My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1795

Chapter 1709 The Magic Is Hard to Remove

"Go, let's go in and see!"

Here, you can see a lot of demons. These demons are not very strong, and they look even stranger. Many demons have the characteristics of orcs.

From here, it can be seen that the demons, many of them exist, are all strange and strange. An individual form is extremely large, but the demons are the least.

Walking in the Demon Realm, the golden circle Saint King shot successively, constantly shot, even, no matter what kind of demons he encountered, he would kill him in one blow.

"how do you feel?"

As he walked, Wang Yang asked softly.

"Shuang, never been so comfortable.

Do you know?I am here to build the Golden Circle City for eight thousand years.

For eight thousand years, I have been suppressing this Demon Channel for a long time, but I never dared to enter this Demon Realm, because this Demon Realm, even the weakest Demon King, can seriously hurt me."

It can be seen that he recognizes Wang Yang more. In the past, he always claimed to be in the bottom, but now he claims to be'I'.

As Wang Yang walked, he listened to Jinyuan Shengwang.

Eight thousand years?

As a holy king, eight thousand years is not too long. For the sage, it may only be a fraction of Shouyuan.

However, it is such eight thousand years, but it has been guarding this channel of the devil world, and even never dared to go deep into it.

"In eight thousand years, for a long time, hasn't anyone ever told you about this problem? Or, as a holy king, have you never found this problem?"

This is a doubt. For eight thousand years, even if it is a pig, if it is willing to think hard, it will find something. After all, this problem is not too troublesome to see for yourself.

So why hasn't it been discovered?

Is this time real or unreal?

In the first heaven and earth, Wang Yang once heard a statement about the supreme heaven and earth: the ancient gods laid down the heaven and earth strange array, and the later came forward and succeeded, opened up the heaven and earth in chaos, and naturally integrated into the heaven and earth strange array.

Countless years have passed, the formation has become more and more perfect, and finally, in this era, the Supreme Heaven, opened up in chaos.

According to legend, the Supreme Heaven Realm has a heavenly road that can lead to the Immortal Realm and has the opportunity to become an immortal.

"This is the Demon Channel!!"

Pointing to the front, King Jinyuan said so.

Wang Yang's eyes contracted tightly, beyond his expectations, he didn't even know the so-called Demon Channel, it would be like this.

There, it can be clearly seen that there are two different worlds, like a sandwich, divided into two layers.

Even Wang Yang can see that there is absolutely no real upper and lower realm here. On the contrary, the so-called up and down is only caused by the distortion of the light.

One world is the world you are in now, and the other is a very distant world, and the two worlds are empty, supported by a huge beam of light in the middle, and the constant magic energy is Coming from that huge beam of light.


With both eyes wide open, Wang Yang pointed at the huge beam of light: "Don't tell me, what we need to do is to explode this huge beam of light!"

The beam of light connecting the two worlds in this way must have received the attention of the will of the two worlds, that is to say, this is to engage in small actions in front of the two peerless powers.

Even this world is very likely to be a very, very powerful power.

Such an act is no different from death.

"Yes, this is it.

I have never been here before, but I have seen some materials in the Qingyang Emperor. Above the materials, the description is just such a picture."

If Wang Yang is just speculation, then the King of the Golden Circle is truly certain.


Wang Yang shouted, the sound wave oscillated, and in the void, he could see layers of water waves like sound waves, spreading towards the four dynasties.


Just layers of sound waves turned out to be many demons, all of them were killed.

The layers of visions behind him unfolded, and each vision seemed to be an independent space, and in this space, there was a mighty god.


I saw that many gods quickly merged together, and a god that exudes immortal golden light appeared.

The god reached out a hand and shot towards the huge beam of light.

Bang Bang Bang...

It was just the palm of the hand, the layers of space were broken, and various explosions were heard.

"Who dares to be so arrogant??"

The palm of the deity has not yet shot the huge beam of light, or even, it has just broken through the barrier of the first world, and has just entered the vacuum zone where the two worlds are located, and has just hit the giant beam of light, In the Demon Realm came a loud shout.

Judging from the direction from which the sound came, the master of the sound turned out to be in the Devil Realm, and came through the Demon Realm channel.

Then, you can see that in the endless and distant Demon Realm, a dark devil's hand is detected, and toward Wang Yang, it is ushered in the sky.

Bang Bang Bang...

Even if it is the spatial zone of the two worlds, however, when two big hands collide together, there is even a loud voice.

However, Wang Yang clearly felt that this kind of sound was not audible to his ears at all. The reason why he could hear the sound was all because of the loud sound of his own spiritual world.

The so-called thunder turmoil, in such a voice, is simply a small movement.


On the spot, Wang Yang was spitting out blood.

"grown ups!"

Seeing that Wang Yang was injured, Jinyuan Shengwang quickly guarded. Then, he looked carefully at the Quartet and, likewise, asked softly.

"It's fine.

I did not expect that there is such a powerful presence across the channel."

Wang Yang took back all the magical avatars.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Just recovered the magical avatar, in the vacuum zone of the two worlds, in the demon world demon, a very terrible will manifested a huge face.

This face is so huge that even the two devil eyes are tens of feet in size.

Such an existence, even Wang Yang, has never been seen.

"Who is your Excellency?"

This kind of existence is terrible, and Wang Yang is unwilling to reveal his name.


Facing Wang Yang's rhetorical question, that huge face did not answer. On the contrary, just a slight glance at Wang Yang was the natural dissipation.

However, Wang Yang still feels very clearly that there is a very powerful existence in the channel of the Demon Realm, which is quickly crossing the boundary.


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