My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1707

Chapter 1621 Heart of Heaven and Earth

"Look, the ancestor appeared."

On the ten steps, each step is a heaven and an earth. However, when you look up, you will always find that it is just a common step.

On the tenth step, the vast movements, the earth and the earth, are inspiring, even if the enlightenment of the Tao is deep, it is involuntary, it will wake up.

Looked up., Wan Nianqing and others found that there was a very scary figure on the tenth step.

That was the ancestor of their five-party world, and one of the strongest in their five-party world.

"What? Isn't that the Emperor? How could he be so powerful?"

Found the ghost image, of course, also found the figure of the emperor.

Wan Nianqing was very surprised. You know, at the beginning, the five of them joined forces to fight the Heavenly Emperor with only the power to fight back.

But now, what do you see now? Even the five emperors who can only fight back, have become the existence of Christmas equal to their ancestors?

Is this peerless power?

"it is good!"

Wannianqing was very surprised to see Tiandi beaten by his ancestor.

"Hey, what is this?"

Seeing that, in front of his ancestors, no Emperor of Heaven had the power to fight back, but what was that?

A large seal, directly under the cover, even suppressed everything. The person with such great ancestors was beaten?

Evergreen was shocked!


"Do not!!"

The ghost made a frightened voice.

It's really hard to believe. He turned out to be a peerless power who can open the earth. I don't know. I thought that the frightened little woman was frightened.

However, before, seeing Emperor Tian as a ghost image like nothing, it just collapsed.

It's true that the big seal that fell from the sky was crushed directly, however, it just collapsed.


Wang Yang stared his eyes: This is what I cultivated?

No, this is the power of this dojo is back!!

"You, you are the legendary grandfather of Guangchengzi?"

Turning his body around, Wang Yang stared at his eyes and looked at this majestic man who came out of his magical avatar.

It turned out that he came out of his magical avatar.

"Yes, I am Guang Chengzi, Fan Tianyin is my strongest supernatural power!!

All the things here are arranged by me, the purpose is to return to the heaven and earth after the appearance of Chengxian Road."

Guang Chengzi is very honest, without any deception.

However, Wang Yang was very unhappy, because he found that the earth-shaking seal of his cultivation had disappeared.

In other words, ten days of self-cultivation and ten days of unforgettable cultivation, as a result, all of them succeeded others.

"Why is my earth-shaking practice gone?"

Wang Yang thought a lot, and now there are many peerless supernatural powers appearing between heaven and earth. Isn't it true that as long as he has mastered this peerless supernatural power, he will directly complete others?

On his body, there are peerless magical powers-dragon claw hand, ten thousand demon ten thousand arrays, absolute power, including the current sky-turning seal, add up, there are four peerless magical powers.

Could it be that all your previous efforts were to marry others?

"Zhaotianyin is my strongest supernatural power, and only me is the most suitable. It is also my biggest recourse to return to heaven and earth."

"Return by borrowing?"

Guang Chengzi nodded and said, "Initiate a family, open up the earth, or leave a supernatural power.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is to let yourself continue to inherit, learn from the essence, and use your own hands to improve yourself."

Wang Yang was shocked.

Not only the peerless supernatural powers, but also the inheritance of blood, breaking the earth, and so on, he turned himself into self-improvement with the help of others.

"Is that right?"

"That's it.

However, Fantianyin has been passed down to you. In the future, you will naturally be a cultivator. However, Fantianyin was created by me. No matter what level you cultivate to, I naturally get a reward!!"

After hearing this, Wang Yang was shocked.

He did not expect that there would be such an operation here.

"So, what about the inheritance of other peerless supernatural powers?

This fact is a bit surprising, but also a bit unacceptable.

There is a feeling that no matter how hard you try, you are making wedding dresses for others.

However, Wang Yang is also very human. Soon, he was awake and bowed his hand towards Guang Chengzi, saying: "Thank you Tianzun for his gratitude!!"

He has understood that in this world, there has never been love without a reason, and naturally, there is no hate without a reason.

To get it, you have to pay.

The only difference is that when someone gets it, they don’t know exactly what they paid for, and they know exactly what they paid for.

It's just, as long as you have the inheritance of Peerless Great Wonder, why should you care, is your perception of this Peerless Great Wonder really obtained by others?

With the ability, you can create your own unique supernatural powers and get what you need from others!

"Want to understand?"

"Yes, I want to understand."

Wang Yang nodded affirmatively and said, "It is the reincarnation of heaven and earth that is willing to give.

Just think, who will give up?"

"Haha, okay, I am worthy of being the successor I've seen.

Let it go, I won't let you do anything in vain, yes, this is a heart of heaven and earth."

Guang Chengzi handed Wang Yang a crystal-like thing and told him that it was a heart of heaven and earth.

Heart of heaven and earth?

Wang Yang's breathing was quick.

He is the inheritor of Ziyang Divine Skill, whether it is an immortal or a congenital medicine, he can easily grow it.

It can be said that in this world, he never had to worry about the lack of resources.

However, the heart of heaven and earth is one of the resources that Wang Yang most hopes to obtain.

Moreover, this kind of resource is very scarce, because it is the last condensate after the demise of a peerless power, after the destruction of heaven and earth.

It can be said that a heart of heaven and earth is a world and a peerless power.

The role of the heart of heaven and earth is the only one: it can help people realize the Tao.

In contrast, Wu Dao Dan is far inferior.

"With this heart of heaven and earth, you can truly turn the world into your own.

Even, create their own peerless supernatural powers!!"

"Thank you!!"

Wang Yang was overjoyed.

But he knew that this heart of heaven and earth really helped him create his own supernatural power.

What's more, I now have so many peerless supernatural powers in my body and have enough places to learn from.

Perhaps, you can use many peerless supernatural powers to create your own peerless supernatural powers!!

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