My Super Estate

1872 Wang Yang PK King of Blood Fiend

Chapter 1768 The King of Wang Yang PK Blood Sha

"Wang Yang!"

In the past, every time I saw Wang Yang, Mozun absolutely hated his teeth, and really wanted to slap him to death.

However, today, I don't know why, when I saw the damn kid, I felt a little kinder than ever.

Okay, when Mozun recovered, he also felt that he was a bit mean.

Originally on the cold face, the joyful color that just bloomed and disappeared quickly, as if never seen before.I just opened my mouth and wanted to cry, but I swallowed it.

He knew that at this moment, they might be comrades-in-arms, but, in the next moment, perhaps the battle that should be launched, and absolutely no one would keep their hands.

"Wang Yang, you, did you pass?"

Huang Long is really excited.

At that moment, he almost thought he was dead. However, Wang Yang had just returned, he was quick to recover from his injuries. All the strange energy in his body was suppressed, and even, even the broken industry was red. Lotus is also recovering quickly, even, he can feel that a magical power with the same attribute appears.


He, he actually cultivated into karma fire lotus!!

Huang Long was really shocked in his heart. Karma is not an ordinary great magical power. Its power is terrible. Even for some karmic beings, it is inherently a force of restraint.

Otherwise, with the strength of these people, how can you be safe in the face of hundreds of bloody generals?

The most important thing is that Wang Yang has gone through the Thunder Realm, and the speed is too fast, it is just going in for a turn.

"Yes, I succeeded!!"

Wang Yang looked calm.

However, in his heart, he was not calm. After thundering to heaven, after successfully cultivating into karma red lotus, Wang Yang thought that even if he passed.

However, the fact is that he was given a big slap, and on the spot, there was an endless shadow of the magic.

The whole spiritual world, originally, only a little black dots, turned into a shadow of roaring mountains at a very fast speed.

This is Wang Yang’s miscellaneous thoughts, and also the magic thoughts in his heart. Normally, under the suppression of powerful will, it is difficult to do anything, and it is directly transformed into an insignificant little point. Although the number is extremely large, but, Compared with the entire spiritual world, these little black spots have no effect at all. On weekdays, because of their rapid improvement in strength, it is impossible to have time to clean up. In the end, naturally, they gather more and more.

Normally, these little black spots have no effect. However, in the thunder world, in the end, under the infusion of a magical power, all the little black spots have all turned into big devil heads that roared in the mountains and forests, one by one. They all burst into incredible power.

It can be said that at this time, if there is no power to inject, perhaps the entire spiritual world will be infected by the endless magic energy.

"Wait for extravagance!"

Finally, when all the big devil heads roared the world, indiscriminately infected the world, and polluted the whole world, from above the sun, walked down a sun god, the sun god revered invincible, even if it is the wand of the world, It is also a punch, there is simply no price to talk about.

If everything goes so smoothly, then all the big devil heads will definitely be killed by the Sun God.

However, the facts are far from that simple. The Sun God Venerate is Wang Yang’s will. The soul will be a unity, and the will is no longer strong. Without the support of the soul world, it is difficult to exert much power.

There are too many big demon heads, even if the sun god is invincible. However, the number of big devil heads is too much, it has not been cleaned for a long time, and it is a very short period of time. The strength increases rapidly. When all negative thoughts such as magic thoughts and miscellaneous thoughts are rapidly derived, if it is a step by step, it takes a lot of time, with the power of the sun god, all the miscellaneous thoughts, all the magic thoughts, will be all killed and eliminated However, all this is simply that there is no time.

Therefore, the final result, when the Eighth Heavenly Gate, was directly resurrected, and even quickly infected the entire spiritual world.

The entire spiritual world has no power for the sun god.

At the beginning, the sun god is naturally invincible. However, after a long time, the sun god is simply unable to exert any power.

The final result is the sun god deity, which is directly surrounded by all the big devil, and finally, will be divided by all the big devil.

The Sun God Venerate is transformed by the will, the Sun God Venerate is divided, and the will is naturally extinguished. Finally, Wang Yang naturally died under the demon.

Fortunately, Wang Yang was already prepared, and at such a critical time, he quickly swallowed the blood.

Sure enough, Xueshaguo is the most magical. A Xueshaguo is quickly swallowed. The Sun God respects Lima to gain a lot of power. Immediately, it is an indestructible God of War. All the big demons have no one at all. The enemy.

This is the beginning of the battle. Whether Wang Yang can survive, depends on whether he can retain the last power before destroying all the big devil, because the infected spiritual world must have a little power. restore.

Obviously, Wang Yang was sufficiently prepared to eliminate all the big demons, leaving two blood evils, and finally, with the help of the two blood evils, clear all infected areas of the spiritual world.

"who are you?"

The King of Blood Fiend is high above, looking down.

With his own blow, he was confident that no emperor could resist it, even if it was the karma red lotus, it would be broken by himself.

It turns out that he has already done it.

However, who is this guy in front of him? He just appeared, and he suppressed everything and eliminated all the injuries?

"My name is Wang Yang, remember, don't forget, who died in your hands."

With that said, there is a peerless god behind Wang Yang, and the void seems to be difficult to support under such strength. When it is photographed with a palm, it seems to be under a large seal.

Peerless magical power-the sky is over.

Wang Yang has entered the level of the eighth step sage. All his great magical powers can be used to send the emperor to a level of power.

The most important thing is that all of Wang Yang’s peerless supernatural powers are avatars of successful cultivation supernatural powers, and power is completely capable of 100% outbreak.


Under the palm of his hand, even General Xuesha was directly shot to death.


In front of his own face, General Chaofeng Xuesha shot, the king of Xuesha was furious, and he raised his palm towards Wang Yang, which was under his palm.,

The battle between Wang Yang and the King of Blood Fiend was finally started.

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