My Super Estate

1461 God Blood Burns

Chapter 1375 The Burning of Divine Blood

Sure enough, as everyone guessed, Wang Yang's strength is extremely strong, but for Wang Yang, it is the most important to get the vitality supplement from the world and the difficulty is greatly increased.


The sound of an explosion exploded, and throughout the thunder sky, it was Wang Yang's voice.

However, although Wang Yang's voice is loud, there is no such kind of power to suppress everything, and he cannot suppress the Thunder Realm like the Tiger King.

But, for Wang Yang, all this is enough.

The general sound of this explosion is not to enhance strength, but to revitalize your slightly tired spirit.

For a long battle, the vitality is difficult to supplement. For Wang Yang, it is a great pressure.The extreme pressure put on the heart so that Wang Yang's spirit has always collapsed tightly. Over time, he will naturally be exhausted.

The blood in the body burned rapidly, and the golden fire burning in Wang Yang's body was extremely terrifying between such a thunder and sky.


Another explosion sound.

There is no power in the voice, but Wang Yang's fist has become more terrible.

With just one punch, the three young kings in front of him were directly beaten.

Before the Divine Blood was burned, Wang Yang could only explode a juvenile Heavenly King at most, but after burning the Divine Blood, it was only a punch that actually exploded three statues.

The difference between one and three statues is not only the quantity, but also a difference in quality.

Before burning the blood of the gods in the future, he punched a juvenile heavenly king with one punch. This is because his physical body was strong enough. When he punched three juvenile heavenly kings with one punch, he punched three juvenile heavenly kings with one punch.

One is fist to flesh, the other is beating from the air, the gap between the two is really too big.

For example, before, in the crowd, there was no place for any help at all. Whenever Wang Yang wanted to charge the young Heavenly King to explode, when the rhenium pattern was revealed, he would immediately be given by the Heavenly Sword Patriarch. Retreat.

However, this time, Wang Yang exploded the three young kings, and Tian Dao ancestors shot again to intercept. However, Wang Yang had more choices. Among the three, choosing one gave Wang Yang a great deal. opportunity.


Wang Yang laughed.

Although it is only charging the imprinted streaks of a young king, for a huge camp like the thirty-three young kings, it is only a small amount of money, but for Wang Yang, this is the best start.

"Come again!!"

Thirty-three young kings, although they were the same as the fourth step of the supernatural powers, they were intercepted by the Thunder Realm, but the gap between their strengths is still huge, even if Wang Yang is divided It is not clear, but he still remembers some famous people.

For example, Guiguzi of the Guigu royal family is an extremely terrifying figure. There are thousands of people around him at all times. No matter how Wang Yang shoots, at least five punches are necessary to beat his body.

Not only, even the ancestor of the Guigu royal family, Wang Yang is only five punches if he wants to beat his flesh.

For example, the wolf ancestor on the day of the Sirius family was very overbearing, and his shot was so fierce that even Wang Yang must avoid it in the face of his attack.

You should know that Wang Yang's golden bell practiced body, but there has been a breakthrough. Even so, it is still unbearable.

There is also the ancestor of the god of killing, which is really terrible, a sword is in hand, dare to kill anyone.

That's called a fierce.

However, in addition to these particularly powerful existences, the strength of other existences is much weaker. In the face of Wang Yang’s attack, there is no possibility of resistance at all, especially when Wang Yang burns the blood of the golden hook, it is a punch Three bursts.

Such a fierce front, but scared many people,

"How is it possible? How could he be so terrible?"

As a supernatural being, he was beaten with cold sweat all over his forehead, and it was all cold sweat that could not be wiped.

Even, the body is shaking with bow, completely scared.

"How to do?

With such strength, do we still have hope?"

Many great supernaturalists on the scene have been clearly divided into two camps. The two camps have a huge gap in numbers, but it is obvious that in terms of strength, the side with the smaller number of people has occupied the main force.

Elder Tian Dao San stared at his eyes and looked at the man who was in the middle of the thunder world, as if he had seen the former Emperor Ziyang.

That was the case for Emperor Ziyang of the past, no matter how powerful the enemies encountered in the heavens and the world, no matter how powerful the enemies encountered, they were suppressed by virtue of their powerful strength.

It seems that at this moment, even in the face of the thirty-three young kings, the man inside was not at all afraid, and the golden flame burning on his body seemed to be a god in the flame, bathing the flames and fighting in all directions.

The battle continued for a long time.

However, it is not just that the two sides of the battle are not impatient, even the onlookers are also gathering together, as if afraid of missing any wonderful details.

Finally, the battle came to an end. Wang Yang, after paying a huge price, finally successfully beheaded 28 young kings.

Finally, within the thunder world, there are only six figures left. Apart from Wang Yang himself, the other five are the ancestors of the ghost valley royal family, the ancient god known as Guiguzi. According to legend, his achievements are extremely high Big, once left many powerful inheritances.

The other four are Baiqi, the goddess of killing the gods.

Bai Qi, has a great reputation on the earth, and a pit killing 400,000 troops is to make a famous history.

However, this legend, for him, was only a trivial experience.

Killing one is a crime, killing ten thousand is a hero, and killing a million is a hero of the hero.

Obviously, this sentence is the most perfect interpretation of the ancestor.

Endless killing, did not let himself, but also created a killing clan.

"Kill kill!"

Fighting is always fierce.

Even Wang Yang, in such a battle, is fully devoted to it. In the end, the whole person, in the blood mark, walks out of a blood path.

At last.The whole Thunder Realm, all stopped.

Because, in the end, all the silhouettes, except Wang Yang, disappeared throughout the entire Thunderworld day.

It turned out that in the end, Wang Yang won the biggest victory and defeated 33 young kings.

"God, how is it possible?

How could it be so powerful?"

Under the silence, there was a world shock, and bursts of applause made all the supernatural powers blow up one by one.

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