My Super Estate

Chapter 1792 Points

Chapter 1706 Points

"Adult, you see, this is the place to register the task.

If you complete the task, you only need to register here, it is OK."

Although he didn't know what Wang Yang was going to do, Jinyuan Shengwang simply didn't care, he just acted according to Wang Yang's will.

Wang Yang looked at the Jinyuan Shengwang with surprise: If it weren't for other holy kings, facing the seventh step of the God Lord, I'm afraid that although the surface is respectful, I still don't know how to count it!

However, Wang Yang doesn’t care either, whether the Jinyuanshengwang is sincere or hypocritical, anyway, he will not stay here for long, as long as he can determine his own goals, then no matter how he plans, it has nothing to do with himself. .

"This lord has great strength, but he seems to have a connection with the demon sage, as if from a same place.

No matter, anyway, this adult, has already dealt with the demon sage, then, we are friends and enemies.

Since adults care so much about this mission hall, perhaps, I can use this mission hall to permanently solve the Devil's Passage in the Golden Circle City. Perhaps, I will get the upper level reward. At that time, it may not necessarily have some benefits."

Thinking this way, King Jinyuan’s attitude towards Wang Yang was more respectful, and sincerely explained some of the responsibilities of the mission hall for Wang Yang.

"Okay, I will take over two tasks now.

They are the three-headed demon king and Xiaofeng tiger.

These are the eyes of the three-headed demon king, which can shoot out the rays of destruction, the power is fierce, and the existence of a level of ordinary king is easily unbearable.

At least, Xiaofeng Tiger has been surrendered. Here is the mark of Xiaofeng Tiger."

In the end, it is a world of supernatural powers. Handover tasks do not require any human identification at all. As long as some related items are displayed, there are naturally various supernatural powers to determine the true and false problems.

The eyes of the three-headed demon king, the mark of Xiaofeng tiger, two things, after the handover, the mission hall really responded. On the mission wall, it is naturally revealed that the two major tasks have been completed.

"Sir, good."

There was a sincere smile on the face of Jinyuanshengwang: This adult is powerful, and he still cares so much about the mission of the mission hall, so I will post the mission here to suppress the Demon Channel.

Thinking so hard, Doka Holy King is even happier.

"you are happy?"

Wang Yang looked at Jinyuan Shengwang with surprise.

"I'm happy for adults."

After hearing this, Wang Yang smiled, "It should be happy indeed!"


Just now, Wang Yang has clearly heard the message coming from his mind.

"Complete the quest hall mission: hunt the Xiaofeng tiger, kill the three-headed devil, and reward two points."

Yes, two points.

However, with these two tasks, Wang Yang is already very happy, because he has determined one thing, that is, this second world, the so-called mission hall, can simply be received in any mission hall.

Moreover, Wang Yang can even receive targeted tasks for this purpose-for example, planting various magic medicines.

As for the two points, Wang Yang has already accepted, at least, in that first heaven and earth, it used to be the same kind of shit. The so-called sky road is based on different people and different strengths to decide what is needed.

In other words, in this supreme heaven, there is simply a consciousness operating all this.

Perhaps it is said that in the entire Supreme Realm, there is a high presence, he, or he is operating all this.

As for who is behind this, and what is the purpose, Wang Yang does not need to know. As long as he knows, his strength must be improved quickly, which is the most important.

"Excuse me, what's the point?"

Wang Yang already has two points, but Wang Yang doesn't know what the point is.

As long as you know what is the use, then the rest may be easier to handle.

I glanced at the task wall and saw that there were various tasks on that task wall, many of which were needed by Wang Yang.

"Plant sunflowers!"

Looking at this task, Wang Yang was most excited.

Sunflower, this is a very magical artifact. Legend has it that it can absorb the divine power of the sun. Even the sunflowers of different levels can absorb the sun light of different levels.

However, there is no seed for this kind of sun flower. Even Wang Yang used the means to continuously evolve some weak plants to obtain the magic medicine. It is completely useless to deal with such magic medicine.

"Holy King, can this Sunflower mission be taken over? Who posted it?"

Sunflower is very important for Wang Yang. He practices Ziyang Divine Skill, but Ziyang Divine Skill requires solar energy.

Golden Divine Blood has reached a limit at present. Even he has a lot of faith. However, the level of solar energy cannot be reached. If you want to make a breakthrough, the difficulty is also increased by thousands.

If you can get this kind of sun flower, maybe, you can effectively solve this problem.

At the same time, there was a voice in Wang Yang's mind: "Points can build Tianlu.

Points are also in-depth understanding of Taoism."


Wang Yang was stunned.

This integral has only two functions.

Building a heavenly road is a necessary means to enter the third heaven and earth. So, is it not as good as that of the ring to gain a deeper understanding of the Tao?

This method, Wang Yang is very eager in his heart, as long as he enters a few more times, maybe he can transform all his great magical powers.

You should know that each type of supernatural powers will improve its strength after fusion.

What's more, after being transformed, there are still souls, even souls, and all kinds of realms are a very huge temptation.

Of course, the most important thing is to build the Tianlu, and to build the Tianlu, then you can enter the third heaven and earth, perhaps, you can help your son solve a problem.

"Sir, this Sun Flower is a mission issued by the Zhang Family Lord.

I heard that it is a very important person in the Zhang family who needs this kind of sun flower.

It is a pity that in the previous battle, the Zhang Family Lord has been killed by the Scarlet Demon Saint."

"Can't you hand over the task if you are killed?"

Wang Yang's heart tightened.

This question is very important. Don't, you have worked hard to complete the task. As a result, people died, but you can't complete it. That is a tragedy.

"It may be possible, but there must be someone from the Zhang family nodding, no, even if the task is completed, there is no way to hand over."

Wang Yang nodded.

He knew that the Golden Circle City was controlled by the families of these parties. This mission hall was also established by them. The rules in it must be most beneficial to them.

"it is good."

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