My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1708

Chapter 1622 Supreme Blessings Pilgrimage of All Things

The heart of heaven and earth makes people unite with heaven and earth, blends the truth and obtains blessings from heaven and earth, and is the supreme god that comprehends the truth of heaven and earth.

Different heavens and earth have different principles, and their strengths are naturally different. The stronger the origin of heaven and earth, the more powerful it is to survive between heaven and earth.

In the Supreme Heaven Realm, the worlds of the heavens are merged to bring together the truths of the heavens of the heavens, but it is truly the supreme realm, and contains the great opportunity.

"The supreme heaven realm, the integration of the principles of the heavens and the realms of the heavens, is the real supreme realm, and contains the great opportunity.

It's just that, at different levels, the various truths become more and more complicated. Similarly, it is also more obscure. It is not really supremely talented, and it is extremely difficult to obtain.

However, this heart of heaven and earth is different, it can easily help you integrate into the heavens and earth, and swim in the ocean of truth.

It can be said that as long as you are not stupid, then you will have great gains.

Of course, there is no free lunch between the world and the same thing. For different people, the harvest will definitely not be the same. What kind of harvest you can have depends on your personal creation."

This is the last sentence Guang Chengzi said about Wang Yang's upcoming in-depth training.

What does this sentence mean?

With such doubts, Wang Yang swallowed the fist-sized heart of the world at one go.

This is also Wang Yang's mastery of some mysteries of the seventh step of the god master level, otherwise, the fist-sized crystal is absolutely impossible to swallow so easily.

Wang Yang sat quietly there, but on the side, there were two peerless peerless powers sitting on the side.

"This is a battle.

Moreover, it is a very alternative battle. In this battle, how much you can gain depends on your character!!"

The ten steps are just to test a person's talents, the purpose is to find a successor, inherit the heaven and earth, and return from nothingness.

It can be said that for now, the ten steps have perfectly fulfilled its mission.

Our Lady of White Lotus, Emperor of Blue Ant, Protector of White Lotus, Protector of Green Lotus, Protector of Black Lotus, as well as King of Butterfly of the Five Worlds, King of Aoki, King of Aoki, King of Bluestone, King of Great Ape, etc. , As well as the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword brought by the emperor Hunyuan, the true sword of earth, the black sword sage, a total of two emperors, and twelve sages, such a huge force, Guang Chengzi waved At once, all reached the tenth step.

"Very good! You can get here, it is nature, let's say, what kind of reward do you need?"

They can get here just because of a mission issued by Guang Chengzi, they can get there to help themselves wake up from the silence of nothingness.

There is no credit, there is also hard work, Guang Chengzi decided to give them some rewards.

"Worship Heavenly Venerable!!"

Peerless power, they open up to the earth, and are equal to the sky, known as Tianjun, also known as Tianzun!!

"Speak, what do you need?"

When the strength reaches the level of Guang Chengzi, everything can be seen, otherwise, they will not be silent in nothingness.It can be said that the only purpose of their survival is to become immortals and to obtain eternal life.

Of course, they would never be willing to owe humanity.

Guang Chengzi said to give them rewards, absolutely not a lie.

"Jian Tianzun, we need the original chaotic stone!!"

The Emperor Qing Ant is the first to speak!!


Qing Ant Emperor just said his request.

Between heaven and earth, suddenly, there was constant vibration, and then, there were seven ghosts.

"The ancestor!!"

Seeing these seven phantom shadows, even the emperor of the green ants, all made a sound of surprise.

He knows that this is the Seven Peerless Powers from the depths of Chaos, and the Seven Heavens and Earth's groundbreaking existence. Similarly, it is also the same as the Heavens, and is called the existence of "Tianzun, Tianjun".

"You are out of bounds!!"

Guang Chengzi's expression is also somewhat dignified.

This is the same existence of the seven statues. If there is only one, he certainly is not afraid. Even, he just killed one, but now there are seven statues here.

Moreover, the existence of these seven statues is extremely terrifying, and even the one just now is slightly inferior.

Seven such terrible beings suddenly appeared, even if Guang Chengzi was overwhelming, at this time was shocked!

"Huh, those who dare to kill us, no matter who they are, must pay the price!!"

Dare to seek the original chaos, and even want to replace the existence of the world, how can it be an ordinary existence?

It can be said that seven of them, one by one, are extremely terrifying existences in chaos. Even ordinary Tianzun or Tianjun must be easily killed by them.

In fact, before the Emperor, it was easily suppressed by the ghost.

"Your strength is indeed terrible, and you can kill Yuan Hu Tianzun so easily. Unfortunately, you are only two people, weak in strength, and even one, just just broke through, and have not even opened up the earth, the strength is weak. Poor."

The seven phantom shadows are all from the depths of chaos. They are the Five Elements Tianzun (Jinxing Tianzun, Huoxing Tianzun, Muxing Tianzun, Muxing Tianzun, Shuixing Tianzun, Tuxing Tianzun) from the five worlds, and the three-element world. Two Yuan Tianzun (Yuanlong Tianzun, Tianxiang Tianzun, and one Yuanhu Tianzun that has been killed by Guang Chengzi's turn of the day).

At this time, their seven heavenly respects were to kill all enemies with absolute power and crush them with absolute power.

"Huh, could it be, you think, I'm afraid you won't succeed?

Come and come, I would like to see, how many people can not die under the sky?"

Even in the face of such a terrible strong enemy, Guang Chengzi is still not afraid, even, in his eyes, the fierce glance, even wanted to kill them all!!

A world war is coming.

With so many peerless powers, even the Emperor of the Green Ants or the Virgin of the White Lotus, it is like the hunt to grab the rabbit and tremble.

Even, they feel bitter in their hearts.

The appearance of his ancestors is naturally a joy in his heart, however, even if they are emperors, they are also terrified in the battle of peerless power.

Seeing that a peerless battle is coming, suddenly, Wang Yang shines.

The dazzling light, like the endless sun, even the emperor and the sage, did not dare to look directly at such a time.

However, under that bright light, phantom shadows came out of nothingness.

One, two, three...

Looking at the existence that came out of Wang Yang one by one, one by one, even the seven respectable Tianzuns, were silenced!!

"Supreme blessing!!"

God is excited!!

He knew that Wang Yang was about to succeed.

Supreme blessing, after that, it is a true pilgrimage of all things!!!

As long as he passes these levels, then Wang Yang must have great abilities.

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