My Super Estate

Question 1862

Chapter 1776th burst

Isn't Hydra awesome?

No one dared to say that the person who was present was not powerful, and the five great supernatural powers merged. Such a peerless supernatural power, no one dares to take it easily, or even dare to take it.

However, such a powerful Hydra was directly defeated by the magical avatar, and the deity was beaten into a meatloaf, and all this was just a palm.

Such a bloody general is not invincible, so who is invincible?

This time, even the real Huanglong people are silent and dare not speak.

The strength of General Xuesha has already exceeded everyone's estimate. Such existence is simply not something that these people can bear.


Only Wang Yang laughed when he saw that Hydra had been pressed into meatloaf by General Xuesha.

"You, what are you laughing at?"

Damn, in this situation, everyone is a turtle in the urn, and the periphery has been surrounded by a large number of blood sergeants, and there is no escape at all. Are you still laughing?

"What the hell are you laughing at?"

Mozun knows Wang Yang best, frowns, and looks at him, extremely puzzled.

In this situation, he did not think that Wang Yang could ensure his safety.

Want to escape?


In the face of General Xuesha, one can crush all of us. The previous Hydra's strength is not simple. Even if he meets himself, he does not need some powerful hole cards.

However, these hole cards on my body are useful for the Hydra, and will they be useful for the Generals of Blood Fiend?

Demon Venerable from Xin is also extremely unconfident at this time.


He glanced lightly and laughed loudly: "You are afraid!"

"You..., you fart, my deity, between heaven and earth, when were you afraid?"

One fear means too much.

For martial arts practice, the practice is the breath, the practice is the idea, the idea is firm, even in the face of the most powerful enemy, you can kill him.

However, when the breath is gone and the thoughts are depressed, the spiritual world will inevitably be full of ghosts. If you want to eliminate it, it will not be so easy.

Fear means that the idea retreats, which means that it is fearful and occupied by fear.

You can choose to retreat on the path of martial arts, but you can never lose.

If you lose today, you will win back tomorrow, and if you were beaten yesterday, you will be waiting to fight back today.

Therefore, on the rivers and lakes, there is such a sentence that the equivalent of Tianjiao people, either choose to be friends, or choose to cut the grass and eradicate the roots.

It does not concern family, friends or enemies, but because of its own way of martial arts, it wipes out all enemies in its mind and breaks down all obstacles in its mind.

Suddenly, looking at Mozun's anxious and corrupted appearance, Wang Yang felt as if he understood.

In the end, it is not a long way to go on the path of martial arts. In addition, it is really smooth to go along. Many enemies have brought setbacks to themselves, but they have never damaged their integrity, even bye bye. On the day, he never killed it.

Because there is no loss of integrity and a firm mind, there is no such thing as killing the enemy and eliminating the devil. Instead, it has never taken the initiative to find those who are in trouble, and never thought of destroying all those who offended themselves. kill.

"You are really scared!"

Looking at Mozun seriously, Wang Yang never looked serious.

In the past, what kind of scenery, how could the devil be so angry because of his own words?

Walk towards General Xuesha.

"What is he doing? Heads-up general Xuesha?"

Around him, he was surrounded by countless blood sergeants, and in the middle were general blood sergeants, Wang Yang and others.

"Wang Yang, don't be impulsive!"

In the face of General Xuesha, even the real Huanglong, there are some uncertainties, such a powerful existence of Hydra, a slap, directly to the death.

Now you go up like this, don't you die?

"Relax, I'm sure!"

Wang Yang's expression was full of confidence.

Hydra is really powerful. At least, when facing the fusion of his Hydra, he is very uncertain and can just pass by.

However, Hydra is so powerful, you have to admit it, but to say, just because Hydra was slapped into a patty by General Blood Fiend, it means you must escape from General Blood Fiend, hey, Today, Lao Tzu did not believe this evil.


The blazing dragon chant, bursts and waves, the divine dragon sees no end, and sees the phantom shadow of the sacred dragon in the void, and shuttles quickly around Wang Yang, suddenly a peerless sword, the bright dragon chant In the middle, the divine dragon that sees the first and the last, turns into a streamer, and quickly merges into the body of the peerless sword. Immediately, you can see that there are sky and dragon shadows around the peerless sword god, crisscrossed, hidden in this, here In the vast sea of ​​blood, there seems to be a certain kind of powerful existence, or countless inexplicably powerful existences, in response to the call of Long Yin, from the endless blood sea, quickly merge into the peerless sword god in vivo.


The sudden change made Wang Yang jump in his heart.

He felt that this unexpected power was all because of the drop of dragon blood that he had integrated into his body.


This time, Wang Yang has grasped even more!

"Come on, today, Laozi beheaded you!!"

Wang Yang laughed, Peerless Sword God leaned in his body, the Sword held high in his hand, carrying the power of heaven, and slashed towards the General Xuesha!!


General Xuesha seems to have only a strong fighting consciousness, and he can't even speak. In the face of Wang Yang's powerful attack, he just made a roar, and then he slapped towards the peerless sword god.

It was this slap again. Just now, it was such a slap. It was directly the hydra that was incomparable, and it was directly patted into a patty. Now, it is such a slap.

Facing such a slap, Wang Yang, can he still support it?In other words, he will be like a hydra, and will be slapped with meat.

"Be careful!!"

At this moment, it is only Huang Long who really cares about Wang Yang, who cares about him, will he be slapped to death by that bloody general.

Heaven and earth seem to have calmed down.

With a slap shot, it seems that the world has merged, and Wang Yang is the giant who supports the sky.

However, how easy is it to support heaven and earth?

Wang Yang felt that his whole body was already under a very strong high pressure. His whole body bones seemed to be compressed into bone balls, and there was no escape at all.


In the face of such strong pressure, Wang Yang struggling with a sword.

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