My Super Estate

1822 The Devil Emperor's Heart Blood

Chapter 1736th Devil Emperor's Heart and Blood

A total of fifteen avatars of the troll emperor are all formed by the blood of the heart. Although only the strength of the half-step emperor, it is definitely a lot of trouble for Wang Yang.

The five great magical avatars merged into each other, and Wang Yang’s deity was taken into the body by the magical avatar. Baizhang deity, under the palm of his hand, is a big seal, glaring away, directly the endless magic shadow, hit with a punch, infinite power, god Block the killing god, the Buddha blocks the killing Buddha.

For a time, it was incomprehensible to play with thirteen avatars.


The most annoying thing is that this kid doesn't know what to eat and grow up, no matter how he fights, it seems that he is hit on the ancient god iron. The avatar of the troll emperor, anyway, also has the emperor body, but he is like this The punch he hit on this guy didn’t just mean fart, he even shattered his fist face and his bones shattered. There was simply no reason to speak.

"who are you?"

Such a presence, you are kind of saying that you are a divine master?

The troll emperor almost didn't vomit blood.

At least, in his sense, such a existence, I am afraid, is also a peerless power.

But what is going on here?

"Huh, you demons, how dare you dare to be so arrogant, today, I will kill you with a dare!"

Wang Yang doesn't care at all. His eyes are full of passion.

This feeling, to say, is that the thousand-year-old pervert saw the peerless beauty, and no one doubted it.

But are you a peerless beauty?

The troll emperor had a feeling of suffocation.

"Just fight, who is afraid of who?"

Huh, as long as the Demon Channel is expanded a little bit more, then you will be able to cross the boundary yourself.

"Well, your boy is waiting for Lao Tzu, as long as I'm really here, your boy is absolutely dead."

My heart is spontaneously ruthless, and the movements in my hand are absolutely not slow. The shots are all kinds of supernatural powers, the vitality fluctuates greatly, the various road patterns are manifested, and even, with a punch, in the channel of the magic world enveloped by the magic energy, it is directly left The next very deep fist print, among the fist prints, left all kinds of traces, under the operation, devil qi poured in, and a troll was born from it, however, calling, just want to fight from the fist print It came out, but after being rushed by the devil qi in the channel of the demon world, he lost the trace mark blessing left by the emperor, which directly collapsed and became a different kind of devil qi.


Looking at the fist seal on that side, King Jinyuan was scared.


Wang Yang's strength is extremely powerful, and the five magical avatars are merged, waiting for the idle sage, and the palm will be destroyed. However, in the face of the existence of a half-step emperor and a level of emperor's will, Wang Yang wants to win easily. It is definitely not that simple.

However, Wang Yang was also not discouraged at all, but resisted desperately, relying on his strong defense and replacing injuries with injuries.

For a time, it seemed to be two huge sharks, desperately fighting in the sea, stirring up the sea water.

The Devil Channel is in the sea, and the Devil Qi is the rolling sea water.

With a palm of his hand, it is directly a world, vaguely, you can see that there are creatures fighting in it. In the channel of the demon world, the devil qi is extremely rich, and the devil qi is born at all times. , A demon who was just born, I don’t know why, after absorbing this palmprint, it became a demon king with amazing strength. Directly turned into an empty shell.

In short, here, it has become a real dangerous place, even because the battle between the two sides is extremely fierce, all kinds of magical powers, all kinds of strength, under the interference of strong will, it is directly in this channel of the devil, becoming In a terrible place, there is no level of strength of the emperor. Entering here is like walking on thin ice.


King Jinyuan is most depressed now. To say, his strength is definitely not too weak. However, it is such strength. Now, he is inexplicably vomiting blood.

"damn it!"

He didn't know who he should scold.

Before, he was injured by the troll sage king. At that time, although there was no emperor's will to control it, however, the powerful troll sage king hit the Jinyuansheng king almost without dying.The injury is not good at all, and who knows, here, suddenly, it becomes so dangerous?


Suddenly, King Jinyuan turned suddenly, his eyes gleaming, and he looked at the dark magical land.

However, no matter what he thinks, there is no movement, but he believes that he will never be wrong.

"Who is it?"

Jinyuan Shengwang frowned slightly, unable to grasp.

"Everyone, what now?"

General Ma hides in the dark magic energy, his eyes fixed on the front.

There was a presence he hated very much.

Wang Yang.

I thought that he and others had planned for a long time. In the end, all of them were cut off by him. He hated it.

"General Ma, what do you want to do?

Our current strength has not recovered much. At this time, do you think we can fight him?"

At the beginning, twenty-three of them, and finally, they were all taken advantage of by this guy. This hatred, but it was too big.

However, no matter how big the hatred is, there is no strong power to support it.

Who would be a fool if he could get to this step today?

Without the certainty of a win-win situation, what can you do in addition to death?

This is a bloody martial arts world, not a society ruled by law. Here, killing people will definitely not be scrupulous because of the law. Happiness and enmity are the greatest pursuit of all powerful people.

The so-called freedom, the so-called human rights, the so-called affection are the most superficial expressions in this human-eating society, but they are covering the bloody bones with a layer of benevolent skin.

Moreover, it is still made of paper.

"Wait, Devil Emperor's heart and blood, such a task is definitely not simple. The Devil Channel is the only channel to communicate the two worlds.

Mozu wants to come over, and we also want to pass, but for all the premises, we must have our own strength.

Now, it is already the best opportunity."

General Ma said so.

"However, the boy's strength."

"How long do you think he can jump now? Qingyang Emperor will let him go? Otherwise, this Demon Channel will blow out suddenly?

At that time, facing the Qingyang emperor and the troll emperor, the two parties join hands and he will die.

However, before he died, he had to get his hands on his blood."

General Ma's tone is extremely indifferent. It seems that all of this is under his control. Even the Qingyang Emperor and the Troll Emperor may join forces, and they all know it clearly.

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