My Super Estate

1887 Eternal Immortal Qi

Chapter 1801 Eternal Immortality

"No, Wanlonghua has been called!"

Wang Yang exclaimed.

Sure enough, the voice just fell, and Wang Yang could see that Wanlong Flower was like sucking noodles, which was just to wipe out everything and everything.

God, this is the gathering of all the blood of the thousands of dragons, and even the accumulation of Dragon Island over the years, all of them have been wiped out.

Wang Yang is not ready yet, what should he do? However, there is already a dragon chant in the faint, the dragon of the game seems to be under some kind of control The little dragons all rose up into the sky, and flew towards the void that had gradually solidified.

In the same way, in this Dragon Island void, there are a total of 1,008 dragons sounding in 1,008 places, and there are 1,008 flying dragons.

"Look, look, these dragon flowers and dragons fly out.

Could it be that this is the role of Wanlonghua?"

It can be clearly seen that all the dragons are flying out of the stamen of the dragon flower.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"You haven't found that the energy around this level is higher than the average level."

"You mean?"

"It is not so simple for Shenlong to be resurrected. The level of Shenlong is too high. If you want to be resurrected, the first thing is that the energy is difficult to support.

Moreover, did you find it?One thousand and eight, is there any association with this figure?"


Huang Long did not know why, but he also had some thoughts in his heart.

"You mean, here, there are 1,008 Wanlong flowers!

All Wanlong flowers are all converging. Naturally, a certain opportunity will be triggered. Will the resurrection of the Shenlong begin?"


The focus now is not this problem, but this number.

As you said, this number is very special. Why is it not one thousand ninety-nine, or why is it not one thousand seventeen, but it is one thousand eighty-eight?"

"This is to say, of course, that is the number of games that Shenlong had originally laid, that is the number."

Huang Long's real eyes rolled wildly, such simple questions, but also to ask people, it is an insult to his wisdom.


With huge eyes wide, Huang Long took a deep breath: hiss...

"But what did you think of?"

"Yes, the problem is very big.

The game under the dragon cloth is one thousand and eight. Then, it means that it needs this number for its resurrection.

Because it needs, so it will be this number.So, it is not afraid of any accidents?If there is an accident, can't it be resurrected?

In other words, why is it so certain, and this number will not be less?"

The role of Wanlonghua, but can enhance the physical battle level, such a temptation, who does not want the world of heaven?Why can the Shenlong be sure that it will not move the Wanlong Flower?

Wanlonghua must arrive at Dragon Island in full before the Dragon's resurrection will begin.

Life and death, why is it so confident?

"Hiss... This Wanlong flower has been made a means by it.

Here, there must be someone who will move the Wanlong flower. Since all the Wanlong flowers are there, it means that the person who moved the Wanlong flower has already sacrificed."

With such a thought, Huang Long was really surprised.

At the beginning, I was also robbing Wanlonghua. If Wang Yang wasn't occupying it and suppressing everything, I was afraid that I had already suffered a big loss!

"Thank you!"

Thinking deeply, Huang Long knew that he was saved by Wang Yang unconsciously.

In his own way, there was a perversion like Wang Yang. He did not believe that in other directions, there would be no perversion.

Now that these perversions have failed, will you fail in the same way?

Hardly doubt, failure is already affirmed.



Huang Long is a bit surprised, is it possible that Wang Yang is afraid of being too polite and doesn't like this too polite?

Well, since this is the case, then I remember in my heart that it is no longer so polite.

Thinking about it this way, Huang Long was no longer polite, just turned his head and looked in the direction of Wang Yang.

There is the direction of Wanlonghua.

"have what?"

Sure enough, there was nothing. It must be that Wang Yang did not like politeness, so he deliberately changed direction.

It's just that the drama is going to continue. At the moment, Huang Long is dressed up to watch it seriously.'Really' did not find anything, but asked.

"Comparing with other directions, but found that the dragons flying out of the Wanlong Flower here are more solid and have a higher energy level?"

"Huh? Really!"

There is no comparison, there is really no discovery, it seems that there are indeed some big problems.

However, in this way, isn't it helping the rise of Shenlong?

The same thing, the effect pursued by different purposes is naturally very different.

For Shenlong, the higher the energy level, the greater the benefit for their resurrection. However, for Wang Yang, they want to destroy and prevent the Shenlong from being resurrected successfully. Well, such high energy is really not suitable.

So, what should I do?

Wang Yang also frowned gently.

The strength is not as good as humans, and the level of life is not directly proportional. If you want to rely on conspiracy to calculate others, this is not good. Anything can be prepared. However, in the end, whether you can succeed or not depends on the timing.

Obviously, there are discrepancies in the plan now, that is, the timing is gone.

Is it just a failure?


The terrible dragon yell sounded, and you can see that Wanlonghua seemed to have been summoned by some sort, and just walked away.

"Well, what's wrong with this?"

Real people like Huang Long have never been so strenuous today. In the past, no matter what happened, they swept everything with great power.

When you have encountered such a thing, you have to watch Tianshi to eat.

"The plan may have been successful!"

Some people say that only 10% of the success is possible, the plan can be planned, if

There is a half chance, then everything can be done.

Huang Long really feels that this is fart. If there is absolute power, where there is so much trouble, no matter what is encountered, it is directly to sweep everything.

No matter what you will encounter, whether you are a human or a ghost, I will all die with a punch!

However, no matter what, things seem to have been successful.So, in the end, whether it will succeed or not depends on the previous layout.

I saw that there were a total of 1,008 Wanlong flowers, all turned into a rainbow, falling into the top of the God's dragon head that did not know how many miles, turned into a flower that enveloped enough to know how many miles, dominating everything. And all the Wanlong flowers were swallowed up.

Suddenly, it can be seen that on the Wanlong Flower, there is a breath of supreme supreme and noble.

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