My Super Estate

Question 1830

Chapter one thousand seven hundred and forty-four

Watching the four emperors retreat individually, Wang Yang's expression flashed a little dignified.

"Sir, what's wrong?"


Pulling the golden circle holy king, Wang Yang swept away quickly!!

"Haha, go, where are you going?"

The familiar voice was cold and sharp.A blade of the sky like the Yangtze River in the sky, carrying the momentum of annihilating everything, splits in the head.

The power of the sword is mighty and suppresses everything, even the space. Under such a sword, it is directly frozen into ice. With a knife, the space is directly cleaved, and the colorful energy flow continuously rolls over the entire void. , Are all terrible space storms.

This kind of power, even if Wang Yang's "knowledge and knowledge", he has never seen.

This is really breaking the space, there is a turbulent space, as long as it falls, the crushing between the world and the world can directly crush an emperor into flesh, and there is no possibility of survival.

"Sword Emperor!!!"

King Jinyuan exclaimed.

This familiar blade is simply an atmosphere that wipes out the world. Under the blade, even the most basic actions are impossible.

King Shengyuan knew that this time, the trouble was serious.


Just when desperate in my heart, a cold drink sounded, and then my body directly swept away.

"Huh, Wang Yang, where are you going?"

The cold voice of the Great Sword Emperor sounded.From afar, you can see that there is a huge figure flying from the origin of the blade.

"Damn, it turned out to be the real body of the Sword Emperor."

Wang Yang scolded in his heart.

With such strength, Wang Yang has determined that this guy, his strength, is afraid that it is much stronger than Qingyang Emperor, even if the previous four emperors joined forces, I am afraid that they are not quite enough.

"Adult, what now?"

"How do I know what to do?"

In Wang Yang's heart, he scolded his mother. If his Ziyang supernatural powers would go one step further, who would be afraid of the fusion of the two supernatural powers?

It is a pity that the estimation once and again, as a result, there is no breakthrough, it is a bit irritating.


Jinyuan Shengwang was crying without tears.

What's wrong with me, how can I suddenly provoke such a powerful presence as the Great Sword Emperor?

"Why, are you afraid?"

"Yes, there is one thing!"

The saliva seemed to be a bit difficult to swallow, and the Jinyuan Shengwang showed some difficulty in maintaining a hint of smile.

"Afraid, you still don't want a way?"

Feeling that terrible edge, Wang Yang was also nervous in approaching quickly.

I’m afraid, but I won’t, but this time I enter the second world. If it ends because of this, I am always a little unwilling.

"You have been here for eight thousand years, but what good place can you provide?"

There is a time limit for each entry into the Supreme Realm. However, leaving is a matter of thought.

Just, just give up?

Then, it was several years before they could come in again?

Can you be reconciled?

What's more, his son still has an ancestor entrenched in his body. Although the ancestor can instruct Qing'er to ascend quickly, who knows if he has any other ideas?

In recent years, the heavens and the earth have changed greatly, and the highest heavens have been opened. Various ancient masters have returned to the world.

Their return, however, represents the disappearance of a large number of outstanding talents.

"A thousand miles away from the holy city of Jinyuan, there is a Jedi. Perhaps, we can enter to escape."

Facing the Sword Emperor alone, it is obvious that Wang Yang is not an opponent at all.

Under such circumstances, there is no other choice but to fight with one's own life.

"Okay, then let's fight one!"

Wang Yang has decided that if it does not work, then he can only choose to leave and wait a few more years.

In a few years' time, perhaps his own strength will go further.

"Guide the way."

"it is good!"

"Haha, Sword Emperor, you go and come back, you just follow me to fart!!!"

Now that there is a better place to go, let's fight one by one, hum, isn't your emperor Dadao go back?Even if you are still in person, that's good. Today, I will see if I can kill you.

Great supernaturalists are extremely fast. Although there is no great supernatural power like speed between the two, strong strength is the greatest guarantee for speed.

"Look, just now, it was the God Fall Mountain."

God falls?

Wang Yang attaches great importance to the so-called god fall in the mouth of Saint Jinyuan.

In this world, there is no real god, or, in this world, there is a god living in everyone's heart.

The legendary gods control the power of the world, but the peerless power can open up the earth, but it is very similar to the legendary creation god.

So, what does this so-called'God' mean?

Is it a place where peerless power can fall?In other words, is it a place of great fighting?

"Huh, you are the land of the gods falling, see where you flee!!"

The Great Sword Emperor caught up and directly blocked the retreat of Wang Yang and others.

"Emperor Dadao, there is no deep hatred between us!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yang stared at the Sword Emperor and asked aloud.

"Huh, there really is no hatred between us."

In front is the land where the god falls, and the back has been blocked by himself. The emperor of the sword is not afraid of the duck coming to his mouth. Wang Yang wants to talk, and he is not impossible to talk about it.

"Since there is no deep hatred, why not chase after death?"

In fact, Wang Yang has made up his mind. If it is possible, then use this land of gods to kill the king.

However, if you want to take advantage of this terrain, you must understand what the purpose of the emperor Da Dao is chasing herself.

Targeted throwing can attract people.

"Haha, as long as you follow this emperor, you will naturally know."

Fools just follow you!

Wang Yang scolded in his heart.

"Humph, do you think that you will take care of me? It’s not that I look down on you. My current practice is just the second weight of preaching. It has strong potential and at least the seventh step of great magician, plus My powerful magical avatar, you think, what qualifications do you have to let Lao Tzu follow you?"


The second proof?

As the emperor of the human realm, the emperor Dadao knew too well what the second weight of the sermon was.

"Impossible, why are you just preaching second?

The sermon is the second most important thing. That is when a three-year-old child has such a state. How could you just be the second sermon?"

The Great Sword Emperor was too shocked.

In fact, above the void in the distance, there is also a strong energy fluctuation.

"Haha, if you want to know, then follow along!"

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