My Super Estate

Question 1733

Chapter one hundred and sixty-seven succeeds

Three eyes, Sun Dasheng, Demon King, Demon King.

These are the four great gods, each one is extremely powerful, and each one is very tough.

Then, there are twelve sages from the Demon Race, and more than 20 sages from other worlds.

Such a huge force, even if Wang Yang thinks the power is extremely powerful, is also very difficult at this time.

"Everybody shoots, beat those demons!"

At that moment, Wang Yang felt that he should cut down some of his existence.

"it is good!!"

Many sages come from many worlds. They came to Shenshui Manor because Wang Yang came back. They were eager to order all kinds of magic medicines from Shenshui Manor.

"Okay, listen to Lord Wang Zhuang, these demons are damn, beat them out!"

Twenty or so sages from all over the world listened to Wang Yang's call, launched an attack, and moved towards a group of demons.

For a time, all the flame thunder flood, sword light sword river, heavy shadow, all greeted the demon.

Feeling that response, Wang Yang didn't mention how cool it was.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

A series of attack sounds, although the demons are powerful and amazing enough, however, in the face of such intensive attacks, they can't bear it, and they are directly repelled.

"Haha, that's it, as long as you say hello, it's swept away.

No, the devil is about to succeed!!"

Wang Yang was shocked in his heart, pointing at the devil, saying: "Everyone, go all out, after the event is completed, each one is a congenital magic medicine, and the type is free to choose!!"

Sure enough, everyone just tried their best. At a very fast speed, all the demons and sages were swept out and severely injured. Each one was self-confident.

Upon hearing Wang Yang's condition, all of them were all golden eyes.

There is only one heart demon bead. With its own strength, if you want to succeed, how to look, there is no hope.

If so, follow Wang Yang and get Wang Yang's promise to get the innate magic medicine. Think about it carefully, as if this is a very good choice.

"Everyone, Lord Wang Zhuang's commitment, we should pay attention to it. The Heart Demon World Pearl is very good. We know this very well. However, there is only one Heart Demon World Pearl. With our strength, it is simply impossible to obtain it.

Follow Master Zhuang, what do you think?"

"Okay, just for this innate magic medicine, this Saint King will fight!!"

"Qingniu Shengwang makes sense, we are not as good as others, so we follow behind Wangzhuang Master, wave the flag and shout, as long as Wangzhuang Master orders, we will point where to fight, absolutely unambiguous."

All the sages all express their position quickly.

There are not too many opportunities like this. There are nearly 30 sages in their 20s. They usually do their own thing. No one has such a great courage to twist into a rope.

However, nowadays, Wang Yang stands up and takes the innate god medicine as bait.

"Haha, the Demon Realm Pearl is mine!!"

The speed of the devil is fast enough, Sun Dasheng’s body is not bad, but his strength is not good, he has a slap in the air, and his three eyes are very strong. However, it is too balanced and not too prominent. At the beginning, he entered the ninth step, although his strength was strong. However, in front of myself, nothing is.

"As long as you get the Demon Realm Bead, maybe I can go one step further, when the time comes!"

There is a magic light flashing in the magic eyes, and the fierce spirit is contained.

"Attack me!!"

Seeing that it was to get the heart demon world beads in hand, suddenly, a familiar voice came.

"Wang Yang?"

The demon stunned and turned back subconsciously, looking behind him.


What did the devil see?

Twenty or so sages form a powerful battle array, with people as the array, and a powerful force. Through the power of the array, they can quickly combine, merge, and change quantitatively, causing a corresponding qualitative change.

On weekdays, there are twenty or so sages, and the devil will never put it in his eyes, nothing is, and his hands will be destroyed.



A series of explosions, even the devil, was beaten back again and again.

"You are dead!!"

On weekdays, the so-called sages can be destroyed by turning their hands, when would they dare to be so presumptuous in front of this demon king?

However, there is no use of eggs and nothing, and the second round of attacks is over.

"Wang Yang!!"

Finally found the protagonist, turned out to be Wang Yang!!

"Bastard, you have remembered this demon king!!"

At this time, even the devil is somewhat helpless.Many people have great strength, this sentence, he has always been not convinced, even, he has always thought that this is the moan of the weak!

However, today, he understood.

People are more powerful than others, and they are combined in one group and integrated in one, rather than scattered sand.

"The devil, the ancestor of the devil, is the emperor of Ziyang. It is so calculated that the demon world beads, if you want to come, belong to the emperor of Ziyang.

I am the inheritor of the emperor Ziyang. Similarly, the emperor Ziyang is also summoned by me. This bead of the Demon Realm, obtained by me, should not be excessive!"

At this time, Wang Yang should not be relented, and he must not shrink back.

"Mozun, don't you shoot?"

He was threatened by a junior, the breath of the devil's heart!

"Mozun, are you going to shoot?"

Wang Yang suddenly turned his head to look at Demon Venerable.Fierce eyes, like a tiger, staring at delicious food.

"Are you threatening the deity?"

"Yes, the demon world beads, it's about my path, the blockers are like murdering parents!"

Wang Yang is very tough.

At this time, as of now, I have this tough qualification.

The heart demon world beads are related to the cultivation progress of the ten thousand demon array, which indirectly affects the cultivation of the immortal golden body, and absolutely cannot give up.


Mozun was so angry in his heart that the kid in front of him slaps himself, and he just shoots a dead dog. Now, he dares to threaten himself.

"When will the deity's avatar release?"

If it wasn’t for the god doppelganger to be suppressed, would this kid just dare to threaten the deity?

"Relax, soon, as long as I return safely, I will release immediately!"

At this time, the strength is not as good as people, Wang Yang can only seize all opportunities.

"Okay, the deity doesn't shoot!"

A heart demon world bead, as long as the spirits are released, can immediately break through. What can a heart demon world bead use?

"it is good!"

Get another one.

"Great Saint, true monarch.

What are the conditions, just say it!"

At this time, the two demons were temporarily mistaken. However, there are still two great gods who must be given up, otherwise it is useless.

"Very well, I heard that Heavenly Emperor has broken through, what means, Ben Zhenjun also wants to try!"

"Haha, like my grandson, same!!"

In this era, everyone is fighting.

Even if it is a friend, no one will give up on their own path.

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