My Super Estate

Chapter 1490 Order from Heaven

Chapter 1404 Orders from Heaven

"Hello, messenger from heaven!"

Guests from the heavens, the invincible sharp gun came out to greet them as soon as possible.

"Mr. Yang, hello."

Taibai Jinxing is wearing a white robe, holding a white whisk, white beard, white eyebrows and white hair. If it is not a forehead, there is a white star, I am afraid that his body is already in one piece.

Such a dress, if Wang Yang was here, was discovered, very similar to that of Elder Whitebeard.

"Venus is coming this time, and you will not make a special order for God of Fortune!"

Greeting the meeting room, the invincible sharpshooter asked directly.

There are many temples in the realm, and conference rooms like Shenshui Manor are rarely seen.Looking around, Taibai Jinxing smiled slightly and said: "Yes, the order of God of Food is naturally not a special trip for this seat."

There is no movement on the surface of the invincible magic gun, but it is extremely dissatisfied in my heart.

Huh, you are not for God’s order, but you want to appear at this juncture, but it puts a lot of pressure on our Shenshui Manor.

"Pan Tao Sheng will be here. Our Shenshui Manor just now is lively.

I'm afraid it's such a lively event."

Looking at Taibaijinxing, the invincible sharpshooter said so.

"Our arrival has caused trouble for Shenshui Manor. Of course we know that otherwise, we will not change into others just now.

However, this matter is not trivial. The Emperor Tian believes that such a thing, only your Shenshui Manor, can be competent."

Just now the Shenshui Manor had such a big movement. Of course, Taibaijinxing wouldn't know it.

"There will be a big change in the world, and Mr. Yang wants to know."

"of course!"

There is a big change in the world, which is why the movement of Shenshui Manor is so big.

"As of today, the emperor is already at the top. However, after the great changes of the day and the world, the great gods of all parties will definitely return from the endless silence.

By then, the world will start unprecedented turbulence."

"The Great God returns?"

As for the so-called great god, the invulnerability of the sharp gun is a bit unclear.

In today's world, the great supernaturalists walk in nine steps, and the emperor is the ultimate. How can there be another great god?

"Have you heard of Fengshenbang?"

Seeing the invincibility of the invincible sharp gun, Taibai Jinxing said so.

Hearing the words, the invincible sharp gun shocked.

Feng Shenbang, how can he not know?

Legend has it that the Dragon God used to be the No. 1 in the Gods List, and now the Devil is also No. 1 in the Gods List.

I would like to ask, how can such a big event, such as the Internet world today, as a world person, not know?

"It's true that surpassing the emperor and opening up a world alone is a great god.

With the help of the world, the great gods of all parties are silent in endless time and space."

The great gods of all parties are silent in endless time and space?Thinking of the worlds of the heavens, the invincible magic gun shivered.

Legend has it that the Kunlun cave was opened by the ancient god, Pan.

Is it??

"So, how dare the Devil Realm be so pretentious?"

There is a great god sitting in each side of the world. How dare the devil so arrogant?Willfully ruin the world of one side?

The invincible magic gun was shocked in his heart, he had thought of a terrible place.

"Could it be that there is truly no enemies behind Demon Realm?"

The devil dared to be so wanton, without real enemies, it must have been slain by the great gods behind the world.

The great god is silent in the endless time and space, with the help of the power of the world, that is to say, it is very likely that the world is broken, and the great god behind it will be forever silent in the endless time and space, even in the silent In the real death.

Just ask, if there is no real enemies behind the Devil Realm, how dare they dare to be so arrogant?Not afraid of being killed by the great god who is silent from the endless time and space?

The invincible magic gun suddenly felt that the water in this world is really too deep.

"You think that in our Heaven Realm, there has never been a peerless figure who is the No. 1 in the God List. Why did the Devil Realm never dare to hit the 33rd heaven?

Don’t forget that we have just arrived, and we just have a rumor that your Shenshui Manor is not very peaceful."

Smart people don't need to say too much.


Because there are real enemies behind the heavens, the existence of the devil is absolutely not too arrogant.Even if there is a magic medicine like Pantao in the realm of heaven, there has never been a demon dare to snatch it.

Shenshui Manor is different. Shenshui Manor has never been truly enemies-free, just because it is on the earth, there is a peerless array in the world, and the great magicians dare not come in.

However, the so-called dare is just that the interest is not big enough. When the benefit is big enough, the so-called dare is already a joke.

"Heaven comes to my Shenshui Manor, what is the matter, just say it!"

The waters in the worlds of the heavens are very deep, and the invulnerability of the sharp guns has not dared to deliberately.

"The turbulent world is coming, and Tiandi wants to cooperate with your Shenshui Manor."

"How to cooperate law?"

"Sky Realm has never been truly enemies-free. In the past, Heaven Court held a peach peach event to envelop the power of all parties and always maintain the orthodoxy of the world. However, when the world is in turmoil, all the powerful parties must act, therefore, Heaven must have the ultimate power. appear.

Therefore, we in heaven must have an invincible emperor."

Heaven seeks an invincible emperor?

Magic gun beats invincible heart.

The so-called orthodox of heaven and earth, when the world is at peace, there is naturally no problem. With the peach peach event, all parties can be surrounded by power, and no one dares to be arrogant. may.

Moreover, there are many treasures in the realm of heaven, the fame of the realm of heaven is great, and the strength of the realm of heaven is not enough to suppress everything. Then, it is very likely that the forces of all parties will directly aim the gun at the realm of heaven.

But is it really?

There is no invincible character, this is just the surface, otherwise, the Devil Realm has come to the door long ago.

So, what are they looking for, Heaven Realm, or Heavenly Emperor?

Looking at the white old man in front of him, countless thoughts flashed in the invincible mind of the sharp gun.

Is the strength of celestial realm on the surface?

Moreover, will the realm of the realm really tell this outsider so frankly?

This white old man, he said so much, but everything he said is superficial, at least, for those who are at a higher level, they are all superficial.

So, what's behind?

As the orthodox world, are they really so relieved?Tell all outsiders all your plans?

Will you believe it?

Okay, whether you believe it or not, anyway, I will never believe it.

Facing this old white man, the invincible sharpshooter was afraid to take orders.

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