My Super Estate

1831 The Land of the God's Fall

Chapter 1745 The Land of God's Fall

No one knows what the Land of the Gods is like.Because, standing on the periphery and seeing the land where the god falls is directly a giant crater.

This huge pit is located in a huge mountain range. Perhaps because of the special nature of the land where the gods fell, this huge mountain range is directly a large restricted area. Legend has it that there is a real beast emperor in this mountain range.

In the fierce beast family, there are many differences. Chaos beast is the most terrifying existence. However, the chaos beast has no intellect, only the instinct to devour everything.

Therefore, when you encounter the Chaos Beast, either you killed it, or it ate you, without any accident.

However, beyond the Chaos Beast, they are the most common beasts in the heavens.

Many of these beasts have inherited the inheritance of some chaotic gods and beasts. They naturally control the instinct to expel the vitality of heaven and earth, so they go out of their own way.

The demon clan is the biggest evolutionary direction of these beasts. However, in addition to the demon clan, there is another category, that is, the real fierce beast.

Fierce beasts, they perfectly inherit the inheritance of Chaos Divine Beast, but they do not have a strong enough physique. Therefore, they are very different from Chaos Divine Beast in talent.

However, they also have their own advantages, that is wisdom.

Without wisdom, nature cannot truly embark on its own path.

Therefore, this category is the real fierce beast, because they inherit the ethics of the chaotic mythical beasts, let them devour everything in the world, often once a fierce creature was born, it is directly devouring an ancient city, hundreds of millions of people, in a blink of an eye To be swallowed up.

"Adult, this is just outside the land where the gods fall. It is a real beast mountain range. Here, there are many beast kings. Even, there are rumors that there is a beast emperor."


Wang Yang was stunned.

After entering this mountain range, Wang Yang could understand why this is a real fierce place.

A little rabbit by the road suddenly opened his mouth, like a black hole, directly swallowed towards Wang Yang.

Even with Wang Yang's strength, he was almost never hit by poison.

After being punched to death, it was originally just an ordinary rabbit, which directly turned into more than thirty feet, exuding strong ferocity.

"This is a roar!"


In the legend, the roar is one of the dragon king's nine sons?

Wang Yang's eyes lifted, and behind him a heavy vision opened, Ang... the terrible Dragon Yin sounded, and then, you can see the vast dragon flying in the air.

What is very amazing is that no matter how the dragon soars, it seems to be submerged in the clouds, but it just does not leave Wang Yang's line of sight, and even the vast dragon does not have much impact on this mountain range.

"What a powerful spatial means."

The King of the Golden Circle marveled.

Even if he is already a holy king, such a means is absolutely impossible for him.

It can be said that as long as there are some opportunities, perhaps further, it is extremely possible.So, how could the King of the Golden Circle be surprised.

"Hey, maybe, this is a chance for me."

The Great Dragon was born after Wang Yang practiced dragon claw hands, combined with various magical powers such as dragon grass and dragon power.Since its birth, the Great Dragon is directly the pinnacle of metamorphosis, and it is only one step away from the third step of the soul.

It seems that it is just a step away. However, if there is no special chance in this step, it may not be possible to practice successfully in life.

"Long Yin???"

The vast space of the dragon is so powerful. Such a huge body is hidden in the void. It is not close to the eyes, and it can’t see any traces at all. A dragon chant sounds like it sounds in parallel space. The outside world can’t hear it at all. To any movement.

However, there are exceptions to all things. In the eyes of ordinary people, there are no ghosts in the world. However, for the high-ranking Dafa, the existence of ghosts can be seen at a glance.

In the same way, the space of the omnipotent divine dragon, even if it is a great supernaturalist at the level of the sage, is difficult to detect if it is not witnessed by the eyes, not closely watched, but for those who are beyond the level of the sage, there is a dragon , Already close at hand.

"That kid has a magical avatar, a gigantic dragon, humming, and finally found you. Seeing where you can escape this time?"

The Great Sword Emperor's face is blue, his eyes are cold, and his whole body is like a sword of destruction that can be wiped out. Just standing there can directly freeze the void, and even a trace of the blade, the void is torn. Too.

Before leaving, Emperor Dadao didn't forget to glance back.

Quickly swept towards the front.

"That's the voice of the Great Dragon?

Could it be that the kid encountered such a terrible existence?"

Between the empty white clouds, a figure appeared.It turned out to be Qingyang Emperor.

"The Great Sword Emperor is really powerful. At that moment, did you already see the figure of the Emperor? However, even if you can see it, what can you do, here is the Qingyang territory, it is my Qingyang Emperor's territory, your big sword Is the emperor competing with this emperor?"

The Qingyang Emperor met slowly, sitting directly on the white cloud, and the white cloud naturally took him to the land where the god fell.

"Sure enough, this guy has a dragon bloodline in his body."

Wang Yang was overjoyed.

The Shenlong is a very special existence. According to legend, it is a trace of the strongest blood left over from the fairy world.

It can be said that everything about the Shenlong is closely related to the blood.

Without strong bloodline support, even if you have the most powerful wisdom, it is difficult to break that imprisonment.

Just like Wang Yang at this time, he clearly felt that there was a slight improvement in the Shenlong avatar.

Although the body shape has not changed, but the dragon body can feel a trace of condensation.

What's more, as long as the Shenlong goes one step further, I'm afraid that, like the Qingyang Emperor, it's directly confrontable.

Wang Yang did not rush to upgrade his own cultivation to the realm. In fact, it is useless to rush, because he very clearly felt that his dharma had not yet grown to a limit.

The Fa-phase is formed by the condensation of the laws of heaven and earth. In one aspect, it reflects the foundation of a warrior.

Even at a level, the Fa phase is the second body.

Naturally, Wang Yang wants to bring his foundation to the limit.

Then, of course, to improve strength, Wang Yang is of course landing on various supernatural powers.

"Huh, Dao Yi, those guys, their ears are really smart.

Haha, I hope that you can only catch up after my Shenlong avatar has been upgraded to another level. Then, perhaps, there will be a big surprise."

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