My Super Estate

1741 The Ancestor Shows Spirit

Chapter 1655 The Ancestors Appear

"Look, look, there is the ancestral god position." Suddenly, pointing to a place, Sirius said loudly.

"What?" Luo Jian was frightened and followed Sirius's instructions: Sure enough, this place was actually an ancestral altar. Damn, I never thought of it before.

"Quick, we will move them somewhere, quick!"

Luo Jian gave orders decisively.

At this time, there is no objection.In any case, move on first, and then talk about others.

"Quick, here is the place where my cousin's spirit avatar is located, and we will transfer my auntie here."

At this time, Luo Jian was very calm, without any confusion, showing the spirit of a strong party.

"What's wrong with you?"

Just stepping into the realm of God, the god avatar sitting high on the divine platform woke up quickly, and at first glance, it turned out to be his own parents.

"Dad, Mom!"

Divine spirits are separated, and the golden light shines, however, no matter how he is, he cannot leave.

During the thunder world, under the attention of heaven and earth, it is difficult for the gods to appear.

"Brother, you have a quick look. Before, my little aunt and little uncle, they looked up at the sky and found fifty stars.

Then they just fell to the ground."

After finishing the situation quickly, Luo Jian took everyone to lay the people flat in front of the god platform.


The gods avatar shouted, like the will of the earth, there was no change between heaven and earth for a time. However, between heaven and earth, they could truly feel that the magic power that had been completely suppressed was quickly recovered. .

"Roar roar roar roar..."

A roar of beasts rang continuously between heaven and earth. Looking at the sound, I saw that the father and mother, who had no vision at all, quickly manifested their vision all over the body.

Lights and shadows, like a movie, the whole world, a burst of expansion, on the father and mother directly opened a picture.

I saw that there were lions, tigers, swordsmen and sword gods, all of which were extremely terrifying. One by one, they launched a crazy attack, one by one magical powers, even if they were just some magical ghosts, but, The power is extremely terrible. With a knife, the world is torn apart like a scroll. A golden lion has three eyes. When the third eye is opened, you can see it. In the meantime, everything is collapsed.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Staring at the war like a movie, ruining the world.

In particular, seeing that there was a god-like presence there, one punch directly destroyed a city, and hundreds of thousands of people in the city were directly slaughtered!

"Here the blood is awake!!"

The situation in front of me, even if it's a god avatar, feels tricky.

The most important thing is that the spirit avatar simply does not have any ability to act.

"The blood is awake?"

"Actually, it was the ancestors.

Most of the worlds in the heavens have ancestor sacrifices. In fact, their purpose is to strengthen the ancestors with the power of incense. The will of the people is heaven. The ancestors die, leaving only the imprint, left in the world Sometimes, just as time goes by, it will continue to weaken.

Therefore, it is necessary to have incense willingness to continue to strengthen.

In fact, the so-called incense willingness, you can also understand that the public will communicate the will of God with the will of the people, and increase the ancestor imprint with the will of God."

In fact, these are all Wang Yang's own perceptions of the world.However, he believes that eight and nine are inseparable from each other. After all, the strength has reached such a level that he has truly penetrated into the world. Only with a deeper understanding of the world can he truly open up the world.

"So, what should I do?"

Faced with such a situation, Luo Jian simply has no way.

"Otherwise, use Mindgrass, Mindgrass, and enhance Auntie's will, so, will it be useful?"

"Useless, they should have been offering sacrifices before."

Poor parents in the world.

Wang Yang already knew that before, his father and mother must have known that they had entered the Thunder Realm, and they were offering sacrifices to their ancestors and seeking their ancestors’ blessings.

However, they did not expect that the so-called sacrifice is to communicate with the ancestors. However, the ancestors who were sacrificed by them directly attacked Wang Yang in order to return and resurrect.

Before, Wang Yang showed great power and crushed all fifty wills. In despair, the fifty so-called ancestors were directly manifested spirits, all of which helped the father and mother to regain their blood.

"Huh, I even wanted to hurt my parents. You are dead."

Wang Yang hated for a while.

"However, you absolutely can't think that my speed will be so fast, just to crush you all.

This time, you have done a good deed.

As long as I can raise my father and mother themselves enough to support them, perhaps their potential will also be greatly improved.

"The ancestors showed their spirits. This time, they actually did a good thing."

If you encounter such things in other places, it may be really very troublesome. Although the battle on the scroll is only a phantom, the battlefield is the physical body of the father and mother.

Such a violent battle is directly possible, and they have exploded their flesh.

However, for Shenshui Manor, the most indispensable is all kinds of magic medicine.

"Come on, rush the soul grass into them."

The spirit doppelganger could not move, but he thought of a way, but only to give orders.

"Okay, that's it. As long as ten years of psychic grass, it's enough. Too powerful psychic grass, too much, they simply can't absorb it.

Of course, the most important thing is to improve their physique.

So many blood veins wake up, and eventually, they will devour each other, most of which consumes blood.

We must supplement their consumption."

Ancestral manifestation, in a world where magical powers are not displayed, is a spiritual sustenance. However, in an era when heaven and earth change greatly, and various gods and demons appear, the so-called ancestral manifestation is very likely to become true.

People are longing for longevity.

To sacrifice ancestors is to help ancestors live in disguise.

However, if the price of ancestors’ longevity is to pay for their own lives, then, I am afraid that no one will be willing.

This is the case with Wang Yang, who can sacrifice his ancestors, but when the so-called ancestors want to take their lives away, only for the so-called ancestors to return, then, do it for his mother.

The instructions one by one were quickly conveyed from Wang Yang's mouth.

I saw that there were constant flashes of light and shadow on the father and mother, however, they were quickly eliminated.

However, there are too many blood lines, and the breath of the Wangxian Wang is rapidly consuming.

If it cannot be supported to the end, then the father and mother are very likely to die.

If supported, maybe it is another world.

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