My Super Estate

Chapter 1796 Fighting Against The Channel

Chapter 1710 beats the passage

"Look, there are Demon Races coming again."

"Sir, this time, these Demon Races will be given to me."

The golden circle Saint King fruit breaks.

In the past, there was no way to face some Devil Clan's small shrimps, but they didn't dare to enter at all. However, this time it was different, no matter what it was, he was also a holy king, and was repeatedly blocked on his own territory There is also a great deal of anger in the heart of King Jinyuan.

"it is good."

Wang Yang can see that the demon who came here this time, the strongest did not exceed the level of the sage.

It can be called a holy king, and its strength is definitely not too bad.

Sure enough, three demons appeared in the passage. One was a troll with a height of one hundred feet, not only the height, but also the strength, and the demon. The other two, the strength was not weak. At least one level of the devil.

The three Demon Races, killed from the Demon Demon Road, are wailing and screaming towards Wang Yang and Jinyuan Shengwang.

Wang Yang didn't move, and Jinyuan Shengwang greeted the three demons.

The battle was very hot. It can be seen that King Jinyuan was also annoyed. After mastering the attack skills, the whole person was furious.

Sure enough, no holy king is simple, but two or three rounds, at the cost of a dark gold round shield, to block the magic holy attack magic power, it is directly to blow up a demon master.


The troll saint roared angrily, the attack was more violent, and even the whole person was burning.

This is also the most direct manifestation of all kinds of mysteries. Mysteries are all kinds of explosions, and the mind will not be strong enough. It is simply impossible to control such a huge energy explosion. What is shown is that the body is burning with a blazing flame.

In fact, although this explosive power mystery is extremely expensive and even has sequelae, the strength of the explosive power is extremely terrible.

For example, Jinyuan Shengwang was beaten dazed.


With just one blow, there was no resistance at all, and the entire Golden King Saint was defeated.


Seeing that another attack that could not be resisted was about to come, King Jinyuan tried his best to calm himself down. However, under such an attack, he still felt that his law was running fast, perceiving The advent of death.

At this time, a sword light that seemed to be able to slash everything, appeared in front of the eyes at this time of despair.


The attack that I was able to hit myself hard just now, and even couldn't resist, turned out to be like this.


"Don't be here, there is a guy over there who wants to escape!"


King Jinyuan deserved to be the name of the King, even if he was seriously injured, but after hearing Wang Yang’s reminder, he still endured the pain in his body and chased towards the demon who had escaped. .


In the end it is the Holy King, and not everyone is so abnormal like Wang Yang. You can fight super and even if you are injured, the Golden King Saint still captures the demon who has escaped.

"grown ups."

"what's your plan?"


Faced with such a question, Jinyuanshengwang simply did not know how to answer it.

He just saw the result just now. There is a very powerful presence in this channel of the Demon Realm. He is guarding this channel. Even if the strength of the adult bursts into the table, he is still seriously injured in front of such a presence.

"I do not know either."

If you can, of course, you want to solve this Demon Channel, but without such strength, if you have such an idea, what can you do?

Not self-restrained?

In this human-eating world, not being self-restrained often represents the price of life.

That is to say, in a world where people eat people, if you want to be beyond your control, then you mean to hold your life on the gambling table and bet on the fate.

"Are you going to give up?"

"grown ups……"

Jinyuan Shengwang looked at Wang Yang in surprise, and his expression was a little eager.

Is it really appropriate to put your life on top for the glance of the impossible?

"Relax, I'm not that tall.

Nothing can happen, and I will retreat."

Without a certain degree of confidence, it is a fool to put his life on that fate.

You are not a relative of destiny, do you really destiny will give you a good face?

"Okay, what do you plan to do, fight, I will fight with King Jinyuan today."

No matter what, if you are a holy king, how can you be so underestimated?

"OK, then let's go and see what kind of scenery there is behind this Demon Channel!"

"it is good!"

Regarding Wang Yang's decision, King Jinyuansheng didn't have any surprises at all, and he readily agreed.

Devil world, the creatures of the devil world have always penetrated into their own world. I have never heard of anyone entering the devil world. What kind of devil world is it? The Jinyuan Shengwang is also very interested.


Decided, then go!

Such a piece of magical field, looking at the magical energy, the darkness is dull. However, for Wang Yang and others, such darkness is basically a shady scene. The whole magic domain, like the light zone, is no different.

After all, here is still the second world, just affected by some demon world.

However, the devil world is different, where there is a completely different world, where, even, you can see many incredible things.

For example, all kinds of unique environments and unique regions of the devil world.

It can be said that entering the demon world is a very difficult thing. Once entered, life is very likely to enter the stage of countdown.

However, Wang Yang knew that to solve this Demon Realm channel, he had to enter this Demon Realm.

In this way, Wang Yang stood up and walked towards the direction of the Demon Channel.King Jinyuan followed closely behind.

"This, this is the Demon Channel?"

After really entering the Demon Channel, Wang Yang discovered that things were not as simple as he had imagined.

In the channel of the demon world, there are endless demons. Even, it seems that it is influenced by a certain rule. Endless demonic qi comes one after another. Then, it is blocked by an invisible rule. So, it is converging A lot of magic qi, as long as the magic qi is affected by a little bit, it will form a magic qi mass, whale swallowing an infinite amount of magic qi, and then, it can be found that the magic qi mass explodes, a demon clan, is from the magic qi mass Come out.

It is simply impossible to believe that every hour, how many demons will be born in such endless demonic energy.

Although it is only the weakest Demon Race, its strength is even comparable to that of King Realm. However, considering this number, even Wang Yang has some scalp numbness.

"This, this is the Demon Channel?"

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