My Super Estate

1821 Troll Emperor

Chapter 1375th Troll Emperor

"Huh, the omnipotent dragon? Hit the ant? And the breath of the ancestor of the demon?"

The troll emperor is really huge. Wang Yang raised his head and saw it, as if he saw the old man.

However, Wang Yang was very surprised that this troll emperor actually knew several magical avatars of himself.

"Before, it was this great dragon and the troll holy king undefeated!"

With that said, the troll emperor turned towards Wang Yang, directly slap it down.


Facing such an attack, Wang Yang directly greeted him.

Before, the troll sage king, Wang Yang directly fought against it, but wanted to see how much strength would be enhanced by the will of a monarch.


The venerable dragon and the troll emperor came to a confrontation, and the two huge existences, even if it was water, reached a level of body shape, which was also extremely scary.

The omnipotent dragon was directly beaten and flew out, and even Wang Yang could feel that the dragon was seriously injured.


The supreme deity merged with the divine dragon, and attacked the troll emperor again.

The previous troll sage was merged by two magical avatars, which was directly suppressed.

"Haha, come on, come on, but see how amazing your magical avatar is!"

"Sir, no good, this troll emperor is dragging his time, and the demon domain is still expanding."

Wang Yang's face changed wildly.

His task is to suppress the Demon Channel, and the Demon Realm is still expanding. That is not to say that the Demon Channel is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, even if there is a level of the emperor, it can be passed smoothly!

With such a thought, Wang Yang looked very ugly.

He knew that things were in trouble, and the troll emperor had to be solved, otherwise, he would really appear, but I was afraid that he would not know if he was his opponent at that time!


The sky is as big as a mountain. Among the mountains, different worlds have evolved. Among them, there is a troll sage king of tens of feet in size.


Fantianyin and the troll emperor came again to face each other.

It was frustrating. The two magical avatars merged, and the strength was amazing. However, in the face of the troll emperor who was also a half-step emperor, he directly flew out.

"Haha, the will will command everything, with the will of the emperor level, you think that your magical avatar can defeat this emperor?"

The same power, under the control of different levels of will, the power that erupts is at different levels.

Wang Yang has a deep experience, and he has always dealt with his enemies in this way.

However, this time, he met his opponent, because his opponent is also such a strong man.

"Hum, I can't beat it, I won't know until I hit it!!"

I thought it would make me admit defeat and dream!!


Drinking again and again, the five magical avatars flew up at the same time.

The omnipotent dragon, the supreme deity, the magical ancestor of the evil spirit, the huge ant hit the heavens, and an immortal golden body god.


During the drink, the five magical avatars converged towards the center and merged into a golden body spirit with an indelible breath.


The immortal golden body deity radiated all over him, which was as high as a hundred feet. Even if it was a troll emperor, it seemed to be a small one. Under the palm, it was directly suppressed by a world.


The troll emperor was directly pressed by a palm.

"Roar, want to suppress this emperor, impossible, impossible impossible..."

The troll emperor roared and attacked Wang Yang.In the face of this plan, he repeatedly launched attacks.

However, no matter how he roared again and again, no matter how he shot, that palm was always unshakable.


The roar continued, and the entire body of the troll emperor was directly pressed into the earth.

The land of the devil channel?

Very magical, there is even earth in such a channel of the demon world?

At a glance, where is there any land?It is simply the troll emperor, directly by this palm, will play the devil channel.

Outside the Demon Channel, that is the endless chaos of time and space. Even if the emperor's immortal emperor's body enters it, it is difficult to carry. Under the oppression of the two worlds, the entire chaos of time and space appears even more terrible.


The troll emperor screamed in pain.


The troll emperor directly hit the explosion.

There is a mass of blood exuding majesty here;

"Adult, what is this?"

"The blood of the troll emperor."

Wang Yang directly disappeared all this passion.

Bang Bang Bang...

Another burst of noise.

"Ha ha, alright!!!"

Sitting and laughing, with a strong man who can exude a powerful momentum, he rushed towards Wang Yang.

"This, this is!"

In total, there are thirteen troll sage kings, and each one will not be weaker than the troll sage king just now.

With wide-eyed eyes, Wang Yang couldn't believe it, and the scene before him would be true.

"Fifteen half-step emperors?"

Wang Yang finally knew why. Suddenly, the Demon Channel was blown out, and the expansion of the Demon Realm was so huge!!

It turned out that here, a powerful presence like crazy appeared. Even the leader, with a bigger body, had reached a size of one hundred feet.

"Such a huge demon body, even my Wang Yang, is deeply struggling."

That said, but for Wang Yang, a big problem was discovered, that is, before, he had suppressed a troll emperor, but there was no change in the standings at all.

Name: Wang Yang, Points: 100.

There is no change.

"Could it be?"

Wang Yang was a little surprised. The so-called troll emperor, this channel can't support the emperor's level of power. Finally, he used his emperor's blood as a source to create a group of special troll saints. In fact, all are trolls. Emperor's doppelganger.

Such a guess, even Wang Yang, was greatly surprised.

In particular, when I looked at the troll that was as high as a hundred feet, I felt deep pressure.


There is pressure, but how can it be?

His task is to suppress the Demon Channel. Now, if any accident occurs in the Demon Channel, Wang Yang will mean the failure of the mission.

No one knows if the mission fails and whether there will be serious consequences.

What's more, now it's just a doppelganger, only a half-step emperor, but let it expand, it is very likely, the next step, the emperor's true shot will come, and then it will be a real disaster.

Bang Bang Bang...

Wang Yang's battle is extremely dangerous, and many magical avatars have been fully integrated. However, this is the case. In the face of a strong and powerful group, they can only protect themselves.

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