My Super Estate

1845 Five forces

Chapter 1759 The Five Forces

The mysterious people in front of you, as long as people with clear eyes, can be seen, this is the five parties.Simply from the clothing, you can see it.

The men in black singles, one by one, hold giant swords in their hands. The sword is very heavy. Even the white snake can easily resist it.

Wang Yang knows the strength of the white snake, but these black-sworded swordsmen can actually resist the attack of the white snake. This alone is enough to explain their horror.

Of course, black swordsmen also have great weaknesses. Their speed is not too fast. They are all one level of the emperor, but their powerful swordsmanship is superb, but, every time When attacked, the white snake can easily flash through.

It can be said that if there is no other person's restraint, I am afraid that they simply cannot resist it. Even, they are very likely to be directly killed by the white snake.

When there is black, there is white. All this seems to be a law, and this is no exception.It seems to be a sword and a sword, which always follow each other and jointly interpret a vivid world of martial arts.

Here, there is such a group of swordsmen in white.

They seem to be born relative to the black swordsman, their speed is extremely fast, even the white snake is just close to it.

It can be said that in such a battlefield, such a group of white swordsmen show their style.

However, they also have a fatal weakness.

They pay attention to speed as the king, and pursue the martial arts of the world, but the truth that is fast and unbreakable. Even, they are already on such a road and have walked a very long distance.

It can be said that such a group of swordsmen is usually an object of great headache when they are placed in peacetime. Their strength is enough to make people panic and discolor.

However, their power seems to be really weak. They seem to have all their thoughts on the pursuit of speed. In terms of power, there really is no highlight.

It is such a group of swordsmen that every time they shoot, they can perform different swordsmanship on the white snake. However, no matter how they attack, there is no trace on the white snake.

That is to say, these unlucky existence, they do their best, but their damage to the white snake is equal to zero.

In this way, it is a bit speechless.

"A good one is strong, a good one will not break!

These black swordsmen and white swordsmen have really come out of their own legends."

Wang Yang sincerely praised.

Anyone who can reach a limit in a field is an amazing existence. It is not that they are not strong, but that the white snake is too perverted.

"Those who are monks and Buddhists?"

Looking at the third batch of people, Wang Yang frowned slightly.

Buddhism is not weak. Among the Three Realms and Six Dao, it is an extremely weak force. The strength of various Buddhas is extremely powerful and perverted, occupying a huge area.

Of course, what made Wang anode the most shocking is that these existences, Wang Yang clearly recognized that they are all peerless holy kings, they can have such strength, one by one, all cultivated into magical avatars.

In this way, it is a bit scary.

You know, Wang Yang can have the current status and strength, but he can only rely on the magical avatar. Otherwise, his current strength is only the seventh step of the Divine Lord, and even cultivation is just the second heaven of the sermon.

"Are they the demon clan? In this way, the black tiger was brought by these demon clan?

So, is this some Shura killing God?"

But there are some meanings, demon clan, Shura killing god, human clan, and Buddha.

These really belong to the great forces of the great forces. Now, they all come from this beast emperor white snake.

So, plus these guys around me?

"This leader, do you have nothing to say to me?"

The White Snake is really very powerful. In the face of such a large force, it is still like a flash of electricity. It can shuttle back and forth. Although it can't leave, it has no difficulty at all in a short time.

"Wanlong Flower can raise the physical body to a level."

The leader said coldly.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.The leader didn't want to answer Wang Yang's question, but, feeling the coldness around him, he had to bow his head again.

Can it raise the level of physical combat?

Wang Yang was stunned, what is the answer?Such an answer, do you still need you to tell me?

Wrong, can we raise a level, physical combat?

The four elements of the Great Supernaturalist: cultivation, supernatural power, physical combat, spiritual will.

They all come back from endless time and space. They can have such a physical body, all relying on seizing the house.

That is to say, their original physical combat bodies have all disappeared, but they have relied on some blood connection to finally return from the world with a trace.

"You guys, you are so brave!"

The four major elements, the will of the mind and the rebirth of the body, are not too difficult to improve one's own will of the mind. Even if one wishes, one can quickly improve at any time.

Otherwise, many powerful men who have returned in endless time and space, they have just returned, where can they mention so quickly?

In contrast, with a strong mental will and powerful magical power, if you want to improve your cultivation, is that not a simple problem?

It is a pity that the emperor is already emphasizing internal and external consistency.The flesh won over, after all, it was overwhelming, and its strength is strong, but, others, always others.

At this time, then, it is possible to swallow the whole body with a trace of the most basic blood veins in the body, swallow the whole body with a trace of blood veins, at this time, there is nothing more than a thousand Is Dragon Flower important?

"Everyone, you killed and killed like this, but have you asked me for your opinion?"

Now that you have taken control of things, some things can naturally come to an end.

"who are you?"

"Divine Lord?"

"Where did the little rabbit come from, his strength is not strong, but his tone is not small.

Want us to stop, do you have this capital?"

Wang Yang's tone was very big, so scary.

Well, mainly, the White Snake had already flown towards Wang Yang, and stopped directly beside Wang Yang.

In this way, if there is a crowd, they will have to stop.

"You said, what the White Snake said, it was also my person, you would make me very unhappy."

Stretching out his hand, stroking back and forth on the white snake, a little golden blood energy was quickly absorbed by the white snake.

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