My Super Estate

Question 1812

Chapter 1726 Generally speaking, let me kill you

Bang... A figure was directly hit by a violent force and hit the street heavily.

"Holy King?

For such things that do not know life or death, generally speaking, I will kill them.

Although the strong believes in it, such a belief is enough to allow you to have enough capital to go further. However, sometimes, some people, some do not know the life and death, they always think that there is so little power behind them, They have the cost of pretensions.

However, they do not know that the most unreliable in this world is the forces behind them.Ironing also requires self-hardness and no outstanding strength. Relying on some of the forces behind it, I always like to be high above, always like to step on others, and even do not know the life and death, step on a body that is more powerful than my own strength, and be handy. Shooting to die, that is, to die, is it possible that the forces behind him can give him another life?"

The indifferent voice sounded. Among the voices, they were neither humble nor gentle, gentle as jade. Although the voice was soft, it was like a thunder and exploded in my mind.

This is a real strongman. The voice contains a magnificent will, enough to suppress all kinds of strange things, and clear all the miscellaneous thoughts. It is like a pure heart curse of the Buddha. Unconsciously, it clears the hostility in the heart. He lowered his proud head and greeted his master with the most respectful attitude.

This is the manifestation of the strong will of the mind, and unconsciously, it affects the thinking of the whole person.


Feeling strange in the body, the Qingyun Saint King screamed loudly. In the voice, the power of will was extremely boiling. The whole person was wrapped in a layer of light flames. In his eyes, he shot a fierce fire light and quickly retreated.

"Huh, what are you going back?"

A soft whisper sounded, and the coming person appeared, not Wang Yang, but who?

Wang Yang squinted his eyes and glanced up and down, showing what he meant.

"You have such a little strength, even my little voice, can't bear it?"

The same is the strongest king, Wang Yangxiu is not the second step, but no matter who he looks at, he is the seventh step supernatural power, the strongest king in the level of the god of creation, it can be said that for Wang Yang, It is a duty to tie the seventh step, and to win the seventh step is nothing.

But what is going on now?

You just broke through the seventh heaven gate, and with a voice, you forced a sage of the eighth step back?

Moreover, is it the strongest of the eighth step, belonging to the Holy King level?


Actually forced to retreat by a voice, Qingyun Shengwang was very upset.

"Huh, I know that I'm in the main palace of the city, you dare to come and make something dead."

The Qingyun Saint King was angry again, and Wang Yang simply ignored it. He just turned his gaze to the Lin Feng Saint who had just been beaten back by his fist.

"Pig and dog-like things, there is not much ability, but it is arrogant! Since it is so, take me a try!!!"

Wang Yang didn't show up at all, and when he took a palm, he decided to shoot it.

Shooting with one palm is directly the manifestation of a vision. A supreme god, coming out of the infinite reckless land, holds a divine seal in his hand, as if the mountain is condensed, and with one palm, the divine seal in the hands of the god, Suppressed toward the Lin Feng saint.

"Ah! The Holy King saves his life!!"

I just recovered and was injured again. Now I have to face the terrible big fingerprint. Lin Fengsheng's three souls are so scared that they lost two souls and cry out for help.


Sage Lin Feng is his own person. This time, he gave his own intentions, and everyone knows that in his own face, you actually want to kill me, you don’t take me in your eyes what!

At the moment, Qingyun Shengwang shot decisively, his figure flashed, and he immediately came to Lin Fengsheng, punched with a punch, and struck towards the suppressed palm print.


With just a single blow, the palm prints taken by volley sky did not see any decrement, and continued to suppress downwards, and Qingyun Saint King was directly suppressed on one knee.


Isn’t this the legendary Qingyun Saint King?What's wrong with you, how can you beg for it?

Get up, what are you doing?It's understandable that the people who make mistakes make it. You are begging for mercy on your knees, but it's too much."

The palms are still there, but Wang Yang is walking towards the Qingyun Saint King, and he quickly stretched out his hands and made a trend to help him up.

"I said, Holy King, you are a big man, but you have to do this, if your people die, then let your people die. Now you are begging for mercy like this, how can you do this?

After this, there will be more people under his command, and every one will die. Each of you will beg for them. Isn't it impossible to stand up?"

Bian said that Wang Yang had stretched out his hands, grabbed the arms of Qingyun Saint King, and tried to lift him.


Qingyun Shengwang almost didn't vomit blood.

The big seal on your head has not dispersed. Are you trying to hold me up like this, do you want to humiliate me?

"Me, fuck you!!"

It is really unbearable.


He was holding his hands, but when he didn't know when, he just pulled it.

"Do you think you are something?

Dare to insult my mother?"

He was still angry, Wang Yang raised his feet and knelt down on the ground. The whole person was a stunned king of Qingyun, who kicked his chest.

Bang Bang Bang...

This foot has great strength. The Qingyun Saint King was originally suppressed by the sky, and there was no movement at all. When kicked by Wang Yang, there was no movement at all, and it was directly stunned. Even, it was simply Unable to bear, the whole person fell backwards.

However, in this way, he was able to get rid of the overwhelming suppression and was kicked far away by this foot.

Of course, correspondingly, Lin Fengsheng didn't respond at all. He was directly suppressed by this seal. His physical body was not strong enough, and he couldn't bear it. He collapsed on the spot and exploded into meat.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!!!"

Suddenly beaten by Wang Yang, and even beaten down on the knees, this is definitely the biggest shame. In contrast, the sage who was killed was killed on the spot, but there is nothing to worry about.


How can I give up with such humiliation?

Qingyun Saint King is no longer scrupulous about the other, holding the Excalibur in his hand and killing Wang Yang on the spot.

The powerful killing intentions filled his mind, so that the whole person was filled with a layer of blood.

The sword is full of energy, and the light and shadow are endless, and there is endless hatred. towards Wang Yang, it is struggling to split. The huge Jiangang, extremely condensed, a sword is split, even the highest heavenly space is shocking. .

This sword can be described as the strongest sword of Qingyun Saint King. It contains all his strength, and he will not stop without killing Wang Yang.

But is this power really useful?

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