My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1462

Chapter 376 Chapter of Dragon Fruit, Continue to Break Through

"He, did he succeed?"

Watching the thunder world slowly disperse, a crowd of onlookers were collectively distracted.

Thirty-three young kings, no one will doubt their strength.

However, such a strength would be beheaded by this seemingly ordinary young man.

Many geniuses from the royal family, in their lifetime, the greatest wish is to surpass the ancestors and create a higher glory, however, in fact, one million royal disciples, it is difficult to break the imprisonment of blood, difficult to be in the ancestors On the basis of blood, go brilliant again.

Otherwise, between heaven and earth, there are thousands of royal families. Their disciples, passing on from generation to generation, are generally snowballing. They are getting bigger and bigger. Any royal family and disciples that have developed for thousands of years are counted as one hundred million.

Such a huge population base, however, really surpasses the ancestors, it is rare to see one in 100 years.

In fact, if this is not the case, with the strength and throat of the royal family, it has already dominated the entire world of the heavens.However, in the world of the heavens, the royal family is still that royal family. Ten thousand royal families do not necessarily have a promotion to the Holy Land and the Kingdom of God.


Suddenly, a crowd of onlookers turned pale and took three steps back.

The strength of Elder Whitebeard, among the many visitors, is considered to be the most top-notch presence. Looking at Wang Yang vs. the ancestors of the royal family, it seems that the faith has been greatly impacted. Suddenly, I felt a glance like the eyes of the sky, imprinted in Inner world, bang...

It was originally that the faith had been greatly impacted, and the eyes suddenly printed, like Tianwei, made him calm and fluctuate violently.


A big mouthful of blood is directly spitting out.His face was pale, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Wang Yang's gaze, looking exactly at himself.

It turned out that it was just a glance that caused Elder Whitebeard to be hit hard.

"God, just a glance, so that Elder Whitebeard was hit hard by this?"

It's unbelievable. Is all this in front of you actually true?

"Elder, are you okay!"

Song Dao was almost not scared to death.

Before, he was still a peer of his own. Although he was extremely powerful, he also compared himself with him.

However, how long has it been since, and he who once fought with himself has only a glance, that is, he must be respected, and the white-bearded elder who must climb himself in the future will be hit by this?

"It's okay. Instead, I would like to thank him. Otherwise, my consequences will be extremely serious."


Song Dao almost didn't point at Elder Whitebeard's nose and scolded: "Fuck you, I think you are stupid!

People are beating on you and letting you vomit blood. Do you have to thank him?"

Okay, in the end it is the elders of the royal family, their elders, and also the object they need to climb in the future. Even if they are very surprised, if they are so big, Song Dao can’t say it, but his kind of vision , But all of this has been written on the face.

"Why do you think I'm confused?"

"Dare not!"

Okay, I don’t dare, but I didn’t say I didn’t want to.Elder Whitebeard is also an old river and lake, and he can still hear the subtleties between some languages.

"Haha, you know, the strength of the old man, and the three elders, who is strong and weak, has not fought, it is difficult to determine.

However, the three elders have really embarked on their own path based on the sky sword.

Although this path is still based on the sky knife, what will the future be like, no one knows, in the end, it has its own meaning.

However, the old man is different, all of the old man's strength comes from the blood of the ancestors.It can be said that the ancestors of the Heavenly Sword have already become the faith of the old man.

However, Cheng Ye ancestors, defeated ancestors, on the road of Tian Dao ancestors, the old man walked very deep, naturally, the old ancestor is where the old man’s faith lies, and the strongest man in the heart of the old ancestor, Tian Dao The failure of the ancestors is naturally a collapse of faith.

What are the consequences, you want to come, you don’t know."

After hearing this, Song Dao was shocked and looked at Elder Whitebeard. His eyes were full of birth.

This is to go back to the path of the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword!

However, everyone, every minute and second, is a life. How can a different life go the same way?

Obviously, it is extremely rare for Elder Whitebeard to reach this stage.

However, just now Wang Yang was so powerful that he beheaded the young ancestor of the Heavenly Sword. With facts, he has broken the white beard elder in his heart and weaved a big lie for himself, which caused the white beard elder's heart world to fall into chaos. There will be a loss of the spiritual world, and from then on will lose all fighting spirit.

Such a consequence is completely a disaster for a great magician.

"Elder, you..."

Such a result is really terrible. Song Dao couldn't believe it. The extremely powerful elder, the white beard, would suffer such a big disaster.

"Haha, rest assured, the old man is fine. On the contrary, the old man really wants to thank Wang Yang. Before, the old man's potential has been exhausted, and there is no trace of the future.

However, now that the faith has collapsed, the old man's spiritual world will naturally be vacated. After that, there will be no restrictions on how to go.

If under normal circumstances, the belief collapses, the spiritual world will certainly collapse, and the old man will be completely abolished.

However, just now, Wang Yang's eyes directly broke the source of the collapse of my soul world. Although the soul world collapsed by more than half, the foundation was not lost. As long as there is some time, the old man will naturally recover ."

Song Dao was stunned. He couldn’t believe it. In the eyes just now, there was such a big change, and I couldn’t believe that there were so many things, just happened in that moment. .

This, this...

Song Dao was dumbfounded.

All this would be like this.

In Wang Yang's gaze, there was nothing but shock, but nothing else.

In fact, Wang Yang didn't know that at the moment he just saw so many things happened.

Just now, it just burned a lot of divine blood, the soul world was turbulent, and the eyes of destruction were naturally inspired. When Elder Whitebeard hid and saw some strange things, he gave him a serious look.

The so-called source of disintegration and collapse is just some consumption of Wang Yang's spiritual power, which has inspired the Eye of Destruction and has no intention of Wang Yang.

However, no matter what, the final result is to make Wang Yang feel overjoyed.

Because he is already a true fourth step supernatural power.

not to mention……

In Wang Yang's hand, a blood-grown vine appeared in Wang Yang's hand, and a fist-sized stone was already in his hand.

The purpose of entering Fengyun City this time is basically complete.

Even if they are willing to go one step further, there is absolutely no problem.

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