My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1769

Chapter 1683 Deduces Great Swordsmanship

"But does anyone dare to fight?"

The ring space stipulates that ten battles are necessary to leave.

For now, including Jianxin, four games have been completed.

However, for Wang Yang, all this is not enough, far from enough.

"Ten ring battles have ten thousand and eighty steps. For now, there are only four battles. Ten thousand and ten thousand steps are only eight or eight thousand steps.

Human ancestors, asked me to enter the third level of the Supreme Heaven Realm. For now, even the second step is so troublesome, but how is it good?"

The mind is very heavy, and the thought is heavy. Wang Yang raised his head, his eyes were like electricity, he looked around, and he was majestic.

"Why, I have defeated Jianxin and accumulated a two-game winning streak, everyone, could it be that I am not interested?"

After defeating Jianxin, Wang Yang discovered a surprising thing: Jianxin had defeated one person and continued to guard the ring. When Wang Yang defeated Jianxin, then Wang Yang would get two points.

This rule is very interesting, as long as you have enough confidence to hold the ring, then you can continue to score points, however, as long as you lose a game on the ring, then all your points are automatically transferred, everything before The efforts are all transfer winners.

Sorry, Wang Yang defeated Jianxin. Although he only defeated him alone, he also counted as a two-game winning streak.

Now Wang Yang continues to defend the ring. If he is defeated, then his two-game winning streak will be straight, but the victory over Wang Yang is directly a three-game winning streak.

It can be said that as long as you do not actively give up in such a battle in the ring, the accumulation will become larger and larger. For many people, I am afraid that the greater the temptation.

Sure enough, looking at the tall Wang Yang, many people were excited.

However, they thought of the end of Jianxin before, many people were calm down.

"Huh, let you be arrogant for a while. The current rules of the ring battle are exactly when I wait for improvement. In the future, as long as he is not given the opportunity, he should not be challenged by him. And he must be standing still, and when the time comes, our strength will definitely crush him!"

Looking at Wang Yang on the ring, someone spoke like this, and the voice passed into the ears of all great supernaturalists.

Wang Yang has caused a lot of anger, and they have grasped the unity, and they all resist Wang Yang and will not fight him.

"Okay, that's it!"

The thing is this kind of magic, although as long as you are in the ring, there will always be someone to lose, and there will always be people to get benefits.

However, they are united, to resist Wang Yang, to teach him a lesson.

As a result, a very strange scene appeared again. Wang Yang stood on the ring. No matter how he spoke, there was no challenge. Ten minutes later, Wang Yang was automatically ousted from the ring.


The icy gaze swept across many great supernaturalists, especially the existence of a level of sages.

These bastards, with their strength and their means, have the special advantage of this ring space, and their strength will definitely have a time to be greatly improved.

"No, it's just a great magical power at the metamorphic level. It's still a bit improper. I have to improve my strength."

In the ring, his own challenge didn't meet the challenge.

Is it possible that no one is angry when he yells at the ring?

Impossible, one cultivation is very good, but it is impossible for all people to cultivate well.

The reason why there is no challenge is because they are not sure.

However, this ring space is obviously a good place to improve themselves. When their strength improves, will they avoid war?


"I have to improve my strength.

Here, ascension and cultivation are not of much use. On the ring, only jihad at the same level is allowed, so you must upgrade your great magic power."

This is the peculiarity of this man’s ring space. As long as he gets to the ring, no matter whether it’s physical warfare, spiritual will, or martial arts, it’s restricted to death. Belief, only great supernatural powers, is not subject to Any restrictions.

However, even if it is a sage, without the sage's physical body and body, without the sage's martial arts, and without the sage's spiritual will, even if he possesses a sage's level of supernatural powers, it is impossible to show it.

Then, the only way to improve yourself is to practice great magical powers, and to raise the level of great magical powers.

"Immortal gold body, it is difficult to improve.

However, for now, the only magical power I can promote is the indestructible golden body. Otherwise, no other peerless magical power, no one knows, will it, suddenly, just jump out of a peerless power. Then, after a long time of cultivating great magical powers, it succeeded others, but it was just a waste of itself."

For example, peerless magical power-dragon claw hand.

To practice dragon claw hand, you must absorb a lot of dragon gas or various gods like dragon blood and dragon bones.

However, as long as the supernatural powers are transformed, then all the magic medicines like dragon energy, dragon blood, and dragon bones that were absorbed before naturally leave the body and form a supernatural power with the help of the rules of heaven and earth.

This is peerless magical power.

Once the Shenlong left, it meant that, except for some experience, Wang Yang's previous efforts were all in vain, and all were naturally taken away by the Shenlong.

Before, Wang Yang practiced the Devil Ten Thousand Arrays, and the Great Formation spawned the spirits. However, the formation of the spirits was naturally absorbing all the magic medicines about the Tenth Demon Tensions Array in Wang Yang’s body, and all left Wang Yang automatically. With the help of the rules of heaven and earth, it became the ancestor of the demon.

As a result, as soon as the Demon Ancestor left, there was nothing between the world and Wang Yang.

With the help of your own hands, you have accomplished others.

This is the wedding dress for others.

"The previous game was a great one, but as long as there were some chances, maybe it would be incorporated into Epee.

So, maybe, my Excalibur also came out.

"Since this is the case, why not try it?"

After thinking about it again, Wang Yang decided that it was necessary to give it a try, even if the devil's blood was consumed, but as long as the strength can be improved, perhaps, in the end, what problems can be solved quickly.

"This, he is actually consuming magic blood to practice magical powers?"

Before, Wang Yang was so arrogant, with a golden flash of light behind him, suspected to be a supernatural magical power.

This is why, no matter how Wang Yang's arrogant curse in the ring, no one is in the ring.

However, it now appears that the problem is somewhat difficult to solve.

"Isn't it that he has cultivated a supernatural power, and that he has already been transformed?"

In the dark, someone roared so angry.

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