My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1747

Chapter 1661 Return of the Ancestor


With the help of human ancestors, Xiaoqing'er condenses the blood of the god level very smoothly, and it can also be said that it is the achievement of the divine body the day after tomorrow.

Although it is not congenital, it is also the same origin, with endless potential and no weaker than the innate god body.

It can be said that only nine-year-old Xiao Qing'er is already a young divine master. As long as he is given time and sufficient resources, he can become a divine master autonomously, even faster than his mother Wu Xiaohong.

However, whether he can break the limit, break the Divine Lord, and achieve the sage, he still has to go by himself.

As a result, only nine-year-old Xiao Qinger was able to fly freely in mid-air.

Even wherever he went, no matter what kind of plant seeds, they can grow quickly, no matter what kind of flowers, they can bloom quickly.

"Daddy hug..."

Xiao Qing'er was flying in the air like a bird.

Flying can only be achieved by mixing the strength of Jindan, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

However, this so-called absolute has been broken in Xiao Qing'er.

The so-called absolute is not absolute.

"Okay, dad hug..."

Looking at his son's successful accomplishment of the divine body and the achievement of the god-level bloodline, Wang Yang was naturally very happy. With pleasure, the son wanted to embrace such a request, of course, to complete it as hard as possible.

"Dad, in my body, there is an uncle, he said, ask me to say hello to you!"


Wang Yang, who was still very happy just now, couldn't be happy again, staring at his son, his eyes were a little sharp, like a blade, sweeping his son inch by inch.

Wow wow wow wow...

Wang Yang's knife-like eyes didn't cut his skin, but Xiao Qinger felt great pain, and he cried out loud.

"Brother Yang!"

"Young Brother!!"

"The owner..."

At this moment, everyone's mood is extremely tense.

Create a god body for Xiao Qing'er, this is the care for Xiao Qing'er, afraid that his talent is not as good as others, be looked down on by others, but also for his future growth.

However, if, because of this, he was taken away by others, then he did a bad thing with good intentions. Such a result is absolutely unwilling to bear.

"Dad, it hurts!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yang was already sure that his son was still his own, but there was still something in his son's body.

"Come out!"

"What comes out?"

Xiaoqing'er felt a little weird and didn't know what happened to his father.

"Xiaoqing'er ride, you try it, is it possible, want that old grandpa to come out?"

Wu Xiaohong was attentive, came to his son, touched his son's head, and said so softly.

"What old grandpa? It's an uncle, my mother is stupid, the older one is called uncle, and the younger one is called uncle, this is what the teacher taught us."

Wu Xiaohong felt a little worried.

I am here to worry about my son, but the son is educating himself, what kind of person should be called.

She wanted to growl loudly: the old lady knew.

Okay, who called this his own son, endure it.

"Yes, it's an uncle, then, can you let that uncle out?"

"Uncle said that he now lives in Xiao Qing'er's body and can't get out. However, he said that he won't hurt me, and he will teach Xiao Qing'er and let Xiao Qing'er's strength increase quickly."


Faced with such a saying by Xiao Qing'er, even Wang Yang was a bit stunned.

Can't you get out?

Is it really impossible to get out, or is it unwilling to come out at all?

Can you help your son practice?How does this look so familiar?

The original Demon Patriarch didn't just help himself to practice, or even cultivated into a Demon Avatar, but, in the end, all of this was for his own preparation. All the so-called preparations were done for his Demon Patriarch. Marry clothes.

So, is this guy another ancestor of demons?

His own son, but he can't have his own fortune, can he be dealt with by such a top figure?

In a very short period of time, Wang Yang thought of so many problems.


With a small hand, touching his face and feeling the familiar temperature, Wang Yang settled down: No matter what, his son must not have any accidents.

"what happened?"

Forcibly put a smile on his face.

In any case, you must ensure that your son is safe.Thinking so in his heart, Wang Yang looked at his son and made a decision again.

In fact, such a thing cannot be simple.

It's just, what if it can't be simpler?If the other person is not in his son's body, what can he do?

Wang Yang was almost crazy.

For his own son, a god body was created, but who knows what happened in the end, what happened in the end?

"Dad, the uncle said, he is the ancestor and will not harm me, but you must help him return quickly."

The spirit was shocked.


Not the last ancestor?

Wang Yang was shocked in his heart. It turned out that it was such a character. In his heart, he relaxed a little.

Although it is also very difficult, but you can always rest assured that your son will not have any problems for the time being.

"Quickly ask, how can I help him?"

The many ancestors who have been silent, at this moment, have come back in full, and they have already explained a big problem.

The request of the ancestors is definitely not excessive. Since it is so, then, what is the reason for refusing?

"Uncle said that his dojo is in the third heaven of the Supreme Realm.

Therefore, in order to help him return quickly, he must also board the third day as soon as possible."

The third day?

No one knows how many heavens there are in the Supreme Heaven Realm, but everyone knows that the Supreme Heaven Realm is absolutely unpopular and hopes that people will last for a long time.Even, at least it is already known that there is a triple sky.

However, how can we quickly reach the third heaven?

In other words, this Supreme Heaven Realm is just the first heaven, there are already so many powerful dojos. So, as a ancestor, being in the third heaven, does it mean that his strength is more powerful than the ordinary peerless Strength is still stronger?

On the first day, it is already in danger. There are countless powerful dojos in motion, which means that they are in danger of life.Moreover, there is the second heaven, and the third heaven.

However, in any case, as long as it can help his son solve this trouble, then everything is so worth it.

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