My Super Estate

1742 Return of the Sword King, Return of the Spear God

Chapter 1656 Return of the King of Swords

"not good!"

Suddenly, someone yelled.It is invincible with the magic gun, one of the strongest in Shenshui Manor, and invincible with Shenshui.

"what happened?"

Wang Yang is everything in Shenshui Manor. He is not only the founder, but also the master. The safety of his parents has always been the invincible existence of Shenshui Manor, which is highly valued.

Not only the invulnerability of the sharp guns appeared, but Mo Jun, Abin and others all appeared. Although they were not sure what they could do, they should have no less concern.

"Boss Yang, what's wrong with you?"

"I feel that a strong gun intention, a strong gun intention is improving."


A strong shot?

The magic gun is invincible. He claims to be invincible, which represents his confidence in his gun.

Since he said that there is a powerful gun intended to improve, then there must be a powerful gun intended to improve.

"Spearman, it must be Spearman!!"

Who is the spearman?

No one knew, but Luo Jian exclaimed so loudly.

"What gunman?"

"Before, within days of Thunder Realm, I once fought against him and once had four wills awakened. Later, when I concentrated all my strength, I exploded him."

"No, there is a will to wake up."

Wang Yang, sitting on the divine platform, suddenly spoke.

A pair of divine eyes, emitting a dazzling golden light, directly illuminate the queen mother Liu Guiying.

"come out!!"

The powerful strength of the Divine Spirit has already felt that there are two strong wills in his mother's body, which are returning quickly.

No, it should be that they engulfed other powerful bloodlines, strengthened the origin of the bloodline, awakened the bloodline itself to contain some marks, and then returned from heaven and earth.

The god avatar opened his mouth and the world responded. The mother's body shone brightly, and the god avatar looked at it, without any escape.


Sure enough, a powerful energy wave came from the mother, and then a crazy laugh sounded, and the laughter contained a very powerful magical power,'Poof!'The weakest, of course, is Qing Yang's son, Qing'er, who just laughed and let him vomit blood.

"court death!"

Suddenly the accident happened, no one thought of it, and then, the gods avatar angered, and in his eyes, a ray of gold shone, directly hitting the void.


Void concussion, from which, a phantom manifests.

Sure enough, it was a gun shot to the sky, however, a tall figure, wearing a silver robe, holding the presence of a spear, manifested between heaven and earth.

"It's you?"

This figure, in the days of Thunder Realm, Wang Yang saw, is indeed one of the fifty wills, that is to say, he is his ancestor who did not know how many generations ago.

It's just that in the Thunder Realm, it was clearly suppressed by their own world, and they were crushed. Now, they are back.

"It's you?"

The appearance of the spear god, the god's doppelganger accident, the same, the spear god is also shocked.

"Huh, you, this is your god avatar?"

Suddenly, the Spear God stunned for a while, and then laughed: "Haha, really God help me, your deity hasn't returned, your Divine Divine, you can't have any movement.

Haha, really help me too!!"

"Not bad, really help me!

You filial son, I wait, but your ancestors, dare to shoot towards this king?

Now, the king is about to return, you just wait!"

It was another phantom that jumped out of the Queen Mother, and watching the Divine Doppelzin really could not have any movements, and suddenly, he could only come from heaven.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

The gods avatar laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Don't be filial son, don't respect your ancestors, why are you still laughing?"

The Spear God and the Sword King are in trouble.

Pointing at Wang Yang, they scolded their unfilial sons. Senran regarded themselves as Wang Yang’s ancestor, standing above him, accusing later generations.

"Huh, what am I laughing?"

The spirit avatar laughs evilly: "What am I laughing at?

I laugh at you idiots who rely on the old and sell the old.

I wait for future generations, day and night sacrifices, just pray for you and your ancestors, but unfortunately, you bastards, just returned to their will, and want to overbear me and wait for everything.

Obviously, there can be various means to return from heaven and earth. You just have to dominate everything, kill me and wait for all vitality.

What kind of ancestors are you claiming to have such a cheeky face?

It's shameless."

"You, what are you talking about?"

"Bold, I am your ancestor. Everything of your ancestors belongs to me. Now, when we need to return, what else can you complain about?"


The two of you, who is bigger and smaller?But figure it out, want to understand?"

The fact that the Spearman and the King of Swords can return powerfully among many wills has already shown that their means are amazing. However, to say that they belong to the same period, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

Moreover, brothers, there are different sizes.

The Divine Spirit sneered and said, "Originally, if you wait for good words, help me to wait for future generations within the Thunder Realm, perhaps, we can still do everything we can to help you return and restore your glory.

Who would have thought, you so-called ancestors, so wolf-like ambitions, at every turn, is to dominate everything, exterminate me and all vitality.

I would like to ask, if we can get to where we are today, who has spent so much pain and hardship?

You actually want to dominate everything and destroy all my vitality. This is to prevent me from waiting for future generations!

In this case, what is the use of such so-called ancestors?"

With that said, the Divine Divine exudes a magnificent momentum.

"Do not!!"

Under such a magnificent momentum, it is like a tsunami, with strong winds and waves, affecting everything.

"No, impossible, how could you have such a terrible momentum?"

This momentum has the meaning of breaking the earth, this is the real invincible prestige, with the meaning of peerlessness.

But, how is it possible that his deity, who has just entered the seventh step, how can he have such peerless power?

"Huh, between this world and the world, there are too many impossible things.

How much do you so-called ancestors know?

Since you, so-called ancestors, do not treat my descendants as human beings, do not give me the opportunity for future generations, want to exterminate me and wait for everything, then, why should I admit that you so-called ancestors who do not know how many generations ago?

go to hell!!"

Divine spirits split their eyes, radiating gold-like light, bright and dazzling.

Then, it was discovered that under such golden light, these two so-called ancestors directly burned.

"Ah, no!"

Finally, there is a chance to return, how can you give up like this?

It is a pity that the strength is not as good as that of human beings. Even if there is nothing more unwilling, even under this kind of extinction, it will die.

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