My Super Estate

Chapter 1743 God's Kingdom

Chapter 1657 The Kingdom of God Made Wushuang


Between heaven and earth, thunder rolled.

Thunder represents God's will, and Thunder rolls as if it has been recognized by the world.

A supreme existence emerged naturally behind Wang Yang.

It was a supreme golden body, exuding a breath of extinction, just to let people watch it, it is a feeling that we are immortal.

"It's finally done!"

Accumulated many times, just for the present.

Wang Yang felt the power of the magical power behind him, and he had a strong self-confidence in his heart.

"Budo training is a leap in life and an evolution of life.

However, in the process of life's leap, it often means not calm, fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, fighting with people, and fighting with the heart.

In the process of life leaping, there is never calmness. If you want to go further on this road, you must control more powerful means of force.

Remember, in the mortal world, in ancient China, there have been many times, the emphasis on the culture and the light on the military, always thought that with money and some cleverness, you can live a more chic, terrible, and the humanities have reached the peak of the Song Dynasty, Time and time again, he was attacked by people and treated as weak sheep and fat pigs in the pigsty.

In the Qing dynasty, I was dreaming of a heavenly kingdom. I thought that the heavenly kingdom was vast and rich, and there was nothing missing. I closed the country and did not ask for the slightest advancement. I enslaved all the people. The emperor stood high. Everyone sees them. As a result, the ship was opened by the guns and the cannons, and the ancient kingdom was shattered and became the so-called inferior people in the eyes of foreigners."

The ancient history left a deep impression in Wang Yang's heart, which is still fresh in his memory.

If you are weak, you will be beaten.

Introduce is the truth that will never change.

Martial arts practice represents a leap in life. However, if you want to live longer, you should be more at ease and safer, and you should strive to make progress and control more powerful forces.

The same Chinese people, Datang became the co-owner of the Quartet, became the Khan in the eyes of the barbarians outside the territory, and became the center of the world. However, after a hundred years, he dominated the same piece. As a descendant of the Khan in the eyes of the barbarians outside the territory, The ancestors in the center of the world, their descendants, have become sheep in the eyes of others, become two-legged sheep, can be swallowed by others.

At the same level of life, the status is quite different between the two.

"Now, the immortal gold body has been successfully transformed, so that I really have control of a hole card and turned it into my own.

If I can cultivate other peerless supernatural powers, and then really turn it into it, perhaps, the immortal golden body is more powerful.

Perhaps, I am just the seventh step divine lord, creating a realm, that is, I can defeat the emperor."

Wang Yang felt the benefits and had great ambition in his heart. He wanted to be a step-by-step camp, and he wanted to solidify his already solid foundation.

Because, he has such resources, also has such qualifications.


"Brother, this is all right?"

Looking at the two ancestors who didn't know what era they were from, or even where they came from, the so-called ancestors were even stunned by the eyes, and all the people were shocked.Looking at the Divine Doppelganger is even more golden.

"Relax, here is my world, even if the emperor passes by, let me lie down!"

The world is always just the world, peerless power, equal to the world, such a existence, even if it is its own god realm, must be broken.

"My deity, has crossed the Tianmen, and soon, will come back!!"



It is said that every one of Shenshui Manor is very excited.

Especially Luo Jian, watching the Divine Doppelganger, jumped up excitedly: "Brother, what you said is all true?"

"Can I still lie to you?"


Luo Jian laughed longitudinally.

The world has changed greatly, and the Thunder Realm has also undergone major changes. All kinds of ancestors who do not know which life are from the world, with the help of the power of the Thunder Realm, return to the world and intend to occupy their own. Flesh, plunder everything.

I prepared everything myself, my cousin had nothing to prepare, just to save myself, a brain, directly into the thunder world.

Thunder world, no one knows whether there is any entry or exit.

Without any preparation, just to save people, rush into the thunder world?

Who dares?

It can be said that Luo Jian has not had a peaceful time since he came out.

"What laughing?"

Wang Yang's voice sounded.

It’s Wang Yang’s voice.

One by one, all turned around in surprise. Sure enough, there, they saw the familiar figure.

"Brother, you, you really have nothing!"

"Well, I really have nothing to do."

"That means that you are already the seventh step, a level of Divine Lord?"

"Not bad!"

Luo Jian hugged Wang Yang tightly. However, suddenly, there seemed to be an invisible barrier around Wang Yang. An invisible force directly pushed Luo Jian away.


This is the Divine Realm, which can be regarded as independent from the world. However, just now, Luo Jian can be sure that Cousin did not use any power or magical powers just now.

So, what is this?

"This is the seventh step, a means of natural control, space.

The Kingdom of God, the so-called Kingdom of God, is actually a kind of control over space.

The seventh step is also called the creation environment. In this kingdom of God, we can create something independently, and even transform our own flesh appropriately.

Therefore, between this heaven and earth, there is a so-called god body."

Shenshui Manor is an emerging force. He is the strongest person in Shenshui Manor. In Shenshui Manor, he has his own responsibility and must lead them further forward.

Some experience must be communicated when appropriate.

"This, this is the Kingdom of God?"

"Otherwise, you think you can really open up a country!

However, if you want, you can, this side of the Kingdom of God, there is a lot of space, as long as you want, you can always open it at any time.

In fact, many Protoss do this, they just open up the Kingdom of God, and then the entire family moves into it.

Even, using the creation of the kingdom of God, to enhance their own clan strength."

The seventh step of the Great Supernaturalist is to create the realm of God, and for now, he has only these feelings about this realm.

Even others, he has not yet.

It's just that just these two things have already given him a great touch.

During the battle, one side of the Divine Kingdom opened up, and there was no means to break the space. Even if the strength is strong, it must not be hurt.

Moreover, the kingdom of God contains the spirit of creation, which can transform the god body, enhance the physical body and combat body, and even promote the clan, and also enhance their own magic soldiers.

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