My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1706

Chapter sixteen two hundred and twenty-nine appeared

"Are you worth it?"

Wang Yang was also there to study the mysteries contained in the comprehension of the heavenly seal, hoping that this peerless supernatural power would realize a deeper realm.

However, one Wu Dao Dan was completely exhausted. When he was about to swallow another Wu Dao Dan, suddenly, a voice sounded from behind him.

Wang Yang suddenly turned around and was surprised. Behind himself, I didn't know when, there was a figure.

This is not a real figure, because, some erratic.

"You, are you a human or a ghost?"

Suddenly changed, Wang Yang was a little surprised in his heart, however, his performance was extremely frightened, as if he was really afraid, afraid.

"Human? Ghost?

Haha, what is that thing, can it be compared with this seat?"

"Oh, is it, you are not a thing?"

"Boy, you die!"

Although it was just a phantom, however, the power was immeasurable, and his eyes were only glared, and Wang Yang was breathless!

Damn, what kind of monster is this?

Wang Yang was really surprised!

He can be sure that this phantom, just a projection, is so terrible!!

"Huh? Can it still bear a share of this seat?"

Wang Yang turned back only half a step, and the phantom was curious.

Can't help but just added a bit of strength.


Wang Yang scolded: The goddamn bastard, this guy is definitely a peerless master!

"Emperor, you haven't shot yet, thinking of me dying?"

Finally, I felt that I was unable to bear the power of even one or two points of the phantom, and Wang Yang could not care so much.

The figure of Heavenly Emperor has long been noticed. Before that, he had never cared about it. However, nowadays, Wang Yang can no longer calm down the existence of this suspected peerless power!

"Haha! Boy Wang Yang, I still want to see you, and now I will deal with it."

Although the saying goes, however, the figure of Heavenly Emperor has actually appeared.

"Daoyou, there is a master here. What's wrong with this kid? It's also a disciple of others. You want to shoot like this, are you afraid of asking for trouble?"

Heavenly Emperor is high above him, with Jinlong white clothes emperor's robe next to him, and Golden Dragon stepping on moon boots.

"Are you the emperor of heaven?"

The sudden appearance of Heavenly Emperor, obviously, was beyond the expectation of the ghost image. He looked around Heavenly Emperor and sneered, saying, "Oh, what step did you take?

Why, the God Emperor who was defeated by a group of children before, now dares to appear in front of this seat?"


Heavenly Emperor also had anger, ridiculed in the face of the virtual shadow, suddenly angry, and shouted loudly.

The mighty, open up the earth, and above the earth, in a rage, the mountains and rivers in the world change color, and the sea and rocks are rotten, but it is easy to burn the mountains and cook the sea.

Although it is just a drink, it also contains the mighty peerless power. For a time, between heaven and earth, there is a thunder, and a world in the thunder, the development and destruction.


There was a purple thunder, carrying the might of destruction, and raged toward the phantom.


However, when I first entered this situation, I dared to move towards this seat.!"

Faced with the attack of the purple thunder, the phantom face does not change color, and there is an inexplicable charm flowing between the eyes.However, the terrible purple thunder disappeared into nothingness.


Wang Yang's eyes widened, and the purple thunder just now was not unfamiliar. It was the Purple Sky God Thunder representing the will of heaven and earth.

Zixiao God Thunder contains the will of heaven and earth. Even if it is an emperor, there is no means to resist the sky. Once a thunder comes down, it will be wiped out.

In the past, there were many unknown Emperors of the World, whose strength was amazing, overwhelming the contemporary, and invincible.

However, when they truly turned against the sky, they were split into gray by the sky of Zixiao Shenlei. In between the heavens and the earth, only the prestige representing Zixiao Shenlei was left.

However, it is such a terrifying and terrifying people that Zixiao Shenlei, even unexpectedly, just a glance, directly disappeared between heaven and earth.

"The strength of the coming people is terrible, and it must be a real peerless power!

It is the kind of terrible existence that is truly earth-shaking."

Heavenly Emperor's voice sounded in Wang Yang's mind.

Wang Yang's heart was awe-inspiring.

A truly earth-shattering existence?

This kind of existence is really terrible. The older it is, the more amazing it is, because his world exists extremely anciently, with the help of the living beings of heaven and earth, his strength is more terrible day by day.

Wang Yang absolutely can't think of such a terrible existence.

"Emperor, please give me some time."

This kind of existence has amazing strength. In any case, he is not an opponent.

However, even if you dare to come to find your own trouble, then it is your own enemy!

It is the enemy, and the best enemy is the kill.

At the moment, Wang Yang can't take care of that much, and swallows a Taoist Pill directly into his belly.

"In front of this seat, you still want to play tricks?"

For the behavior of Wang Yang, Xuying just sneered.

I don't see any movements. However, around Wang Yang, thunder is rolling.

Actually, it was intended to extinguish Wang Yang's vitality.


Heavenly Emperor was furious.

If you really don't exist?

At the moment, Heavenly Emperor reached out and grabbed, and Heavenly Emperor's sword came out of the sheath.Open the god artifact with the same handle, and head down towards the phantom.

The so-called, surrounding Zhao to save Wei, attacking the enemy must be saved.


Heavenly Emperor’s plan was excellent, but he was too confident in his own strength. His full strength sword was caught by the ghost.


Heaven Emperor was shocked, and he never thought that the strength of the coming person was so amazing!

It is naturally impossible to save Wang Yang if his attack is blocked.

Thunder rolled around Wang Yang.

It turned out to be extremely terrible Zixiao Shenlei.

Such a terrible Thunder, even if Wang Yang is a hundred times more powerful, cannot be an opponent.

Seeing that Wang Yang was about to be hit, suddenly, behind Wang Yang, a god-man appeared, like the god, the eyes contained high mountains and strong light of destruction.


Like Tianyin, it was just a drink, and the thundering thunder seemed to meet a nemesis and retreated back violently.

"How dare you dare to be so pretentious in this dojo?"

The god-man was furious, and the seal in his hand was covered under the majestic phantom.

"Do not……"

Unexpectedly, in the face of the full blow of Heavenly Emperor, he can calmly deal with it, and even can use it with two minds, operate the thunder, and launch a devastating attack towards Wang Yang.

However, such a terrible existence is only covered by the terrible seal, and immediately, it makes a sound of despair.

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