My Super Estate

1877 Dragon Head

Chapter 1791 The Dragon Head

"According to legend, this land of sacred death was when the ancient god, the ancient god, opened up the earth, and from the immortal immortal realm, a billion-long divine dragon burst out.

It seems that it is the divine dragon, who wants to prevent the ancient gods from stepping into the fairy realm, and finally be slain by the plate.

Here, it is the magic dragon."

Walking in the mountain forest, killing a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and refining it, all the dragon spirits are collected

Casually, I also carefully narrated some of the secrets I had heard.

"You said, can this Wanlong Flower help Shenlong to be resurrected?

It was beheaded by the ancient gods, then, will it hold grudges, after the resurrection, will it stir up the endless wind and waves in the chaos and wipe out the endless world?"

No one knows what kind of strength the immortal immortal world has, but the length of hundreds of millions of miles is such a terrible body.

Although there is a quasi-exaggeration, such a divine dragon must be extremely terrible, but it is true.

So, what should I do?

"what do you want to say?"

After the resurrection of the dragon, will there be revenge? This question has never been thought of. The first thought that everyone thinks is such a terrible dragon. After the resurrection, what kind of big reward will be given.

However, in this world, beautiful things really happen every day?

What if?

Coming from the immortal immortal world of Heng Gu, then, how powerful is this existence?

Beheaded by the ancient gods, then, it will not be grudged?

So many problems have been ignored before.

Is it really ignored?

Could it be that one person neglected all of them?

Such a fact, like the same alarm bell, knocked heavily in his own heart, even if it was a real person of Huanglong, at this time it was also a bit alarmed.

Before the ages, he struggled to do everything, stayed in the sky and earth, and was born in this era, what was it for?

Not for the inheritance of the first divine dragon coming out of the fairy world.

However, why do you feel so confident, you must be able to get inherited?

If you think about it this way, the problem is getting bigger and bigger, and it is also getting more and more serious.

In the field, who is not a level of emperor in a world, is a real big man on the side of the bully, and controls the life and death of hundreds of millions of souls. In a word, the blood flows into the sea and turns into an endless blood sea Is a breeze.

However, at this moment, all of them were in a cold sweat.

Such a big problem, before, all people automatically chose to ignore, so what happened to themselves?


Still, was led.

"What should we do?"

This is a very serious issue, which is related to everyone's life and death. It is even so serious that if one is not handled well, I am afraid that it will stir up chaos and storms. If it is not good, it will directly destroy all the world.

If this is really the case, these people, to resurrect the dragon, are afraid that they will have to bear boundless karma.

The endless karma is added, what will the consequences be, don't even think about it.

"No, they said that in recent times, Long Island has been extremely lively and many people have come.

Well, I'm afraid that if we don't take action, there will be other people.

The question now is, what are we going to do?

Is it just sitting on the sidelines, or taking the initiative to participate, or maybe it is trying to stop it and prevent the resurrection of the dragon?"

This is a very serious issue. One is not handled well. I'm afraid that all people must follow bad luck.

The question is there, how to deal with it and how to choose it is a very important question.

All the people are sitting together, and everyone has expressed their opinions.

"You can be sure that a lot of people have come to Long Island this time?"

Finally, Emperor Shura looked at Yang Xiaoer.

"Of course, that kind of vigorous Longyin will never be mistaken.

This period of time, such a vigorous Long Yin, no two or three times a day, can not sleep.

Listen, isn’t it reappearing now?"

Wang Yang suddenly became serious.

Because, the familiar Long Yin really appeared.

"How to do?"

At least two or three times a day?

So, how many people are there on this Dragon Island?

Moreover, how long has this time passed?

Even if Wang Yang thinks that he is the protagonist of the time, his scalp is numb at this time.

This is simply a story between a main deity and an indigenous people, not at all a heavyweight.

"Do you think if we don't shoot, will they shoot?

If they shot, then what would happen if we lacked our link?Will the resurrection succeed?

Okay, let me just be straightforward. Are we really that important?Without us, this resurrection plan can't really be completed?"

Well, Wang Yang's words are a bit heavy. When he said so, it seems that the choices left to us are really not so much.

In this world, the world will exist whoever it is.

That is to say, if you choose to stand by and watch like this, then the question of the resurrection of the Shenlong is basically no big problem.

"How did you think about this problem?"

In the end, it is a very important question. All these are all speculations made by myself and others. If, that is, if, in case, in the event of the resurrection of the dragon, wouldn’t we do such extreme things?

Well, all of us have been neglected and lost our minds, so why don’t you?

Are you really so powerful?

If Shenlong is resurrected, he and others can help, and Shenlong is grateful, and will not disturb the chaotic storm, then, if he and others wait, will they miss a huge opportunity?

Do not doubt that so many people, even if a group of people are confused, is it true that all people are all confused by their minds?

Since everyone has automatically ignored so many big problems, then naturally there is a huge benefit.

From the heart, it is always confusing the highest state.

So, how did you wake up from such a huge confusion?

"I think it's not necessary to delve into this issue for the time being. Our first priority is to enter the land of the dragon's head.

If, according to our own guess, everything is true, then we must use all our strength to prevent the resurrection of the dragon.Ladies and gentlemen, our Zhenti has little time."

Stop Shenlong from resurrecting?

Wang Yang had never thought about this problem before. What he hoped was to help the resurrection of the Shenlong. Then, he would get huge benefits.

However, his thoughts just now seemed like a blow to the head, making him immediately change his mind.

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