My Super Estate

Chapter 1489 Combat from the Light Curtain

Chapter 1405 comes from the battle on the light curtain

"Look, it's one of the six invincible masters of Shenshui Manor."

Someone shouted loudly at the magnificent body on the light curtain.

Shenshui Manor was already extremely lively, attracting a large number of audiences, and even many journalists were all gathered here, just because the leaders of the top ten domestic groups gathered together.

Of course, more of them are still the actuarial powerhouses.

The reputation of Shenshui Manor has soared, attracting a large number of powerful people to gather, most of them are to negotiate with Shenshui Manor to obtain the qualification to purchase magic medicine.

But what's going on now?

As everyone knows about the light curtain, this is a projection technology. Since Skynet opened, such a projection technology has been very brilliant.

But, here, why is there such a projection technology?

Also, who are the three people who confronted Mo Jun of Shenshui Manor?

"Mo Jun, one of the six invincible grandmasters of Shenshui Manor, who is known as the leader of the guards of Shenshui Manor.

But who are the three men who confronted him?"

Under the skynet, any news can be quickly communicated.

Mo Jun's information was quickly turned over.

But what's wrong with this?Who is he confronting, why is there a light curtain manifesting at this gate?

"As the captain of the escort team, at this time, he must have been guarding in the Shenshui manor. Could someone sneak into the Shenshui manor?"

Soon, there was such a voice.

"What? Someone sneaked in?"

Such speculation immediately attracted many people's attention.

Among them, some thoughtful people are even more stunned in their eyes.

It's just that no matter who it is, at this time, one by one, it's all attention, all on the light curtain.

"Look, they started."

On the light curtain, there was only a brief exchange between the two parties. The person who confronted Mo Jun took the lead and shot with one punch. It was magical. Even if it was suppressed by the world, the magic power was not obvious, but for a great magician It is said that the power of one punch is also extremely terrifying, just a vigorous force, which is directly a rock on the top of the mountain that has not been broken for thousands of years, and it is directly bursting.

"Damn, it turned out to be a demon!!"

The expert knows whether it is there or not.

For the Shenshui Manor at this time, the most indispensable is the so-called expert.

The purple blood demon had just shot, it was magical, and there was a thick layer of blood mist.

Placed in other worlds, in the face of such great supernaturalist attacks, Mo Jun is absolutely impossible to withstand.

However, here is Shenshui Manor, a mortal world.The forbidden place where the real great magical power is not obvious, even if the purple blood demon is the sixth step of the devil, he is just a grand master in this place.

Therefore, the purple blood demon was very tragic, but was knocked down by Mo Jun.

"Huh, but the great master of the kings list, dare to come to my Shenshui Manor and wantonly, it is almost alive."

Withdrawing his fist, he looked at the purple blood demon that was impossible to climb even on the ground. Mo Jun's expression was extremely disdainful.


The Purple Blood Demon hated very much.

"If it weren't for the supernatural powers here, why are you waiting for the ants to be arrogant?"

Being defeated by a human race with a punch, Zixue Demon was extremely indignant.

"Unfortunately, here is the world, the Shenshui Manor."

Facing the sophistry of the Purple Blood Demon, Mo Jun's answer was very calm.

At the gate of Shenshui Manor, looking at the light curtain, a very short battle, all the great supernaturalists from the world of the sky, one by one, all stared at the eyes, all expressions were silent.

"Isn't it a legend, mortal, can enter the restricted space?

That is the Purple Blood Demon, the Demon King from the Devil Realm, how could it be so bad?"

Someone shouted excitedly.

The demons are extinct to humanity, and everyone blames them. However, for great supernaturalists, what they always care about is their own strength, which is the guarantee of their lives.

They dare to enter the world, dare to enter the earth, and the biggest reliance is their strength.

But what do they see now?

The Demon King from the Devil Realm, the Purple Blood Demon, was defeated by a punch.

how can that be?

"Yes, why is this? That purple blood demon, why is it so weak?"

For a time, the group was full of emotions, and all the people looked at the people in Shenshui Manor.

"You have to give us an explanation, you have to give us an explanation."

A very fat man stood up and shouted loudly.

"Who told us to give an explanation?"

Hualang stood up, leaning against the gate of Shenshui Manor and asked aloud: "Who wants to explain, now stand up."

"Me, today you have to give us an explanation."

It was the big fat man who was not afraid of Hua Wolf.

"Humph, you will explain to the girl."

Said, Hualang actually shot decisively.

This big fat man, with a terrible power, is a great magician. When he is put in a normal situation, such as Hualang, he can shoot a large film with a slap.

In fact, in the face of the attack of the flower wolf, he is indeed like this.

Only when he really shot, he realized that he was naive.


Hualang looked at Jiao Didi, but, when he really shot, it was extremely fierce. It was just a trick, and the big fat man was beaten away.

"This is Shenshui Manor. No matter where you come from, you have to abide by the rules of our Shenshui Manor."

At this moment, Hualang appeared extremely domineering.

Facing many great supernaturalists, she dared to speak like this.

Seeing such a scene, many guards of Shenshui Manor even had their waists straight.

Huh, what about great supernaturalists?When we arrive at Shenshui Manor, we still have to obey the rules of our Shenshui Manor.

In fact, there are a great number of great supernatural powers present, but at this time, all people are silent.

"Invincible Grandmaster?"

Looking at the flower wolf, the iron gun accelerated like Lin Xinjian.

He suddenly found that this flower wolf turned out to be an invincible grandmaster.

Only, how is this possible?

"The six famous invincible grand masters of Shenshui Manor absolutely exclude her, that is to say, she is very likely to be the seventh invincible grand master of Shenshui manor.

Even, most likely, the eighth or ninth??"

If it is not what you saw, the iron gun is like a forest, you can't believe this scene.

There are already six invincible grandmasters in Shenshui Manor, and now one more jumps out.

"Could it be that the invincible grandmaster at this Shenshui manor is already worthless?"

For a time, many great supernaturalists looked at the flower wolf, and their eyes were all inquiring.

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