My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1786

Chapter 1700 Three Realms and Six Ways

Opening his eyes, Wang Yang looked around and found that he was in a battlefield.

On both sides of the war, one side is a demons, and it is still a three-headed demons, and one side is a human race.

The Demon Clan has three heads, and the body's devil qi is extremely cold. There is a vertical eye in the forehead, and there is a light of destruction manifested between the opening and closing.A sweep, the human side, immediately had two or three people cut into two pieces.

"Brother, shoot quickly, this devil can't stay!!"

Wang Yang hasn't figured out yet, there has been a call from the human races over there, and he is actually asking for his shot to kill the demons over there.

Devil damn it!

All in all, this is the sentence.

Wang Yang pondered slightly and shot decisively.

Bang Bang Bang...

With a sword energy, he fought towards the demon.


The imaginary sweeping of the Quartet did not appear at all. The so-called power to destroy the heavens and the earth did not exist. Even the Demon Race was not killed.

What's going on here?

Wang Yang wanted to act and lifted his feet, he had to walk towards the Demon Race.

However, there is no movement at all.

"what happened?"

Wang Yang was a little surprised, and he realized that it was not so easy to raise his feet.

Yes, before the shot, the arm was also a bit laborious, as if suddenly it was a lot heavier.

Wang Yang lifted his strength and lifted his feet.


The earth is shaking, so much gravity.

Even suddenly, I felt that my body, my internal organs, my own blood, etc., all of a sudden, I felt it all and weighed a lot.

"Such gravity?"

Wang Yang is sure that such gravity, not to mention mortals, even the first supernaturalist, is very likely to come here, directly like a mortal, not to mention flying away, even if it is running fast, It's all a bit laborious.

Even, the general king of sermons came here, directly as babies, want to fight, breastfeed!

"Brother be careful!!"

There was a call from the human races over there, which turned out to be a light of destruction, sweeping towards Wang Yang.


Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs. In the past, a little three-headed demon dared to come to trouble?Can't beat him!

Raise your hand and take a picture.


This palm has used half of Wang Yang's power. With one palm, all the light of destruction is destroyed. Wang Yang raised his head and looked at the three-headed demon.

"Dare to shoot me, are you dead?"

The voice was cold, and there was a hint of coercion, as if it were a god above the heavens, looking down at the world, looking at the world, and seeing the filth that was full of anger.

"Haha, what can you do with me?"

His random blow was actually blocked by people. The three-headed demon king is also a bit strange, but more, it is a kind of arrogance, a kind of incomparable life.

It seemed to be that Wang Yang couldn't help but let him down.

"What can I do to you?"

Wang Yang sneered: "Well, today, I will kill you!"

He said, walking towards the three-headed demon race.

Step by step, each step is extremely heavy, but none of this can be prevented. Step by step, each step is extremely strong.

"court death!!"

The three-headed demon cried angrily. Although there were three heads, there were only two hands. At this time, the two hands were covered with fierce scales, sharp claws, and all the claws were full of blood. Seeing Wang Yang Striding towards himself, when he was heading, he was grabbing towards Wang Yang's chest.

"Be careful!!!"

Many people are reminded loudly.

There are many of them. However, their strength is no more than the fifth step, and even more are some fourth steps. The existence of the third step has already fallen, and the rest are all blocked behind.

It can be said that this group of people, in the face of such a three-headed demon race, simply has no chance of victory. The so-called crowd of people has no effect at all under such absolute strength.

"Haha, don't worry, every devil, what's the matter?"

Open your hands like a big fan, and cover your head towards the demon.

The three-headed demons are very tall, and even ordinary human races, the two are not so tall, however, for Wang Yang, these are not important, he just opened his palms, toward the demons, directly Under cover.

Wang Yang didn't jump out at all, but, with his one hand covered, facing the devil with his two tall sides, it was a palm directly printed on the demon's head.


The three-headed demons were frightened.

However, what he wanted to say was too late, and he was shot to death.

"grown ups!"

Wang Yang withdrew his hand and just lowered his head to look at the demons who had been killed by himself. His brows were gently frowned, and a soft call came from around him, turning his head, turned out to be an old man.

This is a real old man. He looks like he is 50 or 60 years old, and his hair is already gray.

"you are……"

This person is almost the limit of the fifth step. Just now, if there was not his existence, I am afraid that this group of people have all died.

"I am Golden Circle, the steward of the Wang family."


Wang Yang glanced lightly, and then glanced at more than twenty people over there. Some of them were real guards. However, there were several young people who were protected behind them.

"They are all from the royal family?"


"So what is this Demon Race?"

"I heard that not far away, there is a channel of the demon world. These three-headed demon tribes are very likely to be the devil from the demon world."

Demon Realm?

"Tell me, what's going on in this demon world?"

Just entering this world, many things are fundamentally different from what I imagined.

What's more, the request of the ancestors is to enter the third world and open a certain imprint, then, what kind of existence is there?

Could it be that there is another Demon Realm here?

What a joke?

Not in the legend, the Supreme Heaven Realm has a total of heaven and earth, only the legend.

According to legend, there are thirty-six weights in heaven and earth, and thirty-six weights in Kunlun Cave Heaven and Earth. Therefore, it can directly escape from the world, connect the legendary fairy world, and receive a trace of fairy spirit from the fairy world. .

Even, it is the heaven realm, does it also have 33 heavens and earth?

So, how heavy is this Supreme Heaven Realm?

What is the situation in front of me?

Demon Realm?

This second world, is it divided into several worlds?

So, how to enter the third world?

Various thoughts flashed quickly in Wang Yang's mind, and he was thinking about his future path.

According to legend, the Supreme Celestial Realm is the Peerless Great Array under the arrangement of the ancient gods. Peerless Great Power can open up the earth and naturally merge into the Great Array to support the operation of the Supreme Celestial Realm.

So, what is going on?

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