"Who are the ancestors of the demons? Why have they never heard of them on rivers and lakes?"

Wang Yang thought of lightning in his heart, but he calmed down and showed a very ignorant look.

"Haha, who is the ancestor of the demon?

Tens of thousands of years ago, the ancestor was also the first person in the Gods List.

I didn't think that ten million years later, the ancestor's period, no one knew."

After hearing this, Wang Yang pouted for a while.

The first person in the Gods List?

That is really too much. I think that the Dragon God is the first person in the Fengshen List, and the Devil is now the first person in the Fengshen List. However, before the two of them, the first person in the Fengshen List is the emperor Ziyang.

This is still such a short period of time. God knows, after ten million years have passed, how many people are the first in the God List between heaven and earth.

What's more, it's ridiculous for you to say tens of thousands of years.

"God, ten million years ago, weren't you, have you lived for more than ten million years?"

Wang Yang sneered, if, you really lived so long, you are already immortal, still playing a ball in the world.

"Yes, this seat, has lived for thousands of years."

I don't know at all that I have already devalued a penny in Wang Yang's heart. This ancestor of the demon is still very proud.

"But, in the legend, the emperor, the strongest, will not exceed Shouyuan of 100,000 years?

Have you really lived for thousands of years?"

From ancient times to the present, there has never been an emperor who has lived for more than 100,000 years.

This guy turned out to be ten thousand years old.

I almost believed him.

As a result, it was a cow soaring to the sky.

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