My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1746

Chapter One Thousand and Sixty

"Everyone is an independent individual, not only inheriting the blood of his ancestors, but also having his own blood.

The endless blood has become one source after another, bit by bit, so that future generations are worse than generation after generation.

The so-called creation of the god body is better to say that it created a god.

God, integrate all the sources and develop all potentials."

Xiao Qing'er yelled in pain, however, Wang Yang was indifferent, and, out loud, comforted Wu Xiaohong, speaking out his own guess.

"Brother, do you mean, everyone is a god?"

If a theory like Wang Yang is true, then, isn't it that everyone is a god in theory?

The difference is that some people are awakened, and some are still sleeping?

God, if this theory is correct, then, how many gods must die every day?

God made everything!

Every day, every day!In this way, how many things are destroyed between the heaven and the earth as the "God" dies?

"In fact, with any protoss, as time goes by, the bloodline becomes thinner and thinner.

Moreover, if it is impossible to go out of its own way, the so-called Protoss, among the descendants, is absolutely impossible to exceed the ancestors."

"Hey, brother, look at it!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yang was shocked.

This is his own son. How can he be allowed to have trouble?

Quickly turned his head and watched carefully.

Suddenly widening his eyes, I saw that one by one special blood veins quickly awakened, and then, was absorbed by the innate god tree.

As long as all blood sources are absorbed, Wang Yang helps his son create a god-level blood line, which is considered a success.

"No, it's really wrong. How could it be so fast?"

Such a speed is really too fast!

It has been seriously exceeded.

Wu Xiaohong stared nervously at Wang Yang: "Brother Yang, what's wrong?"

Now, although she has a peerless heritage, however, the time is too short, even if the resources are not lacking, it is difficult to build a great magician.

The son is everything to her. If the son really has a little accident, she doesn’t know what to do!

What mortal or divine body, as long as it is its own son, what is the difference?

"Don't worry, it's just that these blood sources are awakening too quickly and have exceeded the original plan.

However, this is not a bad thing at least, at least, Xiaoqinger should reduce a lot of pain."


"Of course, he is also my son, can I lie to you?"

Wang Yang was very sure that he would never know her.

Only, his eyes, staring closely, did not dare to relax.

Behind any accident, there is a pusher.

The so-called accident is just because, beyond his own expectations, there is an additional factor, a factor that is not in his original plan.

It is necessary to observe carefully what the reason is.

Finally, from Xiao Qing'er, the fast flashing light and shadow have been steadily weakening.

This means that Xiao Qing'er, like the endless source of blood, finally recovered in full, even absorbed by the innate god tree.

Seriously looked up and down on the innate tree of God of Creation. Sure enough, there, originally, it was just looking like an entity, but in fact it was just a series of law-making and condensed trees of innate tree of God, which had really condensed into an entity.

Even when a gust of wind blew past, the leaves were fluttering.

This was absolutely impossible before.

"come out!"

Suddenly, Wang Yang exploded with a strong momentum. Behind him, an immortal golden body appeared, up to a hundred feet, majestic and grand, exuding an immortal breath, with a great power to suppress all.

Wang Yang’s sudden outbreak didn’t surprise everyone, because, now, one by one, they were all waiting in line, just staring at Xiao Qing'er in the midair.

Obviously, the so-called accident has given them a wake-up call. Before that, it was just disguise, just pretending to be easy.

The innately created God Tree has been solidified, and it can be said that it has reached the final step. However, it is only solidified, and there is no kind of magical charm unique to the God Tree, which means that there is a last bit of origin in Xiaoqing'er.

There is also the last bloodline, which occupies a little origin.

Every life is a natural god.

Wang Yang had already said such things before, in fact, it had already reminded them all.

How can a natural deity lack the last charm?


Inexplicable sighs sounded within the gods.

Being in it, but everyone can guarantee that such a sigh is definitely not made by yourself.

Looking at the little Qing'er in the midair, one by one, his eyes were more tense.

Sure enough, from Xiaoqing'er, a ghost appeared.

No matter who he is, when he sees him, he seems to have a sense of seeing his ancestors.

"who are you?"

Looking at the man in straw coat and animal skin in front of him, the whole person seemed to be a strong man coming out of the ancient barren, Wang Yang's expression, very nervous.

Sure enough, any one thing is not so simple.

In the past, I thought it was the thunderstorm that fell from the sky, but now it seems that it is very wrong.


The phantom, standing in the emptiness, resembles that of the gods, and fills all souls.

It was a believer who saw the feeling of a god, and naturally, it was filled with a sense of piety.

"You can call me the first ancestor, or you can call it human ancestor."


Damn, one is bigger than one!

Hearing these two titles, even Wang Yang, was a bit surprised, some were caught off guard, and some were shocked.

How could these two names be?

How can there be such two names?

Wang Yang naturally lowered his vigilance.This is when Wang Yang let go of it naturally. It seems that when believers see the gods, nature is so natural.

But, your son, even if you are an ancestor, you can't hurt him!

Just letting go of his vigilance, Wang Yang looked ugly again, staring at the ghost in the midair.

Dare to hurt my son, no matter what kind of ancestor or ancestor you have, suppress all of them.

With such a thought, Wang Yang planned to start.

"Wait a minute."

As if feeling Wang Yang's intention, the ancestors said, "You said it was very good.

Everyone is a natural god.

I am very grateful that you awaken me!"

"What do you mean? You mean, I woke you up, are you going to take my son's flesh?"

As long as you dare to say, Lao Tzu absolutely dares to bully the master and destroy the ancestor.

Without answering Wang Yang, I saw that the ancestors turned into a light, which was completely absorbed by the innate god tree.

However, the innately created God Tree naturally exudes a special charm, and this charm is so clear.

Lifting his head and looking above the sky, sure enough, the rich luck gathered quickly.

It seems to be celebrating the birth of a new generation of ancestors.

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