My Super Estate

Chapter 1861 Fierce Fierce Battle

Chapter 1775 The Fierce Battle


The temptation of General Xuesha is definitely not just the privilege of Wang Yang and Huang Long, but on the contrary, in this world, the existence of the heart is higher than the sky. There are so many people that no one thinks that he is weaker than others.

General Xuesha is powerful, but in the same way, General Xuesha also has a big harvest, and no one wants to let go.

The true strength of Wang Yang and Huang Long is obvious to everyone. When they moved, they immediately moved the hearts of all those whose hearts were higher than the sky. They did not give up their intentions and took the initiative to kill General Xuesha.

For a time, here, quickly gather ten powerful figures.

Wang Yang, Huanglong Real Man, Hydra, Golden Three-Eyed Dragon, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and five Demon Races.

It can be seen that one of the powerful strengths of Mor Fang is Mo Zun and Hei Yan Emperor who once left.

"What do you want to do?"

Wang Yang is very strong. Since he has already shot, then the general Xuesha in front of him is already surnamed Wang. How can he allow others to intervene halfway?

"Huh, General Xuesha, and it's not yours. What does the king want to do, do you still want your permission?"

Wang Yang was strong, and no one else grew up vegetarian. The Hydra first came out of the exit.


Lengheng snorted, the peerless sword god behind him was directly a sword.


The terrible peerless sword god, the terrible god sword, and the terrible sword gang, if they can't bear it, they are going to be killed by a sword.


Hydra is not a loser, Wang Yang took the initiative to take the initiative, and now he made a decisive move.

I saw that around him, a total of two black and white giant snakes shot. The white snake opened its mouth, and a cold breath erupted.

Before this coldness, it was directly to freeze an ancient existence. The terrible thing, even the emperor, was definitely not afraid to bear it easily.

However, it was such a cold breath, and in the face of the raging sword gang, this could freeze the coldness of an emperor's freezing directly.

When a sword is cut, what kind of coldness is directly lost, and there is no resistance at all. The overbearing Jiangang directly cuts towards the white snake.


With just a sword, the white snake directly exploded in half.

"Huh, such strength, dare to come forward?"

Of course, Wang Yang did not shoot again. The so-called killing the chicken and respecting the monkey, one shot is enough. Frequent shots are the real offenders.

Between this world, the warriors are fighting for the world first, but who has the real world first?However, the times are the same.


Hydra screamed in anger. As a family of Hydra, he was born with nine talents and supernatural powers. All nine talents and supernatural powers were successful.

At that time, the nine magical avatars merged, and who can be their opponent between the world and the world?

But what happened to this one?

Hydra almost did not doubt life.

However, he was not allowed to do as much as he wanted, because General Xuesha had already chased him, and the Hydra's shouting directly caused General Xuesha to kill him.


General Xuesha is really terrible and too powerful. Pressing it with one hand directly makes the world and earth explode, the vitality is exploded, and then it is absorbed by the big hand, so that such a big hand is directly prestige. The pressure is growing.


In the face of such a sudden attack, Hydra was terrified and even more furious. He co-authored. Today, he has become a weak person in the eyes of others, and he can be bullied by himself, right?

At the moment, Hydra can't care about what to hide, and no matter what backhand it does, it will never be shot again. I am afraid that he will be bullied to death.

Five serpents appeared around and quickly merged into one, which directly appeared the five-headed serpent.

The five-headed serpent and five heads represent the five great supernatural powers, the white snake is cold, the black snake is a kind of fire poison, the green snake is the supernatural power of the water system, the petrification of the yellow snake, and the golden snake is the endless blade .

The five great supernatural powers merged together, and turned into a crystal-like breath, spitting toward General Xuesha.

The fusion of these five great supernatural powers is extremely terrifying. Wang Yang's vertical and horizontal world is the fusion of two great supernatural powers. The so-called vertical and horizontal invincibility, no one knows, this Hydra has such a terrible hole card.

For a time, most of the ten people present were cautious about Hydra. Similarly, they looked at Wang Yang's eyes, mostly gloating.

Hey, let you kill the chicken and respect the monkey. Okay, let’s kill the chicken. The result is to kill Phoenix. Then, see how you die.

In the eyes of these guys, Wang Yang seems to be dead.

There is no way to merge the five great magical powers. Power is really terrible.

Even, in the minds of some of them, this guy was afraid that General Xuesha was going to be killed by him alone.

Is that really true?

In the face of the Hydra’s attack, General Xuesha simply ignored it. He pressed it directly with his palm. It seemed that the world and the world were all under his control. Under his palm, he seemed to be in his presence. Within heaven and earth, there is simply no escape.


What fusion supernatural powers, what five-headed serpent, is directly hit by such a palm, directly hit.


In the void, only the Hydra screamed in horror.

He couldn't believe it, this bloody general was so terrible!

"Do not……"

The magical avatar was exploded, at most, the mind was damaged. However, as long as you have enough resources, you can practice again. However, if the deity is exploded, then all the problems are really big.

At the moment, Hydra was frightened and wanted to escape.

However, General Xuesha is too powerful. With one press of a palm, the world is in full control, and there is no escape at all.

Hydra wanted to escape. As a result, he pressed a palm over his head. Then, it was like a compressed cookie. The feet were as hard as iron. The top of the head was a supreme mountain. Under such divine power, Hydra directly It was this palm that made a compressed cookie.


General Xuesha's strength is terrible, and everyone knows this.

But how could your uncle be so powerful?

Many people are so scared that their calves only tremble.

"Real man, are you sure that such a horrible existence is really something we can deal with?"

Wang Yang is already seriously doubting that with such a horrible existence, you are so confident in where you came from that you actually want two people to clean up.

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