My Super Estate

1785 Sword is as big as a mountain

Chapter 1699 The sword is as big as a mountain

The battle on the ring is beyond everyone's expectations.

The Northern Heaven King is strong. However, as strong as the Northern Heaven King, it is just a blow, directly beheaded by General Na Ma.

However, such a powerful General Ma, combined with twenty-three great masters, formed a powerful army formation and was so easily beheaded.

So powerful, is he still alone?

"He, is he still my little brother?"

Sun Dasheng, the first is to speak.

It must be said that here, who is most familiar with Wang Yang and has been with him for the longest time is undoubtedly his Sun Dasheng.

However, he has never heard of getting along so long, he is so powerful!


Sun Dasheng was just unwilling to believe. However, what he inadvertently said caused a lot of dissatisfaction. Someone snorted on the spot, and the voice was so sharp that he pierced Sun Dasheng's brain.

"Bark! Where is the evil, dare to be so presumptuous?"

On the spot, it was a big stick, attacking towards the sound.

Bang Bang Bang...

How powerful the space is, however, under that big stick, it was directly hit by explosions, and a series of space explosions continued to sound.


The earth was sunk, and when it jumped, dozens or hundreds of people simply did not respond in time. The change came too quickly, and it was directly hit.

"Sun Monkey, what are you doing?"

A series of accusations, constantly rising, pointing at Sun Dasheng, was a condemnation.

"Bark, which rat generation just now dared to attack your grandfather?"

Under a stick, spreading to dozens or hundreds of people, Sun Dasheng didn't take it seriously at all, just the golden light in his eyes, cold and icy, there was a pair of no one who admitted that it directly exploded your posture.

Unfortunately, no one stood up in the face of Sun Dasheng's accountability. Similarly, the dozens or hundreds of people who had just been affected were all restored as usual. Even the earth that had just been sunk by a stick was also restored as new.


Sun Dasheng just came in and didn't know that there was such a change.

Of course, Wang Yang saw the movements in the ring, but he did not care, but raised his head.

He felt that his reward had arrived.

The strong make rules, the weak obey the rules.

Obviously, they were not strong enough for General Ma's group of people. Therefore, all their efforts were made for Wang Yang to get married.

In the void, twenty-four voids appeared.

It was General Ma and other twenty-three masters, but besides them, there was another person who turned out to be the Northern King defeated by General Ma.

In fact, the Northern Celestial King is still outside the ring at this time, but in the void, the phantom of the Northern Celestial King clearly appears.

Then, behind them each appeared a heavenly road.

Adding the sky behind Wang Yang is exactly 25.

Twenty-five Heavenly Roads form a special large formation, and the rolling blood of blood is constantly burning. Then, all of them gather towards the Heavenly Road behind Wang Yang.


There is a big reward for the ring space, Wang Yang already knows, but he never knows such changes.

Here, this is the way to build the twenty-five of them, all gathered towards their own side, do you want to achieve yourself?

"Huh? No. My heavenly path is only two or three thousand. The twenty-five people are added together. I am afraid that there will be no difference of one and a half million. There will not be too much difference.

Besides, if this is the case, I'm afraid it won't cause General Ma to wait for the 23 masters.

Could it be, what other rewards do not know?"

Wang Yang was excited, but he also had to wait quietly with his restless heart.

However, the changes in the ring have caused many people to change their colors.

Like the King of the North, he clearly felt that the heavenly road he had built collapsed rapidly. In the end, there were 38,000 steps behind him, all collapsed, and finally, all turned into nothingness.


Heaven's road collapsed, it seemed that Jing Qi Shen had been hit hard, just as if the connection between himself and heaven and earth was cut off by a knife.

Such a change made the Northern King angry.

However, even though he was angry, he had no other choice at this time.Even when he looked at Wang Yang's eyes, he was a bit unclear.

Although he was directly blasted by General Ma, the real beneficiary turned out to be Wang Yang, worthy of his descendants.

In other words, he actually lost to one of his juniors.

"Also, the beneficiary is you, and it's better than those guys."

It is worthy of being a man of great enthusiasm. Even if he was hit hard by this and suffered such a blow, he would soon recover, even, soon, he would adjust.

In Wang Yang's gaze, there was no such anger, no hate anymore, some were just plain.

"this is……"

Suddenly, Wang Yang froze.

Lifting his head and looking at the high altitude, there seemed to be a supreme being, preaching for himself constantly.

It's a kind of Dao that doesn't tell the Dao clearly. As long as you listen carefully, you can hear the Dao sound that belongs to your heart.

"Can it still be?"

A clear look flashed on Wang Yang's face.

Because he actually felt that in that Fa, if he wanted to, he could choose to let people listen to Dao together.

In this way, it is enough to explain why the twenty-three great masters are so willingly and intimately cooperating, it turns out that there is such a layer in it.

"Since that is the case, I will invite him to listen to the Dao!"

So, with a move in his heart, the King of the North saw a supreme man of God in his own spiritual world, where the man of God preached and taught the Fa for everyone.

Naturally, the Northern Heaven King heard some mysteries of the Dragon Palm.

I feel that I can't care about anything. I just sit cross-legged on the ground and listen carefully to the sound.

"Haha, so, then I choose Kendo!"

In addition to the indestructible golden body, there is only the sword, which is a peerless magical power created by itself. However, the indelible golden body must integrate many other great magical powers, otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate successfully. Since it is so, then, leave it to Wang Yang chose only his own Kendo.

I saw that on the ring, Wang Yang sat cross-legged in the midair, in the void, endless sword sounds, constantly ringing, endless sword gas, formed a sword storm, like a sword river, coming towards Wang Yang .

Such a big situation is simply impossible to hear and no insight.

However, all people have a clear feeling, that is, coercion, a coercion from the depths of the soul.

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