My Super Estate

Question 1811

Chapter 1725th Hardness


A holy king appeared, taking the second move to be played by the holy king.

As long as there is another move, Lin Fengsheng may be killed by him, but now, it seems obviously impossible.

"Changde Saint King?"

This is a very terrible strongman. His strength has reached an extremely terrible level. He is called Changde Saint King, and is a Saint King who is very close to Qingyun Saint King.

"Huh, are you going to be against me?"

It is also called a holy king, who is strong and weak, but no one knows, the strength of Qingyun holy king, that is recognized, there is no way, but, you grow holy king, I don’t think you will be stronger than me .

"Golden Fingerprint!!!"

As soon as the golden circle holy king shot, he was his great supernatural power. Behind him, he even had a very powerful golden phantom.

Even the strength of the Golden Circle Saint King is very good. This great magical power has gone from the level of magical power vision to the level of the formation of magical power.

"Come well!"

King Jinyuan’s reputation is very great. He alone guarded a channel of the demon world. For eight thousand years, no one has had problems. Just this point is enough to show that he is very powerful.

However, this alone is not enough.


According to legend, there is a very special mountain, all of which are rare metals and extremely hard. However, the great magical power of Changde Shengwang is to take this idea and use the power of water to submerge this metal mountain. Melt it.

I saw a wave of water between the waves and the sky and the sky. The sky and the water were gleaming. The golden handprint was directly swallowed by the sky and there was no more waves.

"Haha, King Jinyuan, what else do you have?"


King Jinyuan coldly hummed, and it was another golden handprint. At this time, the golden handprint belonged to that kind of golden flame. Even, absorbing the surrounding sun rays made this golden flame even more magical and terrifying!!


In the face of the attack of King Jinyuan, King Changde decisively shot, and even opened a piece of water, even if it was the golden flame of King Jinsheng, the power of Insignia was terrible. However, it was still difficult for Changde King.

"Well, Holy King Jinyuan, you should let it go!"

"Only you?

Huh, before, in the Demon Channel, if it wasn’t for adults, do you think you can still flex your fingers here?

One does not know the so-called white-eyed wolf."


Faced with the accusations of King Jinyuan, King Shengde was rather embarrassed and angry.

"Huh, what if this Saint King is added?"

Another voice came.

Looking up, it turned out to be Qingyun Saint King in Tsing Yi.

Saint Cloud King?

King Jinyuan was surprised, but now it was troublesome.

"Holy King!!"

The same is a holy king, but in terms of strength, compared with Qingyun holy king, he is indeed inferior to people. Under such circumstances, the golden circle holy king cannot be tough.

"Jinyuan Shengwang, it seems that you don't take this Shengwang in your eyes at all!"

"Holy King..."

In the face of Qingyun Saint King, Jinyuan Saint King couldn't be tough at all, and could only be worried, but he didn't dare to say much.

"Step aside!"

Qingyun Shengwang's face was very cold, showing that he was very unhappy. Even, his eyes did not look at Jinyuan Shengwang, and raised his feet, and walked towards the main palace.

"Holy King!"

"Huh? Do you want to block the way of the Holy King?"

"No... not dare!"

Finally, the courage to block cannot be mentioned yet.

"Don't dare, just let go!"

The Qingyun Saint King didn't take a glance at all, and he didn't take the Jinyuan Saint King at all.

He raised his head high, carrying his hands behind his back, and looked very impressive.

King Jinyuan seemed very anxious. His belief was to respect the strong. Compared with it, it is clear that the strength of King Qingyun is much stronger than him, even if he is also the King, but with all kinds of means, In contrast, he is not as good as people.

What's more, behind the Qingyun Saint King is the great Qingyang Emperor.

However, in the city's palace, it was an adult, a powerful person who could fight against the demon emperor. The task given to me by the adults was not to let people enter the city's palace.

This, both sides are strong, how is this good?

King Jinyuan is definitely not stupid. On the contrary, if he can get to this step today, it is enough to show that his wisdom is very good. Otherwise, talent alone does not have enough wisdom. Before growing up, maybe he is dead. .

Faced with such a dilemma, in fact, he still has one of the best solutions, that is, the two do not help each other, so although both sides are not pleased, but obviously fit his beliefs, the strong respect, facing the strong He definitely does not participate in it.

It is as if facing the siege of the Demon Clan Red Blood and Demon Saint, as a holy king, it is powerful, even if it is invincible, but it is impossible to say how dangerous and dangerous it is.

However, he was the first to choose for help.

However, today, he struggled, a congenitally made god tree, the magic is obvious to all.

The adult gave such a baby to himself.

I would like to ask, what else is wrong?

"Holy King, my lord is in the city's main palace. I don't want to be disturbed. I also ask the Holy King not to embarrass me."

In fact, it’s already embarrassing enough, as long as your eyes are not blind, you can see that today Qingyun Saint King is obviously prepared, indicating that some of the obvious ones are coming to the adult in the city’s main palace. .

However, King Jinyuan still wanted to fight for it.


His eyes were glared, and there was a sudden rant, full of power, even if he was also a holy king, the golden circle holy king still retreated.

"Dare to stand in front of this holy king again, you will die to this holy king!!!"

Repeatedly blocked the way, Qingyun Saint King has been extremely angry. If he dares to block himself in front of him, he will definitely kill this king.


His eyes glared round, and the Jinyuan Shengwang was obviously extremely angry, and he was angered. He seemed to be going to kill the king in front of him at any time, but in the end, he still resisted the anger in his heart and did not move.

"Huh, I thought you wanted to shoot this Saint King."

With that said, Qingyun Shengwang bypassed Jinyuan Shengwang and walked directly towards the main palace.

I have to say that he won the game of King Jinyuan, but in the same way, he also lost.

Because, his efforts only let Qingyun Saint King bypass himself, but he still did not stop the pace of Saint King.

Seeing that the Holy King of Clouds was about to step into the main palace of the city, the Holy King of Gold seemed to be desperate, as if his faith had been greatly affected, and his body was terrible.

Even Lin Fengsheng, who had just recovered, was not close.


Suddenly, from the city's main palace, the terrible boxing power came, and the boxing boxing power directly hit the space and drove towards Qingyun Saint King.

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