My Super Estate

Chapter 1886: Divine Dragon Returns, Endless Dragon Spirit

Chapter 1800: The Divine Dragon Returns, Endless Dragon Spirit

In the boundless chaos, the chaotic air current is rolling, and at a moment, it is not diffusing different styles.

In this chaotic chaos, some worlds are separated from the ordinary and subjected to chaotic baptism. Some are gradually destroyed by chaos and waves, while others are step by step in the baptism of chaotic air currents. Strong.

Here, there are endless powerhouses, who can cross chaos and sweep the heavens in a single thought. Similarly, they also have various huge forces and organizations. They walk the worlds of the world and plunder the worlds of the world to strengthen themselves.

However, it is in such a chaotic space that there is such a world.

This is a desolate sacred place.

Desolation is because such a world does not have any creatures. Even some plants are not there. At a glance, they are all desolate stones. Even the weeds want to find one. It is extremely difficult. difficult.

The Holy Land is because such a world has endless vitality, full of energy, innate confusion, and from time to time, there is even a chaos of chaos. The newly born plants are all destroyed.

If such a world is seen by some emperors, they will find that this is a world that has just been born.Of course, if they are encountered by some peerless powers, they will be ecstatic, because such a new world is the world with the most abundant origins. As long as you plunder one side, you can only let yourself open up the world, Going a step further, the distance from the promotion, the door of detachment, is closer.

It is such a world, however, the earth dragon turns over and a supreme idea awakens in the world.

"Digong turned over?

Is this the legendary Zulong resurrected?"

Ancestral dragon, legend, the ancestor of Wanlong came out of the Supreme Realm of Immortal Supreme, because of the immense ancient god, Pan Chengxian, was killed by Pan.

"Huh, even if it's an ancestral dragon? How can this bloodline be controlled by you?"

At the moment, the full recovery of the arrogant will is directly suppressing everything. Just now the dragon yells constantly, the earth dragon rolls over, the earth shakes, and in a very short time, all is still, and there is no more movement.

The desolate world has ushered in a high-speed development. The extremely terrible chaos is quickly transformed into a congenital aura. A vitality is quickly derived. On the desolate earth, in an instant, there is endless The vegetation was born and grew rapidly, and finally, it turned into a towering tree.

In a very short period of time, this side was still a desolate world, and it quickly became lively.

Congenital aura of energy, the energy level is too high, even the most common plant, can quickly open the spiritual wisdom, a rapid growth of spirituality, and finally, into a person.

Those giant beasts, those fierce giant beasts, inflated like a ball, quickly expand and grow.

Probably, it was because the earth dragon just turned over and the ancestral dragon was resurrected. Naturally, there was an extra dragon energy between heaven and earth. Even with the supreme will to suppress it, between the earth and the earth, the dragon spirit still diffused and occupied all.

A very direct expression is that between the heavens and the earth, all the giant beasts naturally born endless dragon beasts, all kinds of dragon blood, full of them.

Thunder Dragon, Blood Dragon, Long Dragon, Lion Dragon, Tiger Dragon, Wolf Dragon...

Wait, all sorts of fierce dragons appear last.

Nine sons of the dragon are different from each other. Here, it seems that an explanation has been fully given. It turns out that the so-called ninth son of the dragon is only bred because of various species and feelings of dragon spirit. It is naturally in some other creatures. In the species, a mutation was carried out, which directly became a new species-dragon beast.


Is that so?

This is the Shenlong. After the resurrection, there was such a big reaction?Change all species in the whole world?

So, this seat is to see, what is the so-called Shenlong?"

"Huh, isn't this a guy from my special team of Dragon God?

Has he grown to this point?"

The supreme will, across the infinite amount of chaotic space, forcibly broke into the second highest heaven, and even broke into the land where the god fell, found the piece of blood like an endless sea, and saw a certain one on the Dragon Island exist.

Wang Yang did not know that he had attracted some special attention at this time. He just looked at the sky above, where there was a projection of the endless blood.

In such a projection, Wang Yang discovered that an immense amount of dragon qi was born from the void, and turned into divine dragons. Then, he was absorbed by the divine dragon that stretched for thousands of miles.

"This, this is the dragon you said?"

Beside, there was a real cry of Huang Long.

The Shenlong has been solidified, and the real Huanglong can finally see the legendary Shenlong.

"You, you can really see that there is endless dragon spirit, which is being quickly absorbed by this dragon?"

The Shenlong can already be seen, but the endless dragon spirit is still impossible.

"You didn't find out, is this dragon, growing fast?

Did you find it?It was still a phantom before, but it looked faint and unreal, but now, if you look at it, is it already solidified?"

"Yes, that's it.

In other words, this is what you said, there is endless dragon qi appearing from the void, absorbed by the dragon?

According to legend, this dragon is also called the ancestral dragon.

It is the ancestor of all dragons. Could it be that the sky and the world are used as livestock farms to cultivate and grow?"

No one is a fool. This scene in front of me seems to be enough to explain a lot.

"Look, look, Wanlonghua has already responded."

Pointing at the Wanlong flower cultivated in the Dragon Blood Pond, Huanglong's real expression condensed and said aloud.

Wang Yang raised his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. I saw that the Wanlong Flower cultivated in the Dragon Blood Pool is surrounded by endless dragon games.

Under Wang Yang's eyes, the little dragon was transformed by the extremely solid dragon spirit.

Even, Wang Yang can clearly feel that his own dragon avatar, among Wanlong flowers, is quickly bred, and a special spirituality is growing rapidly.

This, is this the trend of stepping into the fourth step of Peerless Wonder?

Wang Yang was shocked.

He never thought that there would be such a change.

"Just, like this, is it good or bad?"

Wang Yang was a little uncertain. He didn't know whether his Shenlong avatar was good or bad. At this time, the situation was extremely special. Zulong was resurrected, and his Shenlong avatar naturally grew in the projection of Zulong.

Will it, in the end, be absorbed by Zulong directly?

All of them are all wedding dresses for others?

This kind of thing, Wang Yang is not without precedents. Isn't that the case with the old ancestors?

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