My Super Estate

1762 Forced to go to the ring

Chapter 1676th Mandatory Entry to the Ring

Sword array is the strongest means of gold and black sword.

The strongest means is broken, naturally, that is, the victory of the battle is lost.

"you lose!"

Looking at the golden sword with sun-like hair in front of him, Wang Yang looked respectful.Although he lost to himself, he also won his respect.

A set of golden and black sword arrays has almost reached the edge of transformation. As long as there is a little improvement, maybe he can really transform magic.

Wang Yang is too familiar with the magical transformation. Within the thunder world, as long as the will is not bad, any thunder sky will be wiped out like mud.

"Yes, I lost."

The sword array was broken, which meant that the battle had been lost, and the gold and black sword clearly recognized this problem.

However, he was not frustrated, and he looked firm, looking at Wang Yang: "Next time, I will not lose."

Wang Yang smiled.

next time?

Who knows next time?It seems to be that tomorrow I will be better than today.

However, where is tomorrow?

"I believe you!"

Wang Yang doesn’t know whether he will lose the next time, but he knows that next time, the golden sword will definitely be stronger than it is now.

This is enough, isn't it?

The Golden Crow Knife collapsed, and a thousand demons blood as a bet had been accepted by Wang Yang.

The sky road unfolded behind Wang Yang, which had reached 78,000 steps, as if foreshadowing that the sky road was tall and long.

"There are still 30,000 steps. Perhaps, as long as there are a few more battles in the ring, I will basically meet this condition."

Wang Yang was very satisfied. He knew that maybe, it didn't take long. Basically, he could enter that second world.


Suddenly, Wang Yang froze: This, where is this?

Wang Yang was a little confused, opened his eyes wide, turned his head, glanced around, and stared at each other: this, this is the ring, how can I be driven off the ring?

"Haha, that Wang Yang was even driven out of the ring, haha, it was really a joyous event."

"Huh, call him arrogant, even standing on the ring and scolding, really a big dog, now, under the ring, let's see, what else is he arrogant?"

"Haha, this is the so-called sky rage, and even the ring space can't allow him to continue to be arrogant."

The waves of condemnation directly filled Wang Yang's ears.

It's hard to believe, Wang Yang just entered the first day, I don't know, I thought it was a stink for years!

"Laugh, laugh a fart, kind of, you will go to the ring for a fight, otherwise, don't blind BB here, a group of cowards, don't have the guts to ring the ring, but have the guts to blind BB here."

How dare you dare to be so arrogant?

Wang Yang pointed at everyone, and there was a scolding.

Huh, Lao Tzu is unhappy, you bastards, even dare to be so arrogant in front of Lao Tzu, can't smoke you!!


All of them have been driven out of the ring, so arrogant?

Many people were angry at Wang Yang.

"Look what you see, if you are kind, just go to the ring and fight, otherwise, you will be honest with Lao Tzu, otherwise, hum!"

In this place, Wang Yang has a feeling of being a wolf, and all around it are sheep.

There has never been only a wolf eating sheep. When did the sheep dare to stare at the wolf?


Wang Yang suddenly felt a thought coming from his mind.

It can burn magic blood, integrate into the world, unite heaven and man, and increase the speed of great magical power cultivation.

"Isn't it that I wasn't targeted, or that I wasn't abandoned, but that, in that ring, I couldn't convey my ideas?"

Feeling the idea conveyed in his mind, Wang Yang froze.

He has always thought that he was targeted, perhaps abandoned?


Lifting his head, Wang Yang looked at the sky.

In this particular space, there are no buildings, only a very large ring above the sky, which sits above the clouds.

No matter how big this space is, no one knows. Most of them can enter it, and they are mostly supernaturalists, and they are not confident in themselves, and they dare not come in easily (like Wang Yang, who was so “deceived” to come in , Not counted.)

As great magicians, time is the least valuable to them, as well as the most valuable.

Not valuable, just because his life is very long and very valuable, because none of them wants to die, and everyone wants to break the limit and make a breakthrough based on the limit of life.

Everyone on the scene can be his own enemy. Who should have the cards and the magical powers must be clearly controlled.

Therefore, even if it is time-consuming here, none of them would be willing to leave the ring range. Even if this time is a bit boring, no one is willing to leave.

"I come!!"

Sure enough, Wang Yang was kicked off the ring, and many people were restless.

No one knows whether Wang Yang is truly invincible, but even if he is not, at least it belongs to the level of invincibility.

Going to the ring, the purpose is to earn magic blood, not to send magic blood, even if it has invincible strength, if there is no absolute benefit, no one is willing to fight another invincible.

Wang Yang, in everyone's eyes, that is a lunatic.


The match between supernatural powers always has extremely powerful energy collisions, explosions, loud noises, and energy tides, which are basically routine operations.

For example, in the ring, both of them are extremely strong. At least, at the level of the third step of the supernatural powers, they are already extremely powerful. Every move and every style, although only a common move, is also extremely powerful. terrible.

"Smart choice!!"

Looking at the battle between the two on the ring, many people gave their own evaluations in their hearts.

The warrior is fighting.Growing up in battle, fighting in battle, and death in battle.

If you want to grow up in battle, the representatives are very huge, and no one can afford it.

However, this ring has lost all its worries.Don't care if life will die in battle.

Then, do everything in battle, exhaust your potential, and burst out your greatest potential.

Even if you lose the ring, you have to grow in battle.

Even Wang Yang gave a positive evaluation of the choices made by the two on the ring.

"Hey, I don't know, if you get some winning streak, will there be any special reward?"

Wang Yangyue felt that things were not simple.

In this special ring space, there are always a pair of invisible hands, which are always being manipulated for a certain purpose.

For example: the change of rules; for example: he was actually driven off the ring.

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