My Super Estate

1873 Frontal Hard King of Blood Fiend

Chapter 1787 The Frontal Hard King

Whether Wang Yang, the king of PK Blood Fierce, can be beaten, this is a very important question. If he is replaced by some rookies, he will be nervously asked if Wang Yang can be beaten. If he can’t, he will What if the King of Blood Fiend wants to take action against himself??

However, all of this is nothing for the great supernaturalists such as Huanglong Reality.

They are all in the world, and Kuima is used to solving all problems on its own, and can solve it with its own strength. Then, it is solved with its own strength. If it cannot be solved with its own strength, then it is to find a way to solve it.

However, there are problems.It is not whether you ask or not, but that the question itself is an objective existence.

Can Wang Yang be the opponent in the battle with the King of Blood Firing?

When I thought about it, the King of Blood Fierce was just a palm, and the karma red lotus jointly supported by more than a dozen people was actually pierced by a palm. Such terrifying strength seems to mean that a dozen of his own people joined forces, even all It's not as good as the king of blood evil.

Can Wang Yang be an opponent with such terrifying strength?

With the support of the karma red lotus, there is no king of blood evil shot, even if faced with hundreds of blood generals, no one cares, all watched with peace of mind.

Whether it is life or death, it all lies in this battle.

"Catch me!"

The King of Blood Fierce palms down, even if Huanglong real people together can't resist, Wang Yang really wants to try, can his palm be able to resist in the end!

Peerless magical power-the sky is over!

A supreme deity, a world opens, and comes out of it. The tall god body, photographed with a palm, seems to be covered by a sky, endless and innocent, quickly converging from all directions, there is one in the sky The terrible and vortex of energy and endless power are all absorbed by the vortex of energy. The endless pressure comes out of this vortex of energy. Then, you can see that a big seal exudes terrible pressure. Repressed toward the King of Blood Fiend.


Faced with such a terrible sky-turning seal, the King of Blood Fierce didn't even change his face. Turning up a huge slap, he greeted the sky-turning seal that came from the suppression of the void.


Without any accident, Fan Tianyin was directly exploded by that palm.


Fan Tianyin was exploded, Wang Yang was not surprised at all, but the supreme deity, was not injured at all?

In other words, the king of Blood Fiend is just like the generals of Blood Fiend. With this palm, the most important power is to solidify the entire world and the strength of its own, but it is not that great!

"Is that so!"

At the moment, Wang Yang walked out of a supreme existence behind him, which was a supreme hit ant.

Peerless magical power-absolute power.

Needless to say, the giant ant hits the ant directly into the supreme deity.

"Zhe Tian Yin..."

It's under another palm.

The vortex of energy that has just broken, recovers quickly, the endless energy of heaven and earth, quickly gathers, even in the void, there is a terrible crack, a high level of energy, quickly flowing out of the crack of the void, quickly being Absorbed by that great seal.

It turned out that even this side of the world could not supply the energy needs of this big seal, and its powerful power naturally aroused the higher-level world and attracted a higher level of energy.


Such a method, even those such as Shura the Great, has never been encountered.

"In our world, the legend is composed of different levels of the world.

In the mortal world, such different levels of the world are called different dimensions.

It is as if the mortal is a high-endurance force, it is the invincible grandmaster, even if I wait for entering the mortal, it is impossible to explode the power beyond the level of the invincible grandmaster.

Obviously, such a palm has already exceeded the power of this upper level, therefore, it actively leads to higher levels of power."

Huang Long is a real person who knows a lot. He knows the most about such a secret.

But, in his eyes, the constant flash of light has fully explained that at this moment, he was really surprised.

Has such a supernatural power exceeded the strength of this level?

If he remembers correctly, he still controls two more advanced great supernatural powers. Then, what kind of power will such two great supernatural powers explode?


It seems to be, but also feel the terrible power from the big seal on the head. The King of Blood Fiery can swallow Wang Yang's mouth at once, and directly give a roaring sound like a tsunami.

I saw that the body muscles of the King of Blood Fissure were like small mountains.

The two huge palms were finally printed together.

First, there are bursts of strong light, which is the extremely strong light produced by the energy explosion.

Under such light, the sky and earth are dark, because the strong light of the energy is annihilated, turned into a black hole, engulfed in all the light, and temporarily lost the light in this world.

Heaven and earth seem to have lost their voices at this moment.

It is not true that there is no sound, but because the power between the two is too strong. It has already exploded all the materials around it. Even if there is a powerful sound, there can be no sound without the spread of matter.

However, the fact is that all hearts have been completely deaf.

Because there is no material transmission of sound, there is no sound at all. However, for many great supernaturalists, they clearly catch a strong explosion.

The strong explosion directly caused everyone to have a tsunami in their spiritual world, and their hearts could not return for a long time.

However, to everyone's surprise, in the face of Wang Yang's terrible attack, the King of Blood Fierce did not retreat.

In contrast, the King of Blood Fiend is really much stronger.

"Well, today you can still resist a few palms!"

Saying that, behind Wang Yang, another layer of space was opened, and a round of purple sun appeared, turning into a supreme sun god.

The Sun God exudes endless purple light all over his body, and all the blood-smelling gas seems to meet natural enemies, and is quickly purified by the purple Sun God light.

Seems to have met natural enemies.

"Another trick!"

Peerless magical power-Ziyang magic fist!

The purple sun quickly integrated into the supreme deity.

For a time, the supreme god became more solid and his face became clearer.

It's the same palm again, containing great power of destruction, slamming towards the King of Blood Fiend.

Wang Yang stared closely at the King of Blood Fierce, and did not believe he could resist.

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