My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1863

Chapter 177th Blood Scarlet Fruit

The strength is extremely strong. In our team, you can be regarded as the best Hydra. It is directly slapped by such a slap, and it is directly shot to death. So, can you Wang Yang face such a slap, can you support it? ?

Whether Wang Yang can support it or not, no one cares, but how to resist the attack of General Xuesha, and what kind of magical power to resist, is what attracted everyone's attention.

For example, Wang Yang and Hydra are very different, because Wang Yang is completely physical attack, directly attacked by extremely terrible physical power, Hydra is energy attack, five kinds of magical powers. , All of which are all kinds of energy, either coldness, poisonous gas, or even energy attacks such as petrochemicals. As a result, the fusion of the five great supernatural powers is enough for the super great supernatural power to block and kill the Buddha. A slap broke up.

"Is that true? In the face of General Xuesha, do you want to choose a physical attack?"

Someone whispered in their hearts.

In fact, this kind of guessing is definitely not in the minds of individual people. On the contrary, there is a vast majority of those who have such ideas.

The result of this is that no matter whether Wang Yang is alive or dead, but after his shot, he directly attracted the attention of most people.


What other people think is that Wang Yang simply does not care, but for the general Xuesha in front of him, Wang anode is supreme.

General Blood Fiend is currently the strongest of the Blood Fiend Corps. If there is Blood Victory, then it must be on General Blood Fiend.

With such thoughts, Wang Yang's eyes became brighter.


Repeatedly bingeing, although it cannot change its own strength, but it is a great firmness of their beliefs, and then the will is more cohesive, the same strength, bursting out of three-point strength, although a little exaggerated, but the human body In itself, the potential is infinite, and martial arts practice itself is a process of potential accumulation. The sudden eruption is really too normal.


The Jiangang, like the essence, carrying all the power to destroy, launched an attack toward the opposite General Xuesha.

Sure enough, it was the surrounding void, and General Xuesha took a slap shot, which directly suppressed the void around Wang Yang. The void that could have been free to move directly seemed to be suddenly frozen, and was in the void. Wang Yang is directly the fish in the glacier, and all actions are frozen.

Slashing this sword directly broke the void, and the feeling of freezing everything around was gone.

Then, carrying the ruined sword gang, he chopped towards the bloody general.


General Xuesha was extremely powerful. With one hand, it was like a rock directly. When Wang Yang cut it off with a sword, it seemed to be chopping on the hardest rock, making a violent impact.

However, in the end is a peerless swordsman, a sword is cut, even if you have a very powerful physical battle body, you must kill with a sword.

Yes, the Peerless Sword God cut off with a sword, directly cut his hand.

Then, it was discovered that Peerless Sword God deserved to be Peerless Sword God. It didn't matter if he cut his hand, destroying all Jiangang, and continued to cut towards General Xuesha.

I don't know where it came from. A devastating force, General Horror's terrifying and frightening power, couldn't even resist it. It was this sword, which was cut from scratch to the foot.

Slap the Hydra dead, and the blood-stained generals of the Megatrons are actually like this. They were cut in half by the peerless sword god.

"This, this is fake!"

Such a result, not to mention that some people such as Mozun, even Huanglong, are almost not scared to death.

Have you made any mistakes? Those of us are still thinking of ways to see if we can see something from the battle between you. Now, how do you do this?


Hei Yan emperor is the most unacceptable, to know that his reputation is also resounding, ordinary emperor, in his own hands, that is also the role of slapping dead.

But where did this freak come from, how could he be so scary?

"You asked the deity, who asked the deity?"

In the face of Wang Yang, Mozun may not be proud, but in the face of Black Emperor Yan, Mozun is extremely proud.

But now, he is really bad.

"Are the deity's cards really useful in the face of General Xuesha?"

Even in the face of Hydra, Mozun is not afraid. If you use some hole cards and win the battle, there is no difficulty. However, in the face of Hydra, General Xuesha is absolutely forced to slap and die. The rhythm, then, the question is coming. In the face of General Xuesha who can slap Hydra dead, can he deal with his own cards?

However, if General Xuesha can't even handle it himself, then what is the difference between Wang Yang who can kill General Xuesha with a sword?


This is not yet known, and once calculated, he is already a very weak chicken!

"Blood fruit!"

Mozun, who was still in his mind, suddenly heard someone shouting loudly.



You have to know that you haven't cultivated any peerless supernatural powers, and you have no supernatural powers.


Isn't it because your own mental will is not strong enough?

If you have a strong spiritual will, do you have more powerful strength?

Is it possible to practice magical avatars?

Mozun looked at the blood evil fruit that appeared from General Blood evil, and the whole person was fiery.

"Why, what do you want to do?"

Feeling everyone's fiery eyes, Wang Yang swept through them one by one and sneered: "Do you want to grab?"

Sure enough, General Xuesha was awesome. In addition to a blood evil, there was a large group of dragon blood.

Wang Yang knows what is the use of Shenlong's essence and blood. Before facing General Xuesha, Wang Yang knew that he could kill with a sword, not because of his own strength, but because of absorbing and merging a drop of Shenlong In essence blood, there will always be a force in the blood, which will quickly gather in the body through the dragon blood.

Otherwise, in the face of General Xuesha, how can Wang Yang be an opponent?

Nowadays, there is so much blood, so here, does it mean that his own strength will be more powerful?

Also, this is a bloody fruit.

So, can you safely break into the Thunder Realm?

But then again, can a piece of blood bear fruit satisfy your own needs?

Holding this blood blame, Wang Yang stared at all the people, glancing at everyone.

This is about whether he can safely pass the eighth gate of the Thunder Realm.

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