My Super Estate

Chapter 1784 The First One thousand six hundred and ninety-eight

The first one thousand six hundred and ninety-one is printed like a mountain

"Since you are so confident, then I will destroy your confidence!!"

Wang Yang was above him, the weather was continuous behind him, and his voice was cold, so he said.

When the heart moved, the heart was beating, and a thick golden blood was burning like a flame. Then, under the strong beating of the heart, it quickly flowed all over the body. The whole person felt It seemed to be in the flames, an unmatched force, so that Wang Yang was full of power.

He stretched out his right hand and waved gently, and the space burst, as if it were, this space couldn't bear his gentle wave at a time.

"What a powerful feeling!!"

Wang Yang clearly felt that his own mental will was strong enough. In the past, it had always been an explosive burning of golden blood, but now it is a feeling of control.

The most important thing is that he can clearly feel that the golden blood in his body already has a feeling of fulfillment.

The golden blood is perfect, and in the future, perhaps, it can be promoted again.

Since practicing, Wang Yang has been very fast at pursuing Ziyang Divine Skills. However, after practicing golden blood, he felt a very difficult bottleneck and wanted to improve again. However, there was always an unbreakable The feeling, as if it was golden blood, has reached an end.

"Now, is it possible to break through?"

There was a slight thought in my heart, and there was a cheerful laugh on his face.

"Oh, are you ready?"

His eyes were flowing like this, and he swept gently on General Ma, like Wang Qingquan.

That feeling, without a flash of fire, seemed to be that he faced a fundamentally insignificant existence.

This feeling??

General Ma's heart tightened, and then he was slightly angry, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a trace of fire.

Is it so despised?

So, do you have such power, or are you really so arrogant that you dare to look down on us?

If you can achieve great power, there will not be a stupid person. In a single thought, all kinds of ideas flash quickly, your mind is clear, and your heart understands that you will never be easily burned by anger.

"Be careful, everyone, what other means the other party may have, maybe it can break our army formation!!"

If your own formation is truly transformed, then there is a coach, plus many great masters to help, even if Wang Yang has seven or eight magical avatars, he can be fearless.

However, now that the formation is not transformed, there is no general in the army, and it is difficult to unify its strength. Therefore, it can only resist to change the rules with its own authority and win the rules.

However, it seems that his opponent is really extraordinary, as if he had some countermeasures.

"Oh, a minute has passed, you only have nine minutes."

The loser does not lose, the fact is already the case, the rules have been set, all the cards are all taken out, then, fight!

Before the fight, not just yourself, even your teammates, should have the momentum, but can not be weak.

"And, you have to think clearly.

We are all peerless. Although I am back, the strength is not as good as it should be. However, our growth rate is not comparable to yours. Are you sure you want to block our path?"

Huh, in any case, it can be delayed for a moment, as long as nine minutes pass, then the ring will naturally judge you to lose.

General Ma secretly calculated in his mind that a pair of eyes, like the eyes of the God of War, although having an unmatched fighting intention, however, he still lost the wisdom he should have.

Wang Yang groaned slightly, and there was a hint of hesitation in his expression, as if it was really shaken by the meaning of General Ma's words.

General Ma's eyes lit up: "You have to think about it. There are twenty-three powerful people here, all of them have just returned.

As long as our recovery is at its peak, then we are the 23 supreme beings.

Now, you are in the ring, defeating us, but you cannot kill us. By then, our strength will inevitably increase rapidly.

At that time, your strength will inevitably be limited by the imprisonment of blood. If you want to break this kind of imprisonment, without a lot of time, it is impossible.

But you have to think about whether it is worth it to offend our 23 peerless powers for this victory!"

Sure enough, General Ma's words made many great magicians in the ring exclaimed.

Among them, there is definitely not a strong man, and there are many emperors, however, hearing General Ma's words, for a time, all of them were exclaimed.

Then they realized that they and others were thinking too superficially.


Faced with this situation, even Sun Dasheng, who is not afraid of the sky, can only scold in anger at this time, and can no longer see any action.

Twenty-three peerless masters, the deterrent force is really too great, even if it is not afraid of fear again and again, it is also worth thinking at this time, is it worth it?

"Are you threatening me?"

In Wang Yang's eyes, there was a flame burning, staring at General Ma, and the corner of his mouth was slightly provoked: "Probably, you are also thinking about it. In less than nine minutes, the ring will judge me as a loser.

That's right. First, the words are shaken, then the rules are the edge, and you have full control in your hands.

You are indeed a good general.

However, you shouldn’t have to, and you shouldn’t threaten me!"

Wang Yang's mouth smiled even bigger: "Well, since you want to threaten me, then, today, I will show you, will my power be threatened by you?"

With that said, Wang Yang shot decisively without any threat at all.

Under the palm of your hand, like a god mountain coming from outside the sky, a blazing flame burned in the god mountain, that kind of golden flame, in the flame, it seems that there are millions of people praying.

A tribute was heard, and it rang continuously, turning into a torrent and coming toward the suppression of General Ma.

"The last thing you should do is not to force me to stay.

Now that it has been calculated for me, you must pay the due price for your actions."

Wang Yang is high up, like a god, with a loud and majestic voice. He has a suppression of heaven and earth, and all living beings must bow their majesty.

Among the voices, the majesty is even worse. In the end, all the voices are transformed into an indestructible god-man, suppressed in the spiritual world of all beings, even the will of all beings, is suppressed so hard to raise their heads.

And General Ma was directly struck by that terrible palm, and it was equally difficult to support, as well as his great magical powers.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

There was a continuous explosion.

It was many masters, many magical avatars, and in the face of this palm like a god, it could not be supported at all, it was unbearable, and finally, all of them exploded.

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