My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1797

Chapter 1701 Guarding the Demon Channel

"Adult, what should I do?"

No one had ever told him about the Devil Channel, it would be like this.

God, the endless demonic qi, from the demon world, all gathered here. The longer the time, the more terrifying the magic qi gathers. Finally, I don’t know what terrible demons are born!"

"Do you want to play a big one!"

Here, Wang Yang is also somewhat unexpected.

However, this is very good, and can also make some contributions to my plan.

There is a trace of thought in Wang Yang's eyes, a flash of thoughts flashes quickly, he has already thought about it, after that, he will spend some time here.

"Be prepared, we will spend some time here, maybe, then, our strength will continue to improve.


For eight thousand years, for exactly eight thousand years, for exactly eight thousand years, his strength has not changed at all, even, he has been desperate.

In this Supreme Heaven Realm, as aboriginal residents, they are very different from the lower world creatures. They are born very tall, just born, they have the strength of the Xeon Realm.

Well, it’s just cultivation, since cultivation is not equal to strength.

However, this practice is already quite terrible. You have to know that in the lower realm, I don’t know how many people, they work hard all their lives, it is impossible to have such strength, even, the entire lower realm, unless you have the blood of the royal family, even It is the blood of the Protoss, otherwise, no one can guarantee that his own strength will certainly have such strength.

For example, Wang Yang’s strength is now extremely powerful, but, in fact, his cultivation is only just entering the second day of the strong Wang Realm.

Although he doesn’t want to admit it, the fact is that Wang Yang’s strength is earth-shattering. However, his current cultivation practice is similar to that of the babies of these indigenous residents who were born in the highest heavens.

This is how they were born, but they were born with a rule in place. The twelfth heaven of the Xeon King Realm, that is, the Xeon Realm is complete and cannot be broken.

Supreme Divine Demon, in this Supreme Realm, that is the real Supreme Divine Demon, the real peerless power, and the existence that can open up the earth.

It can be said that under such rules, being able to become a holy king is already a terrifying existence of talented understanding.

It is such an existence, but he has not changed for eight thousand years. His strength has stopped for a full eight thousand years.

As a terrifying existence of genius, no one can have his eagerness to improve his strength.

"Adult, you just say what you want to do, as long as you can improve your strength, even if you fight this life, you will not hesitate."

Wang Yang did not know that this Supreme Heaven Realm has special rules that can go to the point where it is today. The King Jinyuan has really reached the limit. Now, I have heard that there is hope to go further. That is simply the voice of heaven!

The so-called "Xi Cong Tian" refers to the current Jinyuan Shengwang.

"Well, since that's the case, then let's fight together.

You see, this is the innate god tree.

In fact, it also has a name, inborn demon tree.As long as it is planted in this channel of the demon world, then it will naturally absorb endless demonic energy, evolve endless creation, and even destroy all the demons, and the god tree will absorb the demon soul. Produce fruit.

What level of creation can be obtained depends on what kind of magic soul we can get.

Yes, this is the seed of the inborn God of God. You should confess your blood first, and then plant it. At that time, if you can improve your strength, then it all depends on your own."

With that said, Wang Yang directly planted his own innate god tree in the Demon Channel.

It is worthy of the name of the Demon God Tree. It has just been taken out. The endless devil qi of the Demon Channel seems to be that mosquitoes smelled of blood, and they all rushed toward the innate God Tree.

"Can you improve the quality depends on your own!"

Any seed, Wang Yang can plant a congenital level of god tree.Although it has evolved from ordinary seeds and the direction of evolution is uncontrollable, it is a fact that ordinary seeds can be planted with innate trees.

However, Wang Yang also knows that the innate god tree is definitely not the end,

The so-called, the road is endless.

Evolution certainly has no end.

Seeing such a channel in the demon world, Wang Yang already had a bold idea: to innately create the tree of God, to absorb endless magic energy as the root, and to strengthen himself, it can be said that it is the nemesis of all magic energy.

So, is it possible to receive this immense magic energy and complete the God Tree?

Just do it if you want, so Wang Yang came and stepped into the Demon Channel.

The entire Demon Channel is connected to Demon Realm above and to the second floor of High Heaven Realm.

The infinite devil qi is constantly surging from the demon world, all gathered here, the devil qi is getting stronger and stronger. Similarly, in the devil qi, the demon clan born is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the Demon Channel was shocked, and the endless devil qi seemed to find the way back, rushing and converging on a certain place. However, the concentration of devil qi did not increase the concentration of devil qi. On the contrary, somewhere , Seems to have a bottomless abyss.

"How is this going?"

As the guardian of the demon channel, the fiery emperor suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the demon channel.


He'saw' that there are two human races in the passage.

It's just to death!!

"Come here!" "Emperor!"

With a single order, more than a dozen figures appeared quickly.

"Go, kill those two men to this emperor!"

The Demon Channel is not stable enough, too strong a force, it is impossible to enter.

However, the sage is enough.


Dare to enter the Demon Channel, it is just to death!!

Many devil sneers sneered.

The channel of the demon world is the realm of the demon world. It has the terrible rules of the demon world. Even if the emperor enters, it will die.


Wang Yang's closed eyes suddenly opened.

There, he felt a very terrible sweep of thoughts.

"Holy King, a strong man steps in, ready to fight!"


"Remember, this is the channel of the demon world. It is affected by the rules of the demon world and has a great influence on the strength. You can't leave the fortune tree too far, otherwise you will not be their opponent."

"Thank you!!"

King Shengyuan finally feels relieved.

Even in the Demon Realm, the strength has been greatly affected. Deep into the Demon Channel, the suppression of strength will be even more terrible.

To say that he is not worried, that is nonsense, but if he can improve his strength, even if it is dangerous, it is also admitted.

Now, with Wang Yang's promotion, he is truly at ease.

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