My Super Estate

1763 The benefits of Lien Chan

Chapter 1677 Benefits of Lien Chan

On the ring, two people fought against each other. For a time, they saw swords and swords, flesh and blood flew, watching, as if it was terrible.

However, everyone knows that such a battle looks extremely fierce, but the competition is only the strength and the physical body. For the powerful physical body, the powerful recovery ability can even continue.

Sure enough, after three hours, the two sides of the battle were already full of blood and terrified.

However, just after the battle, the body shone, and all the injuries were consumed in a very short time.

"Between the same level, there is no powerful magical power. It is really difficult to kill a person."

All along, Wang Yang has solved everything with powerful supernatural powers.

Seeing this scene in front of him, he really realized what kind of process the so-called supernatural powers had been fighting for several years.

"Sure enough, great magicians, practicing powerful magic skills, is a key."

"The warm-up is over. This battle should give a result."

Two, one on each side of the ring, two people, all have the potential to run, and the waves of potential waves all indicate that the powerful strength and power between the two are extremely terrible.

"Yi Jian Qing Tian!!"

"Blade III!"

Between the two, they devote their best efforts, one by one, to come up with the strongest love, success and failure, this is a battle.

"Sure enough, great supernatural power is great supernatural power, even if it is only the third step, it is not comparable to ordinary martial arts.

This kind of power has huge fluctuations and a huge coverage area. No matter how powerful your physical warfare is, as long as it does not exceed the limit of supernatural powers, it will never be spared!"

Before, I was in the ring, striding in all directions, and fighting for thousands of miles.Now that the role has changed, stand under the ring, and then look at the battles of others in the ring, and you have a different experience.

This kind of realization may not greatly improve your own strength, but a kind of mastery, understanding, and deep control of yourself all have great benefits.

"Blade III, this kind of magical power is extremely terrifying, spreading extremely profound truths. According to legend, people live in the world, there are pre-existences, there are afterlifes.

In other words, there is a legend of reincarnation between this heaven and earth.Through various means, even if it is dead, as long as it is not the limit of Shouyuan, it can still return again.

This knife has even spread such a profound truth. Under a knife, there will be no more marks of'you' between heaven and earth. From then on, you will be completely wiped out from heaven and earth."

This kind of magical power is extremely terrible. It is cut with a knife and wipes out all traces between heaven and earth.

"Unfortunately, this kind of truth is extremely advanced, and the cultivation has reached a terrible level, the strength is terrible, and no creature can bear it.

However, such a profound truth is hidden between heaven and earth. It is also very difficult to realize and improve. It is far worse than that sword."

The great magical powers of the two on the ring, even though it was Wang Yang, also shined.

Especially the three swordsmanship that made him extremely dignified. Such a profound truth, even him, dare not treat it lightly.


Watching the swordsman beheaded with a sword, Wang Yang has a different realization: the future is huge and the potential is endless. However, grasping the present is always the most important.

Dao III, such a great magical power, was cultivated to a high place, and its power was extremely terrible. However, when he was killed by a sword, no matter how deep the truth was, there was no place to use force. In the end, it was all silent.

There is no doubt that the swordsman's swordsmanship is very powerful and terrifying. However, he did not have a deeper understanding. In the end, he died in the swordsmanship, but in the hands of a very sophisticated swordsman.

This is a contest between a pistol and a kitchen knife. The pistol is powerful. However, the child holding the pistol is a child, a child who can't even hold the pistol, and the one holding the kitchen knife is a man. The world's first master of swordsmanship has even reached the horror height of knife-splitting bullets.

However, it is not surprising that the powerful pistol was killed by a chopper.

"Perhaps this is the gap between genius and mediocrity.

Genius, even if there is nothing too advanced, but as long as they work hard, as long as they don’t give up, or even, in-depth study day after day, their achievements are always considerable, in contrast, mediocre Although they gave them a perfect background, but they are too wasteful, even if they have a perfect background, in the end, they can only be surpassed by genius."

Just a battle, watching a battle, Wang Yang has such a deep understanding.

This kind of comprehension is usually not seen, but, day after day, the accumulation of days and months, every day, there will be a day, under a huge quantity, causing a change in quality.

Perhaps, at that time, it will become the brick of his further.

Wang Yang still sighed, and over there, the battle started again.

The swordsman who won the battle is also a very ambitious guy. After winning a battle, he did not choose to end and chose to continue to defend the ring.

This time, his opponent is another swordsman.

Between the two, there was another extremely fierce battle. The fierce battle left them with blood stains all over their bodies. Even their arms were interrupted, and there was a hole in their chest.

This kind of injury, no matter who it is, is extremely serious. However, for the supernatural powers, no one cares about this kind of injury. As soon as the battle is stopped, the whole person is full of light, however, It was in the light, they recovered quickly.

"Your sword is very good!"

This is the first time the swordsman has been in the ring, and no one thought that the first time he spoke, it turned out to be a sword that praised the swordsman.

"Hope you can take my sword!"

The swordsman showed his arrogance as a swordsman. Even though he was praised face to face, he did not feel any discomfort.

It seems that he possessed such strength, which was taken for granted.

The most important thing is, can you block me with a sword?

"Huh, who loses and wins, don't know yet!"

Swordsman's arrogance is very unpopular, at least, swordsman does not like it.

I didn't fall into the disadvantage of the battle just now.

Facts have proved that Swordsman's strength is very good, however, under the swordsman's sword, he is still unable to resist.

Supernatural power can't resist, then, it means death.

"If you have a winning streak, you have to look at it. You have won a winning streak, so what kind of benefits will you encounter?"

Just now, I won a winning streak, but I was forced out of the ring.

Wang Yang really wanted to know if this guy in front of him would be treated like this.

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