My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1907

Chapter 1821 Incarnation of the Holy Sound


Emperor Qingniu shouted wildly. The whole person seemed to be a barbarian cow, a mad cow, and launched a terrible shock towards Wang Yang.

Under such an impact, Wang Yang has become a willow that can sway with the wind, and it looks as if he is extremely embarrassed.

Even, the Green Cow Emperor, all kinds of visions around him, constantly shot, and the momentum was madly promoted. He directly flew Wang Yang away, and then rushed towards the white snake.

Emperor Qingniu suddenly went mad because White Snake swallowed a large number of demons in Moyang City.

It is really hard to believe that the unscrupulous injustice of the Demon Race would be so crazy for many Demon Races in Moyang City.

"Where are you going?"

Wang Yang, who had just been beaten, reappeared again, and prepared to block the Green Bull Emperor halfway.

At this time, Wang Yang was overjoyed.

Because, just now he clearly felt that the level of energy absorbed by his own body was extremely high. Although it was only a trace, it really made Wang Yang feel a very comfortable feeling.

It can make the flesh warrior feel incomparable comfort. In addition to being poisoned, it produces an illusion. Only when the flesh warrior is ascending will this feeling be felt.

This feeling is too comfortable, and makes Wang Yang very happy.

As a matter of fact, for Wang Yang, a green cow emperor himself was not a magical avatar, and he was not his opponent at all.

It can be said that even if the two magical avatars were separated to suppress the eight demon kings, Wang Yang had enough ways to deal with the Green Bull Emperor.

Not to mention that the great magician who has spawned the true martial spirit, even if it is the fusion of many other magical avatars, is also a terrible force.

It's just that this Devil Realm is extremely abnormal. The high will will make Wang Yang feel palpitations at all times, as if it has been peeped by the devil at all times.

For Wang Yang, this is a peerless power to peer in the air.

The magical avatar of the magical cult of Daotianyin was successfully suppressed, although it looked like it was suppressing the eight demon lords, and even added an absolute force to successfully fight the ant. In fact, it did not use all its strength, otherwise, a round of big seals Under pressure, what the eight demon generals have long been suppressed.

Of course, the reason why Wang Yang likes to be abused most now is because he clearly feels that his physical warfare, under the attack of a physical warrior such as the Green Bull Emperor, has improved very fast.

As early as the Da Neng Dojo on the spot, Wang Yang was already sanctified in the flesh. He has been able to sweep many strong enemies. The sanctification of the flesh is very helpful, but when he wants to be enlightened in the flesh, it is difficult. It's extremely difficult, and it just makes him see no hope at all.

Therefore, since practicing various magical avatars, he mostly crushed them with powerful magical powers, and seldom focused on improving his physical body.

"So, I have become sanctified, and the next step is to become the emperor of heaven and earth.

The emperor of heaven and earth controls the heaven and earth with his own heart and controls the general trend of heaven and earth.What's more, I have a very deep background and immense potential. When the time comes, I am afraid that the difficulty will be extremely high. Besides, supernatural power confrontation is mostly energy shock. I want to have more fists and flesh.

Today, this emperor Qingniu is a very good choice."

Wang Yang is definitely neither arrogant nor masochistic. He also has misery in his heart.The way of cultivation has always been a way of plundering, plundering the heavens and the earth.

One heaven and earth, the limit to bear, has a degree, once the potential is too strong, if you want to become the emperor of heaven and earth, you will surely surprise the will of heaven and earth.

The so-called heaven and earth will mostly be the pioneers of heaven and earth.

Opening up the earth to cultivate the Dao is for peerless power.

In other words, the will of heaven and earth is peerless power.

Once the emperor of heaven and earth is achieved, facing the peerless power is almost certain.How can Wang Yang not worry?

"What's going on? Why did the Green Cow Emperor suddenly go crazy?"

Wang Yang even had such a hole card, so that many lords of the Holy City, one by one, were exclaimed.

However, a group of demons, swallowed by the white snake, made the extremely burly green cow emperor so violent, but it was a big surprise.

"Look, look at that adult, he was beaten again!

You said, will we die here?"

The twelve lords of the holy city, except the golden king, all exclaimed.


The strength of the adults is extremely amazing, how is the Green Cow Emperor his opponent?"

Some people dare to doubt the strength of adults, it is simply wanton!

King Shengyuan is a big fan of Wang Yang, but he witnessed Wang Yang's intrepidity with his own eyes.

In that land where the gods fell, Wang Yang's intrepidity was called Sweeping Invincible, and suppressed the world.

At that time, in the face of the terrible existence of hundreds of powers comparable to emperors, did the adults easily kill them?

"These jerks dare to doubt the strength of adults, they just don't know what to do."

King Jinyuan showed a fierce light on his face: "Everyone, adults are still fighting, how can we just sit back and ignore it?"

In this way, Jinyuan Shengwang killed a large number of demons leaking from the side of the white snake.

"Everyone, the way of cultivation is itself a way of plunder.

Peerless power can open up the earth to cultivate the way.

Perhaps these demons are a demons specially trained by the emperor Qingniu.If I wait to kill them all, maybe I can help the adult to defeat the emperor."

Wang Yang knows how terrible Wang Yang is.

Now, even if there is no power to fight back in the hands of the Green Cow Emperor, can there be no reason?

Since this is the case, then you naturally have to help adults.

"Adults have been beaten again and again, but every time, they can hear the laughter of the adults. The laughter is very angry, and it doesn't look like a serious injury.

Perhaps this is a cultivation method for adults.

Since this is the case, then, if I lead everyone to kill all the demons in the entire Moyang City, wouldn't it anger the Green Cow Emperor?

Perhaps this can help adults achieve their goals sooner."

Jin Yuan made up his mind to help Wang Yang irritate the Green Cow Emperor and take the lead to rush towards those demons.

Many other lords of the holy city, when they saw it, scolded in their hearts, but they had to follow.

An extremely grand dogfight starts here.

In Moyang City, all high-level demons are swallowed by white snakes. The other demons are not opponents of the twelve holy cities.

Seeing that the entire Moyang City was almost penetrated, the Green Bull Emperor roared again and again, the momentum was more condensed, and the power was more and more terrible between shots.

However, in comparison, Wang Yang is really dying of laughter.

Because, his own physical combat body, ascending rapidly, is about to break through the limits of the Eucharist.

Even in the void, there is a manifestation of dimples in the faint.

The so-called flesh became enlightened, and the holy sound sounded.

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