My Super Estate

Chapter 1793 Demon Channel

Chapter 1707 Channel of the Devil


Wang Yang's eyes swept, and on the task wall, he found another interesting task—Seal Demon Channel.

Wang Yang can use his own daughter-in-law to guarantee that this task was absolutely absent before.

In other words, this task has just been added.

The problem is that the mission hall is empty, and no one is left. Even the entire Golden Circle is a great enemy. The main royals and protoss clerks have all fallen. At least, the top strong men on the bright side are all Is already falling.

In such a situation, someone will post a task?

What the hell?

The most important thing is that the entire Golden Circle City, the Golden Circle Saint King has the strongest strength, and even he is not an opponent of the Red Blood Demon Saint. Just ask, who is the opponent?

Is it useful to post such a task?

Turning around, Wang Yang looked at Jinyuan Shengwang with a smile, and even looked at him like that, he didn't speak.

He doesn't like being treated as a fool. If the King Shengyuan does not give himself an explanation, then, this task, so be it!

Just released a mission, Jinyuan Shengwang is in a state of anxiety. He was looking at Wang Yang carefully, paying attention to his reaction.

Everyone understands people, and these small movements, as long as they think about it, there is basically nothing they cannot understand.

Sure enough, Wang Yang's steps were already stopped, and he had turned his head and looked at himself. King Jinsheng knew that this was when he performed, could he use this adult's help Strength to help Jinyuancheng solve this problem.

"grown ups."

Wang Yang just looked at him and did not speak.

"Adult, this task was released just now.

At the beginning, I was able to be assigned to come here because it has found a Demon Channel here, and was ordered by Qingyang Emperor to build a golden circle city and suppress the Demon Channel.

As long as the Demon Channel is suppressed, you can get great benefits from Qingyang Emperor.

According to legend, this is a mission released by the world. Once completed, even the Qingyang emperor has great benefits.

In fact, there are many related tasks. There are even some tasks, which are directly degaussing tasks. Entering the demon world and killing the demon clan also has great benefits."

Hearing this, Wang Yang was stunned.

The world is full of benefits, and the world is full of benefits. Wang Yang is also understandable. However, this is also a problem that makes Wang Yang understand more. This is the second world, seriously Is in the camp.

"Why is this?"

Wang Yang already knows that there is a manipulator behind this supreme heaven.

Could it be?

Suddenly, Wang Yang thought of something and had a guess.

"Go, look in the direction of the Demon Channel."

Wang Yang has already speculated, then, there is nothing tangled in the matter. If you don’t understand anything, just go and see.

"it is good!"

King Shengyuan did not expect that Wang Yang was so easy, he agreed to receive the task.

He has seen that Wang Yang does not value the rewards for his missions. His goal is simply for missions.

However, like this, he still filled in some of the most important artifacts.

Whether it’s an adult’s business, but whether to give it or not is your own business.

He still understands this point of being a man.

The Demon Channel is not in the Golden Circle City, but it is also not very far away, just in a place not far from the Golden Circle City.

When you come here, you can see that it used to be a barracks. It is very likely that it was the kind of barracks that suppressed the Demon Race.

However, right now, in such a place, the barracks have been broken, the blood stains on the ground are not dry, and even some residual limbs still exist.

Obviously, there has just been an extremely tragic battle here. The number of people involved in the battle is not a decimal. Even, on many broken limbs, the glory is endless, and all kinds of visions have turned into a special field, not powerful. The strength of it is simply not to dare to be close, and it will be unconsciously directly absorbed by the essence of life.

"King of Heaven?"

"Yes, this is a barracks. In order to suppress the Demon Channel, there is a big general, the God Lord, and twenty chiefs, who are the real kings.

It is a pity that in the battle not long ago, all but the generals were dead."

Wang Yang was silent.

If it was somewhere else, he would not hesitate to make his own suggestion, directly beheading the general.

As the leader of an army, all the troops under your own are dead. As a general, what power do you have to survive?

It is a pity that Wang Yang had already seen the red blood demon sage before. If it were not himself, perhaps, the entire golden circle city had already died, including the golden circle holy king.

Since even the King of the Golden Circle almost died, then, what can he do as a general at the level of God?

In the end, Wang Yang could only be silent.

"Let's go, let's go and see, what kind of existence is this Demon Channel?"

Devil races are known for their destruction. In order to practice all kinds of magic skills, their strength has improved extremely fast. Similarly, they consume a great deal of the source of life, which is beyond their means. Because of this, they often have to devour other lives.

The way of heaven is more than enough to make up for the inadequacy.

Raise his head and look into the sky.

I saw that in front of myself, it had gradually darkened.Turning around and looking behind you, you can find that there is a round sun, and the strong sun rays bring warmth to the world.

Turned around again and looked in front of me, where it was gradually darkened, and even there was ice on the ground.

The same world, under the same sky, there are two places?

Wang Yang has never seen such a scene.

At that time, in the Shuiyuedongtian, I also saw the Devil's Baptism, but now it seems that the problem here is too serious.

"Since the opening of the Demon Channel, basically here has been in such an environment.

Demon races, in the name of devouring, they have a lot of magic skills, progress is very fast, and their strength is extremely fast, but, at the same time, while their strength is improving, they are also consuming a lot of their own life source, therefore, they Usually everything is plundered.

Here, no one dares to set foot easily.

Wang Yang nodded.

This problem is much bigger.

"Is there no way to close?"

In contrast, the demon world's strength has increased too fast. Similarly, they are extremely terrible for various life raids.

Facing such a situation, is there no way to solve it?

"Yes, it can be sealed, or even directly erased, but no one can do it easily."

Wang Yang rolled his eyes: This is not nonsense, if it can be done easily, then the Devil will do the same?

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