My Super Estate

1856 Blood Dragon Fruit

Chapter 1770th Blood Dragon Fruit

In a sea of ​​blood that can't see the edge, there is such an island. In such an island, there are many dragons that are difficult to see in the world.

Eight-armed dragon, four-winged thunder dragon, long-necked snake dragon, purple-winged dragon eagle...

Wait, all kinds of ferocious dragons can be seen everywhere in such an island deep in the sea of ​​blood.

Even here, you can also see many fierce beasts, including black armored giant wolves, as well as tiger and lion giant beasts, and even eight-armed dragon apes, as well as gods and dragon eagles that claim to never land.

All kinds of fierce beasts, this dragon island alone in the deepest part of the blood sea, is always in the process of killing and preying.

In the eyes of all kinds of evil dragons, all kinds of evil beasts are the source of food for their survival, and for all kinds of evil beasts, the blood of evil dragons is their resource for growth.

Killing, predation, bloody, death, has become the theme here.

"Fuck, here is too dangerous. Here, all kinds of beasts and all kinds of evil dragons are really too dense!"

Walking on such an island, from time to time, there will be fierce behemoths, it is culling, this feeling is really too bad, Yang Lin suppressed a feeling of indescribable in his heart, almost not crazy.

"What should I do, Uncle, this is really terrible, I'm afraid we can't support it!"

"Yeah, Uncle, we have come back from the endless time and space, but not here to die, now here, it is so terrible, what should we do?"

Yang Xiaoer had endless suffering in his heart, and he didn't know how to spit it out.

I thought that at the beginning, I was also the arrogant son of the times, and I grew up to the present level with the blood of the king level. Even for the final immortality, I did not hesitate to be in the silent endless void at the peak of my own moment.

But what the hell is this now?

I am silent for the endless years, struggling with the big price of halving Shouyuan, and coming back to it. The final result is like this, so swallowed by the evil dragon?

Yang Xiaoer was almost crazy.

Looking at the claw wound on his arm, the blood couldn't stop.

"Second Uncle, think of a way soon. If I continue this way, I will bleed and die!"

It's simply vomiting blood, which seems to be endless and desperate.


"Second Uncle, what's wrong?"

"Don't you smell a scent? Quickly, find this scent, see if you can find it, maybe it's a magic medicine."

"Ah, really?"

Suddenly, the three uncles and nephews, everyone was excited.And act quickly.

Soon, it was found on a stone cliff, where there was a scarlet fruit.

"Blood Dragon Fruit!!!"


The self-confidence of the Holy Spirit comes from himself. According to legend, the first great god who opened the earth and opened up chaos is a holy spirit from chaos. In the chaos, he is subjected to hundreds of millions of chaos in the chaos. The endless years of the past have emerged, and since then, chaos has been opened up, and from the chaos, a supreme fairy road has been opened, connecting the world and the eternal immortal fairy world of that day, and everlasting life.

He may not be as qualified as a person, but his same heritage is his greatest heritage.

But what is going on now?

Why is there such a situation?

"Ah, die!!"

With his full blow, even an ordinary mortal could not be beaten to death, then how can he trace the footsteps of the ancient great god, open up chaos, and become the second immortal between heaven and earth?

At the moment, the body of the Holy Spirit changes rapidly, and the whole body is like a petrified body. It quickly turns into a ten-meter-high stone man. The stone man is born into heaven, the earth and the earth are born, and turned into a realm of heaven and earth. in.

"This, no, this damn Holy Spirit, he's dying!"


In the presence, King Jinyuan was most concerned about Wang Yang’s safety. He could stand here and feel the supernatural existence of Dao, which is a great opportunity in itself. However, if Wang Yang does not exist, then , He lost his asylum, can he still survive here?

It's just a joke.

"The Holy Spirit family, all have a talented supernatural power, just like the dragon clan, they can all possess the dragon breath. Generally, they belong to the talented supernatural power. However, the holy spirit family, this kind of natural supernatural power, is extremely perverted. Borrowing heaven and earth divine power, Dao Yun irrigates.

However, this kind of natural supernatural power is also extremely tasteless, as long as the opening time is too long, it will be directly assimilated by heaven and earth, and finally, it can only be transformed into an innate god soldier."


King Shengyuan stayed.

With the help of heaven and earth divine power, heaven and earth enshrined, heaven, what kind of great power is this?

"Then, how talented is such a talent?"

"I don't know, but, according to incomplete records, it seems that as time goes on, as the opening strength increases, the power is increased ten times, one hundred times, or even thousands of times.

According to legend, in the ancient times, there was once a supreme Holy Spirit who wanted to open up chaos. From chaos, he opened up a real world. Finally, it was because of too much leverage, and finally, he was directly Turned into an imperfect mountain, and finally, turned into a pillar of heaven.

Legend has it that my brother and sister's magical power of the sky was created based on a god stone that never fell on the mountain."


Open up a big world?

The Great Thousand World, the King of the Golden Circle knows that in the legend, in the legend, the immortal world, which can make people immortal, is a Great Thousand World. No one knows whether it is true or false, but the legend of the Great Thousand World, but It's scary.

The audience was worried about the stage, however, the stage was already fighting for life and death.

The Holy Spirit opened talents and supernatural powers, and its power has more than doubled for a time. Even if Wang Yang possesses supreme self-confidence, he is beaten back and forth, and even his own physical body is already scarred.

However, Wang Yang laughed sincerely: "Haha, well, come well, come again!!"

After finishing his words, Wang Yang clenched his five fingers, and the entire fist was radiating endless light, bright light, more dazzling than the sun, exuding endless halo, attacking toward the opposite Holy Spirit, completely ignoring himself Life is dangerous.

"Come, come again!!"

Wang Yang is crazy.

In fact, Wang Yang is really crazy because he clearly feels that his physical body is constantly improving.

Even the whole body can be seen with the naked eye, and the endless dimples are constantly absorbed by his physical body and body.

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