My Super Estate

1768 Lien Chan or something, weak burst

Chapter 1682, Lien Chan or something, weakly exploded

"How is it possible? How could your sword skills improve so much?"

Sudden outbreaks are always very incomprehensible.

For example, now, Wang Yang’s sword is still that kind of swordsmanship, but how do you feel that there is a big gap?

Wang Yang smiled slightly: "I used to believe it.

Some people say that his sword can restrain all martial arts in the world.

Therefore, the swordsmanship he left behind-"Nine Lonely Swords", is called the top swordsmanship between heaven and earth.

I have always felt that this statement is very wrong, because, I just got such a heritage.

However, it seems that the so-called impossible is originally because of my understanding of swordsmanship."

Wang Yang was very happy, looking at the Jianxin opposite him, there was a feeling of holding him and laughing.

"A sword of restraint between heaven and earth, all martial arts swordsmanship?"

Jianxin froze.

Is there really such a sword skill between this world?

So, what kind of great swordsmanship would such a sword technique create?

"Come again!"

Born in the Jianshen family, he is confident, his sword skills, the world first.

However, even if this is the case, he would never dare to bluntly say that his sword skills can break through all the martial arts between heaven and earth.

Just for this sword technique that can restrain all martial arts in the world, he can never admit defeat.

Jianxin deserves to be Jianxin. The previous blows seemed to be annihilated in an instant. His sword was still so fast, his sword spirit was naturally so sharp, just like it was, his The sword can cut off all obstacles between heaven and earth, whether it is heaven, earth, time and space, or cause and effect, all must be cut off under such a sword.

It is a pity that in the end, he was the one who was injured.


Was he injured again?

Jianxin was almost not crazy!

"Your sword is too sharp to bear."

Jianxin glared.

My sword is too sharp, you can't bear it?But why is it always me who is injured?

If it weren't for a trace of reason, he would definitely pierce him with a sword.

"Yi Jian Qing Tian!!"

In the end, this match of swords was simply incompetent, and Jian Xinshi unfolded his own supernatural powers.

This is the first time he has actively given up his sword skills since he participated in the battle.

It is still so terrible that one sword fell to the sky, and one sword was cut, carrying the whole force of the sky, carrying the sharpness that could cut everything.

This kind of Kendo magical power is the most perfect combination of strength and sharpness.

With his eyes closed, Wang Yang opened all his spiritual power and tried his best to capture this style of swordsmanship and wanted to break it with a sword.

Soon, he opened his eyes and fully supported a layer of golden bell.



Wang Yang was beaten back, and even swallowed a trace of blood.

What a sharp sword, what a powerful force!!

Wiping the blood at the corners of his mouth, Wang Yang stared at the heart of Jianxin.If he hadn't reacted fast just now, maybe he was split in half by his sword!


His great swordsmanship, has such terrible power?

Jianxin is a little disbelief.It's not that he doesn't believe in his sword, but that he doesn't believe that his sword can bring such a terrible power to the kid on the opposite side.

how is this possible?

"You take me a sword too!"

Almost, almost only, how could Wang Yang be happy when he was cut in half by a sword.

Sword out.

It is just a sword, as if it is the most powerful force between heaven and earth.


Wang Yang was repulsed again, and his epiphany was even split open!

"Huh, your swordsmanship is great, but it's a lot worse!"

Jianxin seemed to have recovered his confidence again. If the defense was not too strong, he could split Wang Yang in half with the sword just now.


Faced with such a result, Wang Yang was not surprised. In contrast, his epiphany saw the difference.

"Humph, do you think you are strong?"

Between the great magical powers, the power difference is too big, one is not good, it is just to explode the whole body, there is no room for any temptation and competition, there is only killing each other.

"At least, I have the upper hand now!"

One sword defeated Wang Yang, and even beat him to devour blood.

He felt that his confidence was back.

"Huh, then you try it!"

How dare you look down on yourself?Could it be that you think that you have won several consecutive victories, you think that your strength is very strong?How dare you look down on yourself so much?

Very good, so, then you try it!

Raising a hand, it seems that it is holding a large seal, which exudes endless coercion. Behind, there is a golden body god person, although it is only a phantom, however, it is only power, but it is let People are terrified.

"What magical power is this?"

Supernatural powers and martial arts have the biggest difference. Martial arts are just for the development of their own power. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot exceed their limits. However, supernatural powers are different. Supernatural powers pay attention to their own strength and borrow the power of heaven and earth.

Every kind of supernatural power naturally exudes all kinds of power, either like a mountain, or like a god, a heavenly power, and a violent thunder.

Although different, but with all kinds of supernatural powers, power is difficult to eliminate.

For example, although Wang Yang is just holding a big seal on his hand, he still has a mountain-like power. Just looking at it, it seems that there is a mountain suppressed on his mind, there is always a kind of Feeling breathless.

"Huh, do you think you won a winning streak, do you think your world is invincible?

I tell you, streak or something, weak burst!!!"

Saying that, Wang Yang separated from the air, and put his palm under the palm of Jianxin.

Bang Bang Bang...

After bursts of sound, Jianxin quickly raised his head, and saw a mountain above the sky.

It was an ancient God Mountain, and just by looking at it, he already knew that he could not resist it at all!


It cannot be resisted, but how can it not be resisted because it is related to one's own life?

Even if he knew it was irresistible, Jianxin tried his best for his own life.

However, all this seems to have no effect at all.

Under the seal, no matter what kind of sword you are, it must be crushed into pieces, and all resistance is like a paper tiger.


The big seal is like a mountain, completely covered and pressed down. On the ring, there is only one Wang Yang and a big seal like a big mountain, and what is the person who defends the ring, the sword heart that has won two consecutive victories, is gone Any trace.

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