My Super Estate

Question 1878

Chapter 1792 The Congregation of Heroes

The crowd of people, Wang Yang has always thought that this is to describe his great motherland.

My great motherland loves to watch the lively mind, unprecedented fiery, as long as there is a little movement, all people are all surging, and the scene of people and people can often be met.

However, Wang Yang found that the scene in front of him had the feeling of looking at the lively aunt.

Too many people.

"Here, there are so many people here?"

Even Shura the Great was a little surprised at this time.

Such a big scene is rare in the world. Is it 8,000 or 10,000?

"Hey, it's coming again!"

As soon as Wang Yang and others arrived, someone immediately came forward.

Come to humanity: "Hello, this is already hosted by nine emperors, please accept our arrangement!"

"Huh, Nine Great Emperors?"

Where is this stupid?

Wang Yang looked at the person with a fool-like look: "Excuse me, where is the Nine Great Emperor Zun from here, can you help introduce it?

Of course, if you can, help introduce the general situation here."

"Huh, Nine Great Emperor Zun, do you even know who the Nine Great Sovereign is?"

The kind that is high above, the kind that looks quartet, the kind that doesn't take the right eye to see people, all are in this eye, flexible and vivid, it is unforgettable to see in the heart.

"Life is a drama, who can know who is who?"

The meaning in Wang Yang's words is very ironic.

"Huh, listen to Lao Tzu!"

It can be seen that this guy, contrary to his attitude, actually has a good heart. I really don't know, how does he have such a good attitude in the end?

He was already very angry, and even looked at Wang Yang's gaze, and he was very angry. However, he forcibly endured the desire to do it directly. On the contrary, he was even preparing to give Wang Yang a careful talk.

"Looking at you, it's not like the local people. Presumably, you know the standings!"


Wang Yang was stunned.

As soon as my thoughts moved, a list was opened in front of me, which just showed my own points.

Unconsciously, it has already had more than 500 points (Wang Yang just entered the second world, he met the three-headed demon, and later, it was in the Demon Channel, and a large part of the Demon Realm collapsed. The channel, as a result, into the land of the gods' death, the three demons around Mozun were killed by Wang Yang, so he accumulated more than 500 points for him.).

In other words, the real enemy of life and death is between Mozun and Wang Yang.

However, between Wang Yang and Mozun, it seems that they have forgotten. There is no way that Wang Yang has absolute power. However, Wang Yang really does not believe that he can kill Mozun.

For Wang Yang now, being able to enter the Supreme Third Realm is already his biggest goal. For this goal, any hatred can be put down (anyway, for the moment, he has no losses)"

"The nine great emperors are Emperor Shitian, Emperor One, Three-Headed Dragon King, Golden Lion King, Xiongba, Wanlin King, Manshi Stone King, Elephant King, and Stone King.

Huh, these are all famous kings in the standings. How dare you disrespect?"

The head of the person came up high, as if he was afraid of not knowing. He represented the nine kings.

No, what he said before is the nine emperors, but not the king.

"Thanks, now you can leave!"

"what did you say?"

The person who came here did not seem to think that he had just introduced nine emperors, but he was driven away.

Damn, who gave you the guts?Could it be that you think Lao Tzu will not kill?

However, he had just made a move, and the Emperor Shura had already shot quickly.

Emperor Shura is definitely a man who doesn't talk too much. This guy is verbose, and even dare to show his power in front of this emperor, it is simply looking for excitement!

"Blood Prison!"

The endless blood sea directly wrapped the person, and then, only a scream was heard, and there was no more sound.

"Go, let's find a place to sit down and the dragon will be resurrected, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Already prepared to prevent the resurrection of the Shenlong, then things must be done well.

First of all, Wanlonghua is definitely a must.

It seems that there are thousands of people here, one by one, all for the resurrection of the dragon, with these people, if you want to stop them.I'm afraid that even if I have the most powerful power, I'm a little thankless.

Then things must be planned.

"What are you going to do?"

"Come with me!"

The question of Huang Long's real person, Wang Yang himself, does not know how to do it.

It must be said that Wang Yang himself is a good luck, and his cultivation speed is extremely fast, and his rise speed is faster. Before he rose, he was a person who cultivated the land. To say that he has great wisdom, I don't believe it.

However, the motherland’s system is very good. Nine-year compulsory education, another three-year high school, and even various universities, etc. For the development of wisdom, it has definitely reached a very high level.

There is no great wisdom, but some little wisdom is absolutely good.

"Dragon God wants to be resurrected, Wanlong Flower may be the key.

If we make a hypothesis that Wanlong Flower is the key to the resurrection of the Shenlong, then, if there are some problems with this key thing, then what will happen?"

"Are you going to make hands and feet on Wanlonghua?"

Huang Long's real eyes widened, looking at Wang Yang, something incredible.

What is Wanlonghua?

That's a real peerless medicine. Do you think you can do anything?

"Do not worry!

As long as there is some guidance, nothing is impossible.

Any kind of magic medicine contains different Dao Yun. As long as we let Wanlonghua grow again, perhaps, we can reversely absorb the essence of Shenlong when it is critical."

There was a wise light in Wang Yang's eyes.

As a beneficiary of compulsory education, great wisdom may not be achieved, but some little cleverness will definitely not be lacking.

You are in control of the relevant technology, so if you want to accomplish something, it will definitely not be so difficult.

"Any magic medicine has its terrible features.

For example, congenitalization of the Demon God Tree can naturally restrain the Demon Race.

Anyone who is close, even at the level of Demon Lord, will definitely be affected.

Wanlong Flower is a kind of magic medicine that grows on the dragon clan and absorbs the essence of the dragon clan. As long as we can stimulate its regrowth ability, it will be enough for the dragon to drink a pot.

What's more, Shenlong wants to absorb the essence of Wanlong Flower, just because Shenlong controls sovereignty, Wanlong Flower is under Shenlong's control, but if Wanlong Flower is high enough, then, will Shenlong also control sovereignty?"

Wang Yang has decided to play a big one this time.

The Shenlong is the best cultivation resource.


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