My Super Estate

Question 1860

Chapter 1774 Chapter Cooperation

What is the use of a drop of dragon blood?

This is a very real problem. For ordinary people, or this is a resource, it is not much different from the magic medicine. Even sometimes, it is not as good. After all, there is a characteristic and Common problems exist.

However, for great supernaturalists who practice dragon-level supernatural powers, this is another problem.

The so-called divine beasts like the dragon and the phoenix have a very common big problem. That is, this kind of divine beast has a very large origin and a very terrible blood line. As long as it is stained, it seems that a man sees a woman. Can't help but take a look secretly.

In particular, this woman's special flowery display, you can see fart stocks in a skirt, it is like exuding a seductive taste, to absorb the man's eyes.

This question is not a question of demeanor at all, but human nature.

As if it were only men, no women, it is impossible to have children.

This is even more true for the existence of the Shenlong and the like, because this bloodline is too domineering, even if it is talented, it is difficult to get rid of.What's more, as long as the bloodline is strong step by step, it is also a way to become a fairy, and the test of human nature is even more inhuman.

Such a drop of Shenlong essence blood may not really increase the strength of Wang Yang Shenlong's avatar, but it can open a further portal for him, just like a key, although the key itself is not too big. The role, however, can open a door.

"Wang Yang!!"

Do not know when to start, Huang Long real person suddenly appeared.

"what happened?"

In front of this, Wang Yang is a real small character, and the three-eyed God of War. In the face of this, he must also respectfully call the uncle, his seniority is too big.

"Get something!"

As he said, he didn't forget to take his shot. The sleeve robe waved. Between the world and the sky, a gust of wind rolled up, which directly rolled up the three heads of blood that had just approached, and suddenly it was hanged.

Wang Yang jumped in his heart, so powerful.

Understatement like this, Wang Yang can't do anything, not to mention, who else would not have a hole card?

"I got a little dragon blood."

Wang Yang is very honest.

Huang Long really pays such a huge price, his goal must be very large, Wang Yang does not believe at all, he will rashly shoot for a little bit of things.

"Okay, that is to say, you have completed your progress.

If this is the case, then let's work together, how?"

"How about a cooperation law?"

Cooperation usually has enough interests to impress people, otherwise, who cooperates with others?

"How do we strangle General Xuesha?"

"General Xuesha?"

Wang Yang jumped in his heart. This was really a big boss. The previous scene was shocking.

As for that guy, Wang Yang did not have a little confidence, otherwise, he would have already started to act.

"Why, you will not be afraid!"

Hey, my bad temper, why don't you like to listen to your words?


Am I the kind of person who will be afraid?If it’s a big deal, just fight for it and attract the Thunder Realm. If you try to win it once, is it true that I’m really afraid of it?

"Okay, you old man, just tell me what to do."

"Okay, let's fight.

As long as this progress is completed, basically, it will be able to gain something. Since it is so, why can't we play a big one?"

This Huanglong real person is really very powerful. Between the wigs of his sleeves and the blood sergeant, he fell down batch by batch. That efficiency is much faster than that of Wang Yang.

"Okay, then, let's fight!"

Huang Long did not stop his hand, and Wang Yang also did not have a rest. The sword in his hand, like a phantom, went back and forth in the army of blood evil, killing wantonly.

Finally, in front of the two, they entered a ten-foot-tall general General.


Facing the two little bugs that came suddenly, General Xuesha just roared angrily, and then a big hand pressed, directly Taishan pressed to the top and killed towards Wang Yang!


General Xuesha was too powerful. With one hand pressing, the void was as strong as steel, and Wang Yang became the trapped beast trapped by steel.

Wang Yang has only heard of the so-called battle of trapped beasts. However, there has never been such an experience. This time, it can be regarded as a real experience.


Behind him, a peerless swordsman, walking out of the solid void, is directly a sword!


Finally, the void that was as strong as steel was finally opened.

However, it was at this time that Wang Yang wanted to evade, it was too late, and that palm had already arrived.


At this time, no need to say, fight.

Peerless sword god toward General Xuesha is directly a sword with all his strength.

Such a full-strength sword, even the average top emperor, is absolutely unbearable, because, once, with such a sword, he once beheaded an emperor.

However, this is a sword that can kill the emperor in the past. In front of General Blood Fiend, it seems that it has no effect at all. Suppressed down below.


As if it were a balloon, the entire peerless swordsman directly exploded half of his body.

Fortunately, the Peerless Sword God is not completely useless, at least, Wang Yang has been out of danger.


Wang Yang never knew that this bloody general was so terrible!

This is simply nothing to do.

"Fuck him!"

"Okay, then do him, I don't believe it, or won't win a bloody general!!"

The peerless swordsman, who has been blasted half of his body, recovers quickly, but it is only a consumption of mana.


A peerless swordsman is not an opponent, so what about adding a grand dragon?

I still don’t believe it, and today I won’t win you a bastard!!

Wang Yang also struggled. In other words, he wouldn't do this.

However, since it has been decided, then, you must not defeat the battle. Whatever the problem, you must also get this big guy done.

The divine dragon sees the head but does not see the tail, saying that it is the omnipotent divine dragon, hiding in the void, sometimes appearing when attacking, and sometimes disappearing, and the ghost is haunted, which makes people unable to grasp.

However, at this time, it is the real strength of the Shenlong.

For example, Huang Long, a real person, didn't know when he was around. A yellow dragon appeared for a long time, and the ghost was haunted. He took the lead towards the blood-stained general.

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