My Super Estate

Chapter 1732 Competition Between The Parties

Chapter 146


At this moment, greed seems to be instinct, any thoughts are all gone, and only this heart demon world bead is captured.

However, in front of many sages and emperors, how can a little king succeed?


I don’t know who sent the sword light. A sixth step king, in the world of heaven, can be called a strong party. Even the talent is stronger, and they can open up a strong king class. The strong man was directly beheaded with a sword, and even all the bones disappeared.

"Haha, the incompetent guy, such a treasure, how can you succeed?"

Another person jumped out, and this person laughed, laughing at the king just now, and confessing that he is the Lord of Destiny. He ridiculed his predecessors for not being able to control themselves. However, in fact, he himself is only the sixth step, only The level of strength of the King of Heaven is similar to that of its predecessors. Even if there is a gap, it must be measured with a ruler.

This is his strength, but he is laughing, ridicule others, and ridicule others.


At one moment, he was still laughing and ridiculing others. At the next moment, the sword flashed again. Then, it was directly destroyed, the physical body, and the monstrous mana were completely destroyed.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

Could it be that the person in front of him is a fool?Luo Jian was shocked in his heart and didn't quite understand what the scene in front of him meant.

"Hey, all people in the world are immortal and believe in the supremacy of power. They don't rebuild their hearts, but they don't know that power must also have strong enough spiritual power to control and rely only on strong will to suppress it. "

Wang Yang sneered.

Greed is a *** hope to lose sight, but nothing more.


This result was too scary. Luo Jian was shocked even though he was bold.

"You are leaving now, otherwise, I'm afraid you will also be affected."

A lot of souls are under the grass, the strong people coming out of Shenshui Manor, the mind and will, are extremely strong, but their strength is not as good as that of human beings. In case someone has evil thoughts, they are afraid that it is difficult to resist.

"it is good!"

Just now many sages and gods are crazy, the scene is extremely scary, they already have knowledge.

Before, there was Wang Yang guarding them, they could be safe and sound, but now Wang Yang wants to participate in the competition, but he can not care for him.

"it is good!"

Everyone knows that things are serious. Although they are not at ease, they can't hold back.

"Husband, you have to be careful."

"Dad, you have to come back early!!"

One by one, all left.

"Don't worry, I will be fine."

The four emperors guarded by their side, although they were enslaved by the means of the ancestor of the demon, but under the control of their own souls, it was nothing wrong.

This is the capital that he can participate in the competition, otherwise, he would never dare to shoot.

"Haha, come back!!"

Suddenly, Wang Yang laughed in his heart.

Just now, he has felt that the Divine Doppelganger has returned.

Shenshui Manor is all right.

That being the case, then, why not fight for the shot?

"this is mine!"

With that said, Wang Yang was mad, and he shot towards that demon world bead.

"Huh, Wang Yang?"

Before, there had been no attention, and even two heavenly kings were beheaded, and a lot of sages and emperors did not pay any attention.

However, Wang Yang is different. He is a heavenly king, but he is a heavenly king who can explode with a sage strike, and even his god avatar is even suppressed.

Such strength, he was even affected by the heart demon world beads?

"No, Wang Yang wants to participate in the competition!!"

All the sages and emperors immediately panicked, and even immediately the sages shot towards Wang Yang.

"Wang Yang, with your strength, did you dare to fight?"

The sage swiftly thundered, purple sky fire, burning towards Wang Yang.The scorching sword light pierced toward Wang Yang's heart, and the black domineering knife and gang cut into the sky of Wang Yang's head.

The black wind, the magical green thunder, the green seeds, and the meteorites like incendiary bombs all came towards Wang Yang!

"Haha, come on well!!"

At this time, Wang Yang revealed his domineering defense, the bright golden light, turned into a golden bell, directly covering him.

This is a supernatural power attached to the indestructible golden body.


Although it is an incidental supernatural power, however, the power does not reduce that year, even if it is a level of attacks by many gods and sages, it still resists a wave.

Unfortunately, the price is that the blood of Ziyang Shenyang carried by Wang Yang is rapidly decreasing.

Before, the will of the emperor Ziyang came, carrying great power, but the blood of Ziyang saved by Wang Yang burned extremely badly.

It is burning fast again now, but it almost came to an end without being directly.

"Wang Yang, do you want it too?"

The figure of the demon rushed past Wang Yang quickly.

Changed the previous demon king. At this time, Wang Yang was by his side, and he will definitely slap it. Whether your background is powerful?

As a devil, how can you rule the world?

However, the devil didn't even shoot.

Wang Yang looked at the demon king that had passed by surprise, he was ready to ask the four emperors to resist the demon king's shot.


It is always good not to shoot.

"Demon, you also want to ask my grandson!!"

The speed of the devil is fast, however, the speed of Sun Dasheng is not slow at all.


The demon king is overbearing, Sun Dasheng, powerful, and the golden body is not bad. However, in the eyes of the demon king, he slaps it.


Sun Dasheng is worthy of being Sun Dasheng, and his golden body is not bad. Although he was drawn far away by the demon king, however, there is nothing at all, but people are already far away from the demon world beads.

"The devil will be rampant."

A beam of light came towards the demon king.

This is the destructive light from the third eye of Erli God.

In such a vision, even the emperor is about to be shot into its original form. However, it is such a light of destruction. In the eyes of the devil, the magic light flashes, and it is also the same two beams of light.

It turned out that the two beams of light became a beam in midair, which was offset by the light of destruction.

"Humph, where is your share in front of the demon lord?"

The devil is the devil, so overbearing.

"Four Elephants!!"

Seeing that Demon Realm Beads were about to be succeeded by the Demon King, Wang Yang was anxious.

There is no winner in the Heart Demon World Pearl, and I still have some opportunities. If I really want to be succeeded by the Demon King, then I have no last chance.

At this time, Wang Yang also did not care about his own safety and allowed the four emperors to act decisively.

Roar roar roar...

The four great emperors, all screamed together, as if four arrows were lost, and shot quickly toward the demon king.

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